Chapter 8 And 9 Flashcards
Catholic meaning
God the father’s love is ____
What did Jesus show when God sent him?
God loves all people and wants to save everyone from sin and death
What does the church recognize? What does it strive for?
Dignity of all people
Work for the common good
What is the one way to stay out of the kingdom?
Choose to stay away from it
How do we get into the kingdom?
If we follow him in faith and accept his invitation
How is the church universal? (4)
Strives to preach the good news of salvation to all people, effectively communicating to every culture and nation in the world
Teaches the total message of Jesus Christ
Offers all that is necessary for salvation
Proclaims the good news of Christ’s teachings in every age until the end of the world
How does the church convey all the believes?
Through its doctrine, life, and worship
How are those of the Jewish faith related to us?
They already responded to God’s revelation in the Old covenant that god made with Abraham
How are Christians related to Islam’s?
Profess to hold the faith of Abraham as do Christians and Jews and with us adore the one merciful God
Striving to increase understanding between different religions
Interreligious dialogue
Greek Christians in the East and Roman Christians in the West used their own _____ and _____ and formed their own _____ or ways of _____
Liturgical rites
The variety in the church doesn’t not harm its unity, what does it do instead?
Makes it more visible
What caused a split between the Eastern and Western churches in 1054?
What is the eastern church referred to as?
Cultural and Political differences
What is the church know committed to doing because of the split?
Wants to heal the rift
Six major eastern Catholic churches
Chaldean, Syrian, Maronite, Coptic, Armenian, Byzantine
Differences between the Byzantine church and Roman mass
People bowing from the waist when entering
Icons in places of honor
Prayers, music, vestments, and architecture that stress God’s greatness and majesty
Eucharist under the forms of tunes bread cubes mixed with wine, received on spoon
How is unity insured?
Fidelity to apostolic tradition
The church respects all ____ and ____ that reflect God’s ____. At the same time the church identifies the aspects of a culture that are ____ to a Gospel and seek to ____ them
Values Customs Truth Contrary Transform
Good news
To proclaim the good news of Jesus to others
Essential mission of the church
What was Pope John Paul II’s new evangelization for?
Toward people who have heard the good news but are indifferent to it
People who evangelize/ spread the gospel to other parts of the world
The activity of a group of people that includes their music, art, language, and celebrations. One of the ways people experience god in their lives
Eastern Catholic Church
A group of churches that developed in the East that are in union with the Roman Catholic Church, but have their own liturgical, theological, and administrative traditions
Bishop in the eastern churches, who has power over other bishops and allows expression to settle a matter
What do we have to do as a Christian? When did we receive this duty?
Worship, believe, and serve
How can we be a worshiping member of the church?
Participate in the sacraments, especially the Eucharist at Sunday mass
How can we be a believing member of the church?
Put our faith in Jesus
How can one be a serving member of the church?
Give loving service to all God’s people
What does it mean it’s said that the church is apostolic?
It’s rooted in the teachings of the apostles and that it continues their mission
How does church leadership go back to?
Saint peter
Teaching authority of the church
When did the church begin?
On Pentecost, they set out to preach the gospel which Jesus had taught them
Bishop of Rome, spiritual leader of the church
Represents Christ on earth
Where does the pope live?
Vatican City, an independent state in Rome
Join the pope in leading Catholics, successors of the apostles
All the bishops gather together
Territory governed by a bishop
Together the pope and bishops, inspired by the spirit, guide us to do what?
Be faithful to Christ and the gospel
What are the three roles of service the leaders of the church have?
Priest, prophet, king
Lead people to holiness through the sacraments
Inspired by the Holy Spirit they hand on the teachings of Christ
Speak with authority and serve as Jesus did, make decisions, care about all the people in the world, especially those who are poor and powerless
Pope is not perfect. God preserves him from making a mistake or error when teaching a doctrine of faith or morals
What does the pope teach off?
Faith and morals