Milk Hygiene Flashcards
What 8 step process do most dairies in the US follow to get milk to the consumer? What is the purpose of listing out these steps?
- rearing
- harvesting by hand milking or machine milking
- storing
- transportation
- lab testing for aroma, temperature, pH, and drug residue
- processing
- packaging
- selling
ensures GHP at all steps in the supply chain are followed
What are 11 soures of contamination during milk production? How can these be controlled?
- soiled animal: feces, mud soil
- veterinary residues: drugs, pesticides
- waste: hair, dung, dust, bedding
- building: floor, doors, windows, walls, ceiling
- personnel: dirty hands of milker
- equipment: poor sanitation and maintenance
- pests: flies, ticks, mosquitoes, roaches, rodents, birds
- utility: water, ventilation
- chemicals: metals, organic sanitizers, detergents, disinfectants
- transport: other animals, meat, packaging
- production processes: packaging, labelling
action at CCPs and sanitation/hygiene
What 5 hygienic practices are required to be strictly adhered to by the producers? Why?
- animal hygiene
- milker’s/personnel hygiene
- utensils and equipment hygiene
- milking process hygiene
- environmental hygiene
these are all sources of milk contamination during collection and transport of milk
Why is good bedding especially important? Why is the housing area hygiene important?
helps minimize soiling and improves animal comfort
avoids soiling of the animals and breeding of insects
How should water be available to cows in the facility? How much should be available?
ad libitum (as much or as often as necessary or desired) potable water from a hose with a sufficient volume and force for washing equipment and cows, too
1000-5000 per 1000 L of milk
Why should warm running water be available in milking facilities? How is wastewater disposed?
disinfectant can be added to rinse hands, protective clothing, udders, and equipment when they’re soiled
all drainage is discharged to a suitable drainage system
How should dairy farms be designed? Floors? Doors/walls? Roof/loft floors?
designed so that the risk of contamination from dust flies, birds, and other animals is minimized
impervious to water and free-draining
smooth, impervious, easy to clean
dust-proof sheet material easy to clean
Why is proper ventilation in dairies important? How should they be lit?
provides clean air and avoids condensation
artificial strip lights with shatterproof and waterproof diffusers to provide good visibility for all milking and cleaning operations
How should equipment be cleaned in the milking process? What must be available in milking areas (parlors)?
disinfect with iodine or chlorine before and after milking
potable water for handwashing, udder and teat washing, and rinsing/cleaning equipment
What are some common equipment used for milking, storage, and cooling? How should they be made?
- milking machines
- milk bulk tank (storage, cooling)
- containers, crates
- vehicles, vessels
all contact surfaces must be appropriately cleansed and disinfected immediately after each milking and smooth, washable, non-toxic, and non-corrosive/leeching —> STAINLESS STEEL
What are clean-in-lace systems used for? When are they used?
incorporated into equipment that allows solvents to be run through the system and then flushed clean
time between normal influx of milk from the farms
What are the 7 steps to utensil and equipment hygiene?
- pre-rinsing
- alkaline cleaning
- rinsing
- acidic cleaning
- rinsing
- disinfection
- rinsing
ensure equipment is dry before use
What is the objective of cleaning, clipping, and grooming cows? What 4 areas should especially be cleaned? Why?
removes visible soiling and bacterial that could contaminate milk
- clipping hair around udders, flanks, and tails to reduce bacteria counts in milk
- tail - avoids fly attraction
- body - reduces soiling
- teats and udders - dips/sprays
What is the link between udder and leg hygiene scores and mastitis?
more dirt/soiling = increased chances of mastitis and milk contamination
(cows themselves are a severe source of milk contamination)
What is a common CCP in the milk industry? What is done here?
milking step
sorts cows with 5 D’s and signs of udder problems (mastitis) to reject their milk or cull