Chapter 13 Flashcards
Organized Rome, gave generously to those who were poor, negotiated peace, and wrote letters to instruct Catholics?
Pope Saint Gregory the great
Whom did Pope Saint Gregory the Great send? What did they do?
Sent monks to every land to evangelize the invaders and to preach the Good news to all people
What leads to live in a close relationship with Jesus?
What are the Theological Virtues?
Faith, Hope, Charity
Why are Theological Virtues considered the most important Virtues?
They come from God and lead to God
Believe in one one god, in god’s revelation, and in the salvation brought by Jesus Christ
What is Hope?
Expect the coming of God’s kingdom and eternal life
What is charity (love)?
Love God above all else and love our neighbors as ourselves
What are the Cardinal Virtues?
Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, Temperance
What Latin word does Cardinal come from? What is the meaning?
Cardo (hinge)
That one which other things depend
Who was the powerful leader that was trained by monks in the Middle Ages?
What did Charlemagne do?
Governed wisely and firmly, protected the pope and the church, made laws that supported the church, and established schools
Pope Gregory VII
He told rulers that the pope-not the king- should appoint bishops
Was a reformer
Spoke courageously and converted King Ethelbert and helped the people become strong Christians
Augustine of Canterbury
Name was changed for by Pope Gregory II, preached the gospel and baptized many at the risk of his own life in Germany
Winifred or Boniface
Was married to the king of Scotland, converted the him, gathered women to study the Bible, gave money and food to those who were poor and built hospitals
Monks who were missionaries to Russia and the Slavic Nations, they evangelized the people and translated the gospels into Slavic languages
Cyril and Methodius
How did Charlemagne divide his empire? What was each section administrated by?
Official called count
What was a downfall of Charlemagne’s kingdom?
The difference between church and empire became unclear
How long did it take for the kings to realize they were not in charge of the church?
Wrote a rule that included community living, praying, fasting, and manual work (Benedictine monks)
When were the dark ages?
Time from 500-1000 A.D
What were the tribes called that attacked the boarders of Gaul?
Germanic tribes
How were the Germanic tribes different from Romans?
Settles disputes with bloodshed, worshiped pagan gods, were not able to read or write, had no schools from music, art, and science