Chapter 14 Flashcards
Lay investiture
Political leaders assign jobs to bishops and priests
Who fought to end lay investiture?
Pope Gregory VII
Why did Pope Gregory fight to end lay investiture?
Knew that the pope alone had all authority to care for souls and he alone should appoint bishops, make church laws, and from diocese
What did the eastern church become known as?
Orthodox Church
What did the western church become known as?
Roman Catholic Church
What was the separation between the two churches called?
Great Schism
Split or division
What happened in 1965?
Excommunications between the Bishop of Rome and the Patriarch of Constantinople were removed
Why did the two churches divide?
East churches used Greek and other languages for the liturgy, while the West used Latin. Eastern priests were permitted to marry, while the Western churches were not.
Why did the two churches divide?
Thought differently about important issues like original sin, the use of pictures and statues, and the place of the Holy Spirit in the trinity
How many crusades were there are 200 years?
What positive impact did the crusades do?
Stirred up enthusiasm for the Christian faith and opened the doors between east and west
What negatives did the crusades lead to?
Suffering and death for many
What was established in the 13th century? What did it do?
The inquisition
Examine, investigate, and sometimes punish those accused of heresy
Followed a call from God to up his carefree life and live according to the gospel
Francis of Assisi
Mendicant order
Live like Christ without land or money
Who was the first mendicant order?
The Franciscans
What did Thomas Aquinas write?
21- volume work, Summa Theologiae
Which mendicant order made universities which were founded to teach the faith?