Milestones 0-6 months Flashcards
observations at month 0 in prone
- head to side w/weight on cheek
- may briefly lift head
- elbow behind shoulders
- hands generally fisted while prone due to Palmar Grasp Reflex
- Turns head torwards stimulus on cheek
observations at month 0 in supine
- wide movements of arms
- recoil with passive extension
- rhythmic kicking when active
observations at month 0 during pull to sit
total head lag during pull to sit
observations at month 0 in sitting
unable to maintain head lift
observations at month 1 in prone
- able to briefly lift head
- elbows behind shoulders
observations at month 1 in supine
- wide movements of arms
- recoil with passive extension
- rhythmic kicking when active
observations at month 1 in supported sitting
- insufficient neck control to lift head
observations at month 1 in pull to sit
- head lag
observations at month 2 in prone
- elbows behind shoulders
observations at month 2 in supine
- increased cervical extension and rotation
- increased mobility of shoulders, most notably into abduction
- opening hands
- actively moving into greater hip and knee extension using bilateral and symmetrical kicking patterns
- resting position of LE continues to be hip flexion, abduction and ER
observations at month 2 in supported sitting
- briefly lifts head, unable to maintain
observations at month 2 during pull to sit
- attempts to lift heads
observations at month 2 during standing
- due to strong ATNR reflex, month 2 is not an ideal time to evaluate motor progress
observations at month 3 in prone
- lifts head to 45-90 degrees and maintains with control
- may rotate head while lifted to track 180 degrees
- elbows in line with or in front of shoulders
- frog legs
observations at month 3 in supine
- emergence of symmetry and midline orientation
- alert and aware of environment
- increased shoulder ROM to 90 degrees flexion
- hands to mouth and self-exploration
- kicking with symmetrical and reciprocal LE patterns
observations at month 3 in sitting
- extends back in supported sitting
- rights head with hyperextension
observations at month 3 during pull to sit
- initial head lag
- no chin tuck
obervations at month 3 in standing
- supports weight on both feet
observations at month 3 with object manipulation
- emergence of symmetry and midline orientation
- translation of grasped obj for viewing or to put it mouth
- reaching for obj
observations at month 4 in prone
- lifts head to 90 degrees in midline
- bears weight on forearms
observations at month 4 in supine
- reaches hands to knees (flexion)
- head/neck control
- eyes to track
- hands together and hands to face
- LE mirror UE when reaching (arms flex, legs flex)
observations at month 4 during supported sitting
- stabilizes head in midline
observations at month 4 during transitions
- supine to sidelying
- able to roll from supine to sidelying independent
- facilitates movement with upper arm and LE dissociation
- pull to sit
- anticipatory strategy → flexes head and tucks chin in anticipation of pull to sit
observations at month 4 during supported standing
- supports weight on both feet
observations at month 5 in prone
- pushes up onto extended arms
- reaching
- toy manipulation
observations at month 5 in supine
- hands to feet, feet to mouth
- use of vision
- tuck chin when engaged in flexion activities
- kicks with dissociated movements
observations at month 5 in sitting
- briefly maintains position
- uses trunk extensors
- LE in ring sitting position
observations at month 5 during transitions
- rolling
- symmetrically flexed to initiate
- laterally flexes neck and trunk in side lying
- bears weight on arms and reaches with the other
- once in side lying, top leg remains flexed and abducted, bottom leg extends
- pull to sit
- no head lag
- anticipatory strategy
observations at month 5 in standing
- bouncing
observations at month 6 in prone
- prone
- pivoting
- WB on extended arms
- may push up into quadruped
- elbows in front of shoulders
- reaching
- prone pivot
observations at month 6 in supine
- supine
- controlled and purposeful movements
- midline play
- reaches with one of both hands
- supine holding feet
observations at month 6 in sidelying
- able to play in sidelying w/o falling forward or backward
observations at month 6 in sitting
- sitting
- sits erect w/o support
- head control
- forward protective extension
- righting reaction
- vertical righting
- infant orients head and trunk to vertical when tilted laterally
observations at month 6 during transitions
- prone to supine → maintains control of head
- supine to prone
- lateral head righting reaction on reaching sideline
- scapula dissociation: base arm providing support, top arm to play and reach
- legs finish in extension
observations at month 6 in standing
- bouncing
- accepts weight on both feet