Final Exam Flashcards
What are the sacraments?
Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist
Healing: Reconciliation and Anointing of the sick
Sacraments of the Eucharist: Matrimony and Holy Order
What are the four marks of the church?
One, holy, Catholic, apostolic
The eight ways of living a Christian life, that include the teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount
The effort to unite all Christians
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Wisdom, understanding, right judgment, knowledge, fortitude, piety, fear of the lord
The Bishop of Rome, is the spiritual leader of the church
Comes from Greek word papa meaning father
Pope proclaims a teaching solemnly and officially on faith or morals, so the pope is without error
Teachings of the apostles are passed down through their successors
Kind of Life we live when we share in a life of God
Those who evangelize in cities or rural areas near their homes
False teaching that rejects a truth that has been reveled by God and taught by the church
Heresy created by Arius who made people believe that Jesus was not both human and divine
Church Fathers
Church leaders selected by the Holy Spirit that wrote letters, homilies, and books about faith and defended the gospel against heresies
Who were some of the church Fathers?
Athanasius, Basil, Ambrose, Augustine
Lead us to live in a close relationship with Jesus
Live alone in a hut and prays by themselves
Men chosen to minister the need of the community
Split or division
“Holy wars” that were intended to regain the holy land
Summa Theologiae
Written by Saint Thomas Aquians in which he explained the catholic beliefs
Mendicant order
People who live like Christ without land or money
Theological Virtues
Come from God and lead to God
Faith, Hope, Charity (love)
Cardinal Virtues
Prudence, Justice, fortitude, and temperance
Who was the church founded upon?
Who convinced the Pharisee’s not to kill the apostles? What did he say?
Gamaliel- if this activity is of human origin it will destroy itself, but if it is of God we will be unable to destroy it
Who became the first Christian martyr? How was he martyred?
What was Stephen’s vision before death?
Heavens opening
Turing away from yourself and toward Jesus
What happened in the vision Peter saw? What was his original name?
Holy Spirit lead him to see that Baptism was also for Gentiles
Where did Peter from a church?
How many dangerous miles did Paul travel?
6,000 miles through Turkey, Greece, Italy
When was Paul’s death?
Under Nero’s persecution of Christians in A.D 65
How many epistles are under Paul’s name? What are a few of them called?
13 epistles
Romas, Galatians, and Colossians
What did the Council of Jerusalem decide?
That to be Christian and person needs faith in Jesus and be Baptized
How many ecumenical councils have there been since the first? What is the current ecumenical council?
Second Vatican Council
What city became the center of Christianity?
How was the last apostle? What happened to him? What came to an end in A.D 95?
John was exiled
Apostolic era
When did the Christian persecutions begin? What did that emperor blame them for? Which apostles were martyred under him?
A.D 64 under Nero
Blamed the Christians for a fire that destroyed much of Rome
Peter and Paul
When was the last Roman persecution? What did the emperor plan to do?
A.D 303 under Diocletian
Planned to remove every trace of Christianity from the world
When did Constantine come to power? What was he worried about?
Forth century
Worried about the divisions that existed in the Roman Empire between the Christians and those who opposed them
What did Constantine issue in 313? What did this say?
Decree: Edict of Milan
Christianity was no longer a forbidden religion
What does the Nicene Creed express?
Jesus is true God and man
What Hersey did Nestorius create? What Council solved this problem?
Jesus was two different people
Council of Ephesus
When were the Dark ages? What were they caused by?
500 and 1000 A.D
Germanic tribes
What did Pope Saint Gregory do during the dark ages?
Taught people how to read, write, and count, and showed the people how to cultivate the land and set up trade
Who set up the Benedictine Monks?
Saint Benedict in 520
What did Charlemagne do?
Protected the pope and the church, set up laws that supported the church, and set up schools
What did Pope Gregory VIII say?
Pope, not the king, should appoint bishops
Lay investiture
Practice of having political leaders assign assign jobs to bishops and priests
What was the big split between the Eastern and Western church called?
Great Schism
What was the Eastern church called? Western church?
Orthodox Church
Roman Catholic Church
Why did the church divide?
Language differences (E: Greek and other languages, W: Latin) Marriage (E: Priest could marry, W: priests could not marry) Taught differently about important issues like original sin, authority if the bishop of Rome, and the place of the Holy Spirit in trinity
How many crusades were there? Over how many years?
200 years
How did the crusades benefit the church? Bring it down?
Stirred up enthusiasm and open the doors between the East and the West
Caused a lot of suffering and death
What was the inquisition?
Catholic county established in 13th century that examined, investigated, and sometimes punished those accused of heresy
What did Francis of Assisi do to follow God?
Gave up his life of luxury
Developed the first mendicant order the Franciscans
This Mendicant order had an appreciation for studying the Gospel and Catholic teaching
How can the church be one?
Faith, governance, worship, and charity
Charismatic gift
Spiritual gift used for the good of the entire church