Homeopathy (all) Flashcards
A Cold Nite
Acute shock, fear
Wants to hide under covers
Worse on cold nights
Allium cepa
“I’m allergic to onions, in warm rooms they make me cough and my nose run like a faucet!”
Alternating side sx
Nose running like faucet
Holding larynx with cough
Angry Ana
Devil and angel - 2 wills
Desire to curse
Memory issues
Feels “plugged up” and is better that way
Hypochondriac, constipation and hemorrhoids
Urge to defacate that goes away when they try even though no stool passes
Aunty Tart rocking back and forth coughing
Cough with rattling mucus in the chest; cant expectorate
Cold, clammy, cyanotic
Better sitting upright, doesn’t like touching unless being carried
Aurum metallicum
Failed CEO
Fears failure, but doesnt often fail; when he does = depression, suicidality, grief
Heart complaints, testicular pain
Better evenings, music
Baryta carb
Bary the Baby or Babushka
Swollen glands (tonsils, prostate)
Delayed growth (physical and mental); development delays, stroke, aneurysm
Better fresh air, worse mental exertion
Mad as a hatter, red as a beet, dry as a bone, hot as hare, blind as bat
Angry, bright red face, throbbing, fever
Worse light, jarring movement, laying down
Craves lemonade
Bry is Dry
Dry hacking cough; bronchitis, pleurisy
Pain worse with slight movement; needs firm touch
Wants to be alone
Material success, financial stability
Calc carb
Chubby, hardworking
Works works works > crashes
Sweaty, chubby
Dyspnea, obesity, brittle nails, bad circulation
Worse cold but likes cold rinks
Eczema, PMS
Can’t Pee
Burning cystitis/UTI
Drop by drop flow
Burns with blistering
Sexual mania that cant be relieved
Worse movement, cold drinks, coffee, touch
Carbo veg
Carby veg make me bloated
Bloating, indigestion
Asthma, COPD, GI
Wants to be fanned while they “veg” and burp
Irritable and weak
Air hunger/dyspnea
PDX remedy
Can’t stand injustice
Paralyzed, neuro sx, is a victim
Craves salt/smoked meat
Warts near nails
Dry cough > incontinence
Inconsolable baby; crying for what they want then dont want it when they get it
Colic, teething, OM
Fever with one pale cheek, one red
Sweaty, thirsty, wants to be firmly held
ADHD child
Tantrums with discipline; convulsions
Bites nails, grinds teeth
Worms, rectal itching
Wants to be rocked but not touched
“Super China”
Desires of being a hero
Ethereal, other worldly
Symptoms come in waves, have outbursts
Shock/weakness from fluid loss
Feeling of stones grinding in abdomen
Acute abdomen
Doubled over in pain, feeling of metal clamps around abdomen
Pee smelling sweat
Ailments from anger/humiliation
B/w, rigid thinking
Coney Prostate/CA
Glandular enlargement; BPH, breast CA
Ascending paralysis, slow progression
Hard tissues, tsp after being injured “bruised by blows”
Drosera, Grosera, coughing all over the place!
Violent hacking cough, cant catch breath/vomits/nose bleed
Hoarse voice, holds chest
Cough worse laying down
The Horse who Peed itself
Urinary incontinence
Cystitis, UTI
Drop by drop urine flow
Desire to pee when bladder is nearly empty
Pain after urination; sharp pain in urethra during
Flu with body aches so bad it feels like bones breaking
Bone pain
Shattering cough
Asc chill/pain
Conjunctivitis thats painful w excessive blinking
Burning tears
Bland but profuse nasal dc
Acrid tears
Coughs only during day
Ferrum phos
Ferrum Fever
High fever, no other sx
Bright red blood
Sand under eyelids
Nice but irritable when ill
Freeze Like Gel
Fear > paralysis
Anticipatory anxiety
Lump in throat, cant swallow
Have to keep moving or heart will stop
Dull, droopy, drowsy, dizzy
Hot Heads have Heart Attacks
Heat stroke
Migraines, throbbing L sided headache - wax and wane w sun
Confused in familiar places
Feels like skull is too small for brain/head will explode
Sudden circulatory changes, angina, HTN
Pooh Cracked out on Honey
Constipated, obese, weeps to music
Dermatitis/skin complaints with oozing like honey (impetigo)
OE/OM with chronic dc > hearing loss
Hepar sulph
Stinky Sulphur Cheese
COLDDDD BOY; sens to cold and pain
Desire to kill with fire
Otolaryngeal infxn
Sharp/splintering pains that radiate to ear when swallowing
Leans head back to cough