Migration: Key People Flashcards
What was Alfred the Great associated with?
- King of Wessex
- First king of England
What did Alfred the Great do?
- Beat the Vikings at the battle of Edington in May 878 AD
- He made sure that the Viking leader converted to Christianity
- Split England into Danelaw and Wessex
- Improved English defence
- set up the Navy
- Introduced education to everyone
How was Alfred the Great significant during his reign?
Made peace with the Vikings after the Battle of Edington. He let them live in Danelaw, which bought about Viking influence into the English way of life
How was Alfred the Great significant after his reign?
- Brought unification to England
- Many English people saw him as the one ‘overlord’
- encouraged education and speaking of one language: English
- Formed the English identity
- Cultural aspects of the country merged into one
What was King Cnut associated with?
- Sven Forkbeard’s son
- inherited the English throne after his father’s death
- King of North Sea Empire
What did King Cnut do?
- Brought an era of peace that lasted nearly 20 years
- bought back many popular and fair laws
- Saw England as his main colony
- Married Emma of Normandy
Why was King Cnut significant was significant during his reign?
- Maintained relations with his entire empire
- grew closer with England (main colony)
- kept peace for 20+ years
- religious man, strengthened relations with church by marrying Emma
- Returned popular laws
What is Emma of Normandy associated with?
- used to be Aethelred’s wife
- remarried to Cnut
What did Emma of Normandy do?
- Married Aethelred and had Edward the Confessor
- Married Cnut and had Harthacnut and Harold
- Strong leader who was respected and listened to when Cnut travelled his empire
- imrpoved relations with the Church and helped to bring peace to England
- good with money
Why is Emma of Normandy significant?
- Her marriage to Aethelred meant that the Vikings stopped using Normandy as a base, promoting peace
- Married to Cnut to improve relations with Normandy and Scandanavia
- Looked after the country when Cnut went to Rome
- Managed Cnut’s money
Who was Henry II associated with?
- Duke of Normandy
- grandson of Henry I, son of Matilda
- King of the Angevin Empire
What did Henry II do?
- Built a whole empire in his own reign
- inherited Normandy from mum, land in Anjou from his father
- married Eleanor of Aquitaine
- Reorganised English Justice system by introducing courts and jails
What countries were included in the Angevin Empire?
- England
- Normandy
- Anjou
- Aquitaine
- Brittany
How was Henry II significant during his reign?
- Created the first British empire
- Was an effective ruler, organising the justice system
- Managed to visit his entire empire: crossed the English Channel 30 times in his 30 year reign
What is John Hawkins associated with?
- English Privateer
- First British slave trader
- responsible for building the navy
What did John Hawkins do?
- Britain’s first slave trader; was supported and funded by Elizabeth I as it was profitable
- privateer: had permission of the monarch to steal from ships if a share was given to them
- knighted during the Spanish Armada
- responsible for building Elizabethan navy
How was John Hawkins significant during his life?
- Privateer: key in maintaining the economy by stealing from other ships
- Slave trader: 1562, profitable, led to riches and being knighted
- Helped Elizabeth in Spanish Armada
What was the long term significance of John Hawkins?
Slave trade: set into motion one of Britain’s most economically beneficial industry for the next few years
What was Walter Raleigh associated with?
- Elizabeth’s favourite
- Privateer
What did Walter Raleigh do?
- Joined his half brother on a piratical expidition against the Spanish
- 1585: he spent an expedition to explore the Florida north coast, and named it Virginia
- knighted in 1585
Why was Walter Raleigh significant during his lifetime?
- travelled to America to set up colonies in Virginia
- Discovered the potential and the problems with colonisation
Why is Walter Raleigh significant after his reign?
- Inspired the creation of other colonies such as Plymouth and Jamestown
- Became known as the father of American colonies
Whay was Robert Clive associated with?
Became governor and commander in chief of Bengal
What did Robert Clive do?
- joined EIC army and proved himself as an effective and ruthless leader
- becamoe governor of Bengal and won the Battle of Plassey 1757
- Oversaw the plunder of the region and made a personal fortune
- decreased powers of Indian princes
- Gained land
- his own greed and mismanagement increased the devastating effects of the Bengal famine, where - 10 million died
- government criticised him for corruption
How was Robert Clive significant in his life?
- effective military leader
- Gave Britain great profits from India
- won Battle of Plassey and gained Bengal for EIC
How was Robert Clive significant after his lifetime?
- massively worsened bengal famine
- tarnished reputation
- criticised by Parliament for corruption
Who was Warren Hastings?
- First Governor General of India
What did Warren Hastings do?
- Strengthens British control in India and establish it as part of the British Empire
- Reformed India:
- reorganised tax systems
- tightened anti-corruption laws
- dealt with theiving gangs
- ended his career in controversy
- accused of corruption, mismanagement and poor military judgement but was found not guilty
- Key figure in establishing India as part of the British Empire
Why was Warren Hastings significant during his life?
- Established India as part of the British Empire
- Brought in riches for Britain and funded Empire
Why is Warren Hastings significant in the long term?
- reformed india by changing tax systems + enhanced public security by stopping gangs
- preserved Indian traditions and systems
- Known as the key figure in developing india
Who was Cecil Rhodes?
Prime Minister of Cape Colony
What did Cecil Rhodes do?
- social darwinist: believed that stronger countries had the right to take over weaker ones to get stronger
- 1890 Cape Colony Prime Minister
- Made a fortune in gold and diamonds
- formed De Beers, a jewellery making company in 1888
- Used money and political skill to gain more control and land
- caused the Boer War
Why was Cecil Rhodes significant in his lifetime?
- Brought vast wealth to Britain and made South Africa more powerful. Did this through gold and diamonds
- initiated Boer War and gained land from it
Why is Cecil Rhodes significant in the long term?
- Controversial: introduced a law that pushed black people out of their lands and increased their taxes
- Some argue that he was a man of the time, and he ultimately empowered the British Empire, supported foreign students through Oxford after death
Who was Gandhi?
Indian Freedom fighter
What did Gandhi do?
- served as a lawyer, politician and activist in the struggle for social justice and Indian independence
- Held peaceful protests and marches, eg: salt march
- Boycotted British goods and made his own clothes
- Imprisoned during WW2
- Was a pedophile
Why was Gandhi significant during his life?
- Boycotted British goods, which set an example to Indians that they didn’t need to rely on British goods to sustain their lifestyle
- pacifist
Why was Gandhi significant after his life?
- fought for equality and justice
- paved the way for indian identity without Britain
- heavily influential
Who is Nkumbah?
Ghana’s independence leader
What did Nkumbah do?
- Key independence leader of the Gold Coast (now Ghana), who felt it was ready for independence due to its economic stability
- Campaigned hard for the British to leave, for which he was imprisoned
- Won gold coast elections in 1951and was let out to become Prime Minister
- Ghana became independent in 1957
Why was Nkumbah significant during his life?
- voted for due to popularity and persistance
- both a short and long term figurehead of black independence
Why was Nkumbah’s life significant in the long term?
- moved Ghana into the modern day
- Freed Gold Coast from British rule and embraced nationalism
- inspired other black people to claim freedom
Who was Kenyatta?
Elected president of the Kenya African union
What did Kenyatta do?
- campaiged for independence and access to white owned land in Kenya
- Mau Mau favoured violence against white settlers, and they fought Britain
- was imprisoned for the Mau Mau rebellion, despite having no association
- he persuaded Britain that reforms were necessary after 8 years
- Kenya became independent and he became prime minister
Why was Kenyatta significant during his life?
- fought for Kenyan independence
- became a popular prime minister
- played a significant role as the KAU in winning independence
- introduced a law banning Kenayn/Asian trading rights
Why was Kenyatta significant after his lifetime?
- transformed Kenya into a modern republic
- formed Kenyan nationalist views and culture