Where are the electrons that metals want to get rid of?
Outer shell
When matals react and get rid of their outer shell electrons what do they form?
a posative ion
When a metal and an acid react what are the products?
salt and hydrogen (h2)
What is the formula for hydrogen
h2 ( small 2)
How do you keep it a fair test when you are compairing the reactivity of metals?
same mass and surface area of each metal and use the same type and concentration of acid
What are the products when you react metal with water?
Metal hydroxides and hydrogen
How does displacment work?
The more reactive metal can displace the less reactive one
What metals rust
iron and steel
What does rusting mean
the corrision of metal and steel
what does corrosion mean
the break down of a metal when exposed to the enviroment
What has happened when a metal reacts with water and oxgen from the enviroment
the metal has corroded
Describe an experiment to prove rusting
place an iron nail in 4 test tubes, fill one with normall water, fill another will tap water and salt, fill the third one with recently boiled water and add an layer of oil and fill the last one with calcium chloride. After waiting a few days you will find that the nails in test tubes 1 and 2 would have melted with 3 and 4 didn’t.
What has happened in the experiment
the iron has under gone a oxidation reaction.
what is the rust formaula
hydrated iron(iii) oxide
How do you prevent rust
Paint the areas oxposed to oxygen and moisture or a method called galvanising
what is galvanising
when you put a more reactive metal over the iron or steel such as zinc. The zinc corrodes but protects the iron or steel
What causes the properties of metals
their atomic structure
what are the properties of gold and silver
very unreactive remains in tarnished
what are the properties of copper
unreactive, used for water pipes, maluable, conductor and ductile
what are the properties of aluminium
reacts with oxygen in the air to form aluminium oxide, less dense then many metals, tarnishes used on planes bent easilly
what are the properties of steel
strong, cheap to make, iron+carbon=steel, iron is weak but when conbined with carbon it’s strong and its used on bridges.