Chapter 7 and 8 Flashcards
Jesus is truly present- -in the Eucharist
Blood, soul, and divinity
What sets the Catholic Church apart?
Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist
The Eucharist is ______ _____
Uniquely Catholic
What have Christians the Eucharist truly was? What wasn’t it?
Eucharist was the blood and body of the Risen Jesus
Not just a symbol
There is such thing as ___
What do we have a insatiable and deep yearning for?
To be one with God
The ____ we become, the ___ you will want to be with ____
God wants to be ____ with ____
Wiser Close God Close Us
What did Saint Francis de Sales write?
In the Eucharist we become one with God
Who was Saint Francis de Sales?
Priest and bishop and is regarded as one of the greatest spiritual writers of all time
What is the best way to receive gods grace?
Through the Eucharist
The Eucharist is the ultimate _____ for the _____
Day of religious observance and abstinence from work, kept by Jews from Friday evening to Saturday and by Christians on Sunday
Controlling your thoughts, words, actions, and feelings
What did god declare Sunday as?
Sabbath day, day of rest
Why did God rest?
He foresaw our need to rest
Jesus didn’t leave us to _____ the ___ ____
What happens as you get older?
You realize more things
Helps you understand the purpose and plan of God and live in a way that helps bring about this plan. In begins in wonder at God’s greatness
Helps you make the right choices in life and in our relationships with God and others
Helps us know what God asks of us and how we should respond
Counsel or right judgement
Allows us to see what is right and what is wrong, and the prudence to act accordingly
The courage and strength of will to do what you know you should, even if it means personal loss or suffering
A loyalty to god that manifests as generous love and affectionate obedience, allows you to love and worship God as he deserves to be loved and worshiped
Fear of the Lord (Reverence)
Helps us to grasp God’s greatness and our dependance on him
To love God above all things and to love others as God calls us to
Feelings awakened by the possession or expectation of something good, present deep within us even things don’t go as planned
Serenity and tranquility that flows from order
Enables us to endure inconvenience, difficulties, and hardships without complaint
Concern for other who are in trouble or in need
Doing what is good or right in every circumstance
To give freely our time, talent, and treasure beyond what justice requires
To be submissive to god and considerate of others
To be reliable and trustworthy
The moderation of our speech, dress, and behavior
The control of our desires so that we can focus them one what is good and right
The moderation of desire for sexual pleasure according to right reason, faith, and state in life