Chapter 4 Flashcards
Lifting of the heart and mind to God
Prayer is an expression of _____ and ______
Faith and love
Personal prayer
Nourishes our relationship with God
Communal prayer
Praying with others, strengths our unity in Christ
What traditional Jewish prayers did Jesus pray?
Meal prayers, the psalms, the Shema, the central prayer in faith in the one God
When, how, where, how many times did Jesus pray?
At least twice a day
Synagogues and The Temple
He prayed at major life events (communal and personal)
What life events did Jesus pray in? (3)
Transfigured, at his baptism, choosing his apostles, multiplication of loaves
What did Jesus practice in prayer?
Deep personal prayer
How did Jesus tell his followers to pray? What prayer did he teach them?
Told them to pray everyday
Lord’s Prayer: most important prayer of the church
Mary is the _____ of the ______
A pondering heart is a ______ heart
When did the angle announce that Mary would be the mother of the savior?
All the _______ prayed no matter how busy they were
Public worship of the church
Church’s greatest community prayer
What does mass include?
Adoration, contrition, petition (supplication), thanksgiving
What happened because the Christians wanted to extend hours of worship?
Liturgy of the hours, prayer based on readings and prayers from mass that day
What is the liturgy of the hours called now?
Prayer of Christians: every Christian can pray it
What does the liturgy of the hours contain?(6)
Hymns, psalms, Scripture readings, petitions, the Lord’s Prayer, times of reflective silence
Three major expressions of the life of prayer:
Vocal, meditation, and contemplative prayer
How many times can the prayer of the church be prayed?
Seven “hours” or times
What are the morning and evening hours called?
Hinge hours
Morning prayer
Evening prayer
What did Jesus teach us?
To pray always
What does the Holy Spirit help us do?
Pray anywhere and at any time
Prayer is ____ always _____
What do you have to keep doing?
Not always easy
Keep trying
Ora et Labora
Prayer and work
What should prayer lead to?