Homeopathy (all) Flashcards
A Cold Nite
Acute shock, fear
Wants to hide under covers
Worse on cold nights
Allium cepa
“I’m allergic to onions, in warm rooms they make me cough and my nose run like a faucet!”
Alternating side sx
Nose running like faucet
Holding larynx with cough
Angry Ana
Devil and angel - 2 wills
Desire to curse
Memory issues
Feels “plugged up” and is better that way
Hypochondriac, constipation and hemorrhoids
Urge to defacate that goes away when they try even though no stool passes
Aunty Tart rocking back and forth coughing
Cough with rattling mucus in the chest; cant expectorate
Cold, clammy, cyanotic
Better sitting upright, doesn’t like touching unless being carried
Aurum metallicum
Failed CEO
Fears failure, but doesnt often fail; when he does = depression, suicidality, grief
Heart complaints, testicular pain
Better evenings, music
Baryta carb
Bary the Baby or Babushka
Swollen glands (tonsils, prostate)
Delayed growth (physical and mental); development delays, stroke, aneurysm
Better fresh air, worse mental exertion
Mad as a hatter, red as a beet, dry as a bone, hot as hare, blind as bat
Angry, bright red face, throbbing, fever
Worse light, jarring movement, laying down
Craves lemonade
Bry is Dry
Dry hacking cough; bronchitis, pleurisy
Pain worse with slight movement; needs firm touch
Wants to be alone
Material success, financial stability
Calc carb
Chubby, hardworking
Works works works > crashes
Sweaty, chubby
Dyspnea, obesity, brittle nails, bad circulation
Worse cold but likes cold rinks
Eczema, PMS
Can’t Pee
Burning cystitis/UTI
Drop by drop flow
Burns with blistering
Sexual mania that cant be relieved
Worse movement, cold drinks, coffee, touch
Carbo veg
Carby veg make me bloated
Bloating, indigestion
Asthma, COPD, GI
Wants to be fanned while they “veg” and burp
Irritable and weak
Air hunger/dyspnea
PDX remedy
Can’t stand injustice
Paralyzed, neuro sx, is a victim
Craves salt/smoked meat
Warts near nails
Dry cough > incontinence
Inconsolable baby; crying for what they want then dont want it when they get it
Colic, teething, OM
Fever with one pale cheek, one red
Sweaty, thirsty, wants to be firmly held
ADHD child
Tantrums with discipline; convulsions
Bites nails, grinds teeth
Worms, rectal itching
Wants to be rocked but not touched
“Super China”
Desires of being a hero
Ethereal, other worldly
Symptoms come in waves, have outbursts
Shock/weakness from fluid loss
Feeling of stones grinding in abdomen
Acute abdomen
Doubled over in pain, feeling of metal clamps around abdomen
Pee smelling sweat
Ailments from anger/humiliation
B/w, rigid thinking
Coney Prostate/CA
Glandular enlargement; BPH, breast CA
Ascending paralysis, slow progression
Hard tissues, tsp after being injured “bruised by blows”
Drosera, Grosera, coughing all over the place!
Violent hacking cough, cant catch breath/vomits/nose bleed
Hoarse voice, holds chest
Cough worse laying down
The Horse who Peed itself
Urinary incontinence
Cystitis, UTI
Drop by drop urine flow
Desire to pee when bladder is nearly empty
Pain after urination; sharp pain in urethra during
Flu with body aches so bad it feels like bones breaking
Bone pain
Shattering cough
Asc chill/pain
Conjunctivitis thats painful w excessive blinking
Burning tears
Bland but profuse nasal dc
Acrid tears
Coughs only during day
Ferrum phos
Ferrum Fever
High fever, no other sx
Bright red blood
Sand under eyelids
Nice but irritable when ill
Freeze Like Gel
Fear > paralysis
Anticipatory anxiety
Lump in throat, cant swallow
Have to keep moving or heart will stop
Dull, droopy, drowsy, dizzy
Hot Heads have Heart Attacks
Heat stroke
Migraines, throbbing L sided headache - wax and wane w sun
Confused in familiar places
Feels like skull is too small for brain/head will explode
Sudden circulatory changes, angina, HTN
Pooh Cracked out on Honey
Constipated, obese, weeps to music
Dermatitis/skin complaints with oozing like honey (impetigo)
OE/OM with chronic dc > hearing loss
Hepar sulph
Stinky Sulphur Cheese
COLDDDD BOY; sens to cold and pain
Desire to kill with fire
Otolaryngeal infxn
Sharp/splintering pains that radiate to ear when swallowing
Leans head back to cough
Hypersexual Manic Hippo
Desire to expose oneself
Convulsions, tremors, tics, spasms
Mania, restlessness
Worse at night / after menses
Jealous, angry, suspicious
Eat pray love after grief
Grief, hysteria
Lump in throat, crying
Better eating/travel
Dreams of water, scared of birds
Puke weed
N/V with no relief
Clean tongue
Gagging cough with every breath
Hemorrhages gushing red blood
Worse warm, moist, pregnant
Full of desires but unsure of what
Kali bichromium
Kali Bitchy Glue
Gluey personality
Rigid, rule follower, allergic to beer
Sinusitis with thick stringy yellow mucus
Wandering pain
Kali carb
Kali Carb Dog
Loyal, dependable
Worse 2-4 am
Hates change
Stitching pain, respiratory complaints
Sensitive soles of feet
Jealous snake girl with PMDD
Fear of snakes
Jealous, angry, lashes out
L sided complaints
Sore throat, circulatory sx
Can’t stand straight
Flow brings relief
Lead Pencil Puncture Wounds
Wound is cold but desires ice
Puncture wounds, tetanus, eye injury
Chronic rheumatic complaints
Irritable, alcoholic
Gassy, hot air, feels inferior (Abi)
GI and liver sx
Inferiority complex
Fears new things, cowardly, bully
Better loose clothes, flatulence
Grumpy upon waking
Early satiety
Mag phos
Hasn’t been the same since mom left
Mag supp - cramps, spasms, anxiety
Ailments from lack of maternal love
R sided
Horny Mermaid
Hyper sexual, promiscuous, dangerous behavior
Better by sea, desire of sex by sea
Chronic vaginitis, UTI
Excess in all things
Sleeps knees to chest
Averse to eggplant
Mercurius vivus
Freddy Mercury
Glandular swelling, tonsillitis, abscesses
Syphilic lesions
Excess sweating, salivation
OILY sweating
Tremors, stutter
Worse damp, cold, night
Weakness w no relief
Natrum muriaticum
Nat mur is pure and wont pee in public
Shy bladder
Worse with talking/consolation
Watery dc, migraines, cold sores
Represses feelings
Natrum phosphorium
Nate smells like phosphorus (gassy and green)
Green diarrhea
Yellow creamy dc
Easily forgets / frightened
Grief, depression
Sour farts, vommit
Natrum sulphuricum
Nat is suffering (sulphering) from a head injury and cough
Head injury > depression, bronchitis
Rattling cough, holds chest
Suicidal, melancholy
Cheerful after stool
Nitricum acidum
The Joker
Acidic mucus
Cuts/lesions at corners of mouth
Splinter like pain
Negative about life, worse in AM
Nux vomica
Hungover perfectionist
Type A
HA from hangover
Dyspepsia, overeating
Overly sensitive, always cold
Abuses stimulants
Wants to but cant (pee, poop, cough)
Gullible seagull
Impressionable, gullible, befriends strangers
Worse scents, heat
Thirsty for cold water but vomits when it warms in stomach
Respiratory complaints, hemorrhage
Breast / lymph
Hard lesions, lumps
Breast problems
Throat burning like hell
Better warm and dry
Mrs Banana with genitals
Usually female remedy
Genitals ALWAYS involved - delayed growth, hypersexual, itchy + sensitive
Pains that inc and dec gradually
Cramp like squeezing
Localized numbness/coldness
Worse sitting/standing
Painless IBS
Profuse diarrhea upon waking > relief
Painless diarrhea alternating constipation alternating HA
GI, uterus, ovaries
Scalloped, moist burning tongue > desire for cold waterp
Sore, lies in “T”, stinky, cold
All secretions have filthy smell
Sweats with slightest exertion
Melancholy, SI - focuses on disappointment and poverty
Likes ears / head warm - beanie - very cold sensitive
Never two the same - menses, stools, etc
Weepy, desire to be held
Sleeps with hands over head
Fatty food makes them worse but they crave butter
Hormone complaints, measles, otitis media
Fever from sepsis
Restlessness during fever
Disparity between pulse and temp
Aching throughout body
Better with movement
Rhus tox
Rhusty hinge cheerleader with chicken pox
Ligament, joint issue
Chicken pox, poison ivy
Cheerful > shyness > frustration
Pain worse after rest/at movement start
Rumex crispus
Crispy cough from feather
Violent explosive cough from tickle in suprasternal fossa
Lots of mucus
Varied and constant pains
Stress incontinence
Better suckling, drinking, covering head
Ruta graveolens
Stuck in a rut, worse with movement
Periosteal and tendon injuries
Injured part “stuck in rut” - weak, lame, gives out
Anxious, critical of others
Craves warm drinks
Penguin with right sided HA and hemoptysis
Acute HA
Red flushed face with rust sputum
Right sided
Better profuse urination, laying down, belching
Pregnant pickle with prolapse
Pregnancy, PMS, menopause, hormone stasis
Aversion to sex
Yells at kids > feel guilt > weeps
Better alone, in sun, exercising
Craves acidic foods
Sandy silica sweats in her sleep
Bone, teeth, nails, bowels - sand everywhere
Fish bone in throat, hair on tongue
Weak, lack of grit, yielding
Bashful stools - constipation without urge
Likes to be wrapped warmly, sweaty head with sleep
Barking seal cough with sponge in throat
Dry and croupy coughs > burning in the throat/chest
Testicular problems
Better with sweets/lozenges
Staph to the pelvis and teeth
Pelvis, abdominal
Honeymoon cystitis
Sexual abuse
Black, crumbling teeth
Sweet, timid, passive > easily irritated > throws things
Angry lad strums on his seizure guitar; Scream-monium
Intense fear with delirium and seizures
Night terrors
All sx violent, fearful
Murderous rage/temper problems
Fears water but is thirsty
Insufferable dirty professor
Intellectual, big ego
Social ineptness
Diarrhea in AM, drives him out of bed
Feet hanging out of covers hot
Pirate (no eye, peg leg)
Blunt trauma, eye injury
Poor healing; phantom limb pain
Pain in periosteum after injury heals
“Arnica for the eyes”
Gym bro with syphilis
Ulcerations and necrosis
Bone pains
Fear of infxn, OCD
Profuse watery green diarrhea
Destructive bx, alcohol cravings
Pain from darkness > daylight, drools at night
Ta boat is sinking!
Sudden onset motion sickness
Excess salivation
Sinking feeling in stomach
Constantly clearing throat
Wants abdomen uncovered
“Never well since”; “they wouldn’t like me if they knew”
Low self esteem
Warts, lumps, bumps
Craves raw onion
Bashful stool
Post vax
Romantic TB wants to take you on a date and buy you smoked meat
Dissatisfaction > restlessness
Changes jobs frequently
Longing to travel, romantic
Midline deformities
URI, bronchitis
Craves smoked meats
Urtica urens
Hives, burns, prickly sensation
Urticaria alternating with rheumatic pains, gout
Insufficient lactation, kidney stones
Worse with cold and touch
Veratrum album
Frozen priest is in shock
Shock or collapse, heat exhaustion
Extreme cold, blue
Religious mania
Cold sweat
Worse cold, wants cold drink
Dysmenorrhea with diarrhea