Midterm Flashcards
Current Bishop
Bishop Barris
Current pope
Pope Francis
The sheep fold
Jesus is the good Shepard, his kingdom is the sheepfold. Good Shepard’s love is so great he lays down his life for his sheep
Bride of Christ
Jesus loved her so much that he died for her
Image of the Body of Christ
We are a close-knit community
Vine and branches
Jesus- vine
Members of church- branches
When we are united to Jesus and share his life, you are a healthy branch and bear much fruit
We are the leaven of Jesus when we become like Jesus and proclaim the kingdom with your life; also leaven when we work to make the world a better place
Mary is the ____ image… Why?
First disciple of Jesus, showed us what it’s like to be perfect
Salvation history
The story of God’s loving relationship with his people
Written record of God’s love for us
Old Testament
46 books that tell us about God’s relationship with the Jewish people before Jesus came
New Testament
27 books that reveal the life and message of Jesus Christ, beginning and growth of his church
Paschal mystery
Suffering, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus. God freed us from sin and death
When we are in a state of sin, God moved us to a state of grace so that we can be holy and righteous like God
State of those who are not yet ready to see God face-to-face
Purified from the state of sin
Jewish feast, Holy Spirit came to the disciples in the form of wind and tongues of fire
6 marks of the church
Institution Mystical communion Sacrament Herald Servant Community of disciples
How is the church a hierarchy?
It is organized under the guidance of the Holy Spirit
Highest authority is the pope
Outward sign that indicates an inward grace
Messenger sent to announce something. Sent by Christ, the church continues to announce the Good News of Christ’s teaching
Public worship of the church
Church is the ____ ____ prayer
Greatest community
Liturgy of the Hours
The public prayer of the church to praise God and sanctify the day
Based on readings and prayers from Mass that day
Beliefs and practices of the church that are passed down from one generation to next under the guidance of the Holy Spirit
Lifting up of the mind and heart to God
Good example
Mission of the church
Love and serve God’s people, to spread the kingdom of God, build up the body of Christ (his church)
What are the two types of works of mercy?
Corporal: physical needs
Spiritual: spiritual needs
4 marks of the church
One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic
Effort to unite all Christians
Charismatic gift
Special, spiritual gift used for the good of entire church
Letter from the pope to the whole church
Healing: Reconciliation and Anointing of the sick
Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist
Service of communion: Holy Orders, Matrimony
Gifts of the Holy spirits
Wisdom Understanding Knowledge Right judgment (counsel) Fortitude (courage) Piety (reverence) Fear of the lord (wonder and awe)
Proclaiming of the Good News of Jesus to others
Interreligious dialogue
Increasing understanding between different religions
Three roles of Jesus
When the pope proclaims a teaching solemnly and officially on faith or morals, he is without error
Father, son, and Holy Spirit
Frees us from original sin, makes us an official member of the church
Gives us new life Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit
Canon law
Official laws that guide all aspects of church life
Completes grace we received at baptism
Better able to participate in the worship and apostolic life of the church
A solemn agreement between people of between people and god
Brief summary of what people believe
The sacrament in which we give thanks to God for giving us Jesus Christ
A gift of God that helps us believe in him
Communion of saints
The unity of all, dead or living, who have been saved by Jesus Christ
Sharing in God’s own life