Microbiology Flashcards
Gram positive stain what color? what about negative?
Lipoteichoic acid is a property of gram + or - bacteria?
Gram +
Why can’t Vanco work on Gram - bacteria?
External membrane blocks it
Chlamydia lacks what kind of acid in its cell wall?
Muramic acid
What is transformation regarding bacterial genetics?
Uptake of free DNA from the environment
What does transposons do?
They transfer DNA between chromosome and plasmid
What kind of cells is capable of conjugating with another cell?
What’s the difference between F+ and Hfr cells?
F+ cells have the F factor in the plasmid/F factor is integrated into the chromosomes in Hfr cells
What is the difference of conjugation between F+ and Hfr cells?
During conjugating of Hfr cells—>the entire genome would be transferred instead of just the F factor plasmid of F+ cells
What kind of cells are responsible for transduction of bacteria?
Phage virus
What is the only kind of gram + cells that have LPS?
Which toxin is heat stable, endotoxin or exotoxin? and what is the exception?
Endotoxin is heat stable/S aureus produces exotoxin that is heat stable
Which toxin is immunogenic (can produce an vaccine against it), endo or exo?
Exotoxin is immunogenic
What are superantigens and what are the 2 examples?
Antigens that unselectively activate everything in your immune system—>cytokine storms
S. aureus—>TSST-1
S. pyogenes—>exotoxin A
What are 2 examples of toxin that are cAMP inducers?
Cholera and anthrax toxin
What kind of agar is Pertussis grows on?
Bordet-Gengou agar
Fungi grows on ___ agar?
Sabouraud agar
What are the 3 bacteria that cause atypical pneumonia?
Barking kind of cough (seal?) with inspiratory stridor, is it pharyngitis or epiglottis?
Sinusitis usually occurs after?
Viral infection
What to give first to food poisoning pts?
Fluid, antibiotics are not always necessary
Gastritis presents with ___ enteritis presents with ____?
Campylobacter presents with? and its from?
Bloody diarrhea/spoiled chicken
Get food poisoning from reheated rice, think what bacteria?
Bacillus cereus
Pt with pyelonephritis/high fever/”swarming” on agar/struvite stones, think what bacteria?
Young pt with arthritis in one knee, think what bacteria?
Which one can kill, viral or bacterial meningitis?
Signs in babies with meningitis?
Lethargy/irritable/not able to feed well
Why do pregoes shouldn’t have unpasteurized milk?
It might contain Listeria—>cross placenta—>meningitis
Swap vagina, see clue cells and have a positive whiff test, diagnosis?
Itchy vagina/strawberry cervix/parasite swims on wet mount, what kind of parasite is it?
Trichomonas vaginitis
What is chandelier sign?
Tender cervix—>caused by PID from gonnorrhea or chlamydia
Only gram + or - bacteria can form spores? and what is responsible for that?
Gram +/teichoic acid pumps water out of the cell
What does catalase do?
Break hydrogen peroxide into water and O2—>protect bacteria from oxidative damage
What do staph and strep look like under microscopy?
Coagulase + means the bacteria will form ___?
What is the second most common bacteria that causes UTI?
S. saprophyticus
What is the significance of protein A on the surface of S. aureus?
It binds to the Fc (handle part) part of IgG—>prevent opsonization
What bacteria seeds prothetic valves?
S. epidermidis
How do alpha and beta hemolytic bacteria present on blood agar?
What group of bacteria cause subacute endocarditis?
Viridian group
What does the M protein of S. pyogenes do?
Cleave C3 convertease—>prevent complement
What are the 2 gram + gamma hemolytic bacteria?
enterococcus/S. bovis
How does autoclave work?
High pressure putting water into spores and burst them
Gram + rods in chain with poly-D-gluatmate capsule, think?
B. anthracis
Gram + or - has an outer membrane in their cell wall?
Gram -
What is Fitz Hugh Curtis disease? and what causes it?
Infection of liver capsule from N. Gonorrhea (violin adhesion between the peritoneum and the liver)
What are the 3 antigen of enterobacteriaceae?
O antigen of the LPS/H antigen on the flagella/K antigen on capsule
What are the 3 non lactose fermenting enterobacteriaceae?
How to distinguish Salmonella from Shigella on Hektoen agar?
Salmonella: black
Shigella: green
What cell does Shigella invade through?
M cell in the GI
Bacillary dysentery is caused by what bacteria? and what do you find in the stool sample?
Shigella/blood and pus
What is EUEC and what does it cause? and what virulent fact does it have?
One strain of E. coli—>causes UTI/fimbriae
Which serotype of E. coli causes infant meningitis?
What does urease do? what does it do for bacteria?
Break urea into ammonia and CO2/decrease acidity to invade
How does vibrio cholera causes watery diarrhea?
It stimulate Gs—->increase cAMP—>increase water secretion into the intestinal lumen—>watery diarrhea
What is the number 1 bacteria that causes diarrhea?
What are the 3 anaerobic bacteria?
C. diff
What are 4 urea producing bacteria?
Proteus/ureoplasma/klebsiella/helicobacter pylori
What kind of cell are involved in granuloma formation of TB infection?
TH1 helper T cells
What does ureaplasma causes?
Arrange in descending order of size of borrelia/treponema/leptospira
What does treponema pertenue also called and what does it cause?
Yaws/infection of skin bone and joints
Will treponema pertenue be VDRL + or -?
What is the confirmatory test for treponema pallidum?
FTA-ABS (antibody)
What bacteria causes the cat scratch fever?
What does Brucella causes?
Undulating fever/from unpasteurized diary product
What bacteria do you get from handling rabbits?
What does pasteurella causes and where do you get it from?
Cellulitis from animal bites (cats/dogs)
How does rickettsia prowazakii transmitted?
Lyse poops on you—>you scratch the lice—>lice die—>transmit
What causes the endemic and epidemic typhus?
R. typhi (flea) /R. prowazekii (lice)
What kind of test is used to diagnose chlamydia?
How to distinguish chlamydia from gonorrhea with congenital conjunctivitis and pneumonia?
Gonorrhea presents right after birth/chlamydia presents after 1-2 weeks
What does serotype L1-L3 of chlamydia causes?
lymphogranuloma venereum—>start with painless genital ulcer and then painful LAD
What type of pneumonia does chlamydia pneumoniae causes?
Atypical pneumonia
What does chlamydia psittaci causes? and where do you get it from?
Why is chlamydia obligate intracellular?
They need host ATP
When lyme involves CNS, can you culture borrelia from the CSF?
What drug should be given for 3rd degree heart block and encephalopathy caused by lyme disease?
Ergosterol is in the cell wall of what kind of organism?
Why do we use KOH to visualize fungi?
KOH dissolve away human cells and leave fungi behind
Are dermatophytes dimorphic?
No, only hyphae
What is sporotrichosis and what organism causes it?
lymphangitis/Sporothrix schenckii
What is the shape of the yeast of sporothrix schenckii?
Cigar shaped
Which fungi is endemic around Mississippi/Ohio river or central US? what about great lakes?
See germ tube formation, think what kind of organism?
What type of pneumonia does pneumocystis Jiroveci causes?
Diffuse interstitial pneumonia
What are the 2 kinds of parasites?
Protozoa (singe cell)/helminth (worm/multicellular)
What are fat soluble vitamins?
Pts with HIV and seizure, think which parasite infection?
What kind of tissue does Chagas disease effect?
What are other names for cestodes and nematodes
What form of Taenia solium is ingested to present neurocysticercosis?
Which part of the intestine does Diphyllobothrium latum block? and what results?
Terminal ileum—>causes B12 deficiency
What are hookworms? what does it present?
Ancylostoma or necator amercianus/suck blood from intestine—>anorexia/anemia/weight loss
What drug is used to treat hookworm?
What is pinworm?
Enterobius vermicularis
What is the mechanism of albendazole?
Cause microtubule dysfunction
What is whipworm? how do you get it and what does it present?
Trichuris trichura/egg found in soil/usually asymptomatic—>abdominal pain/diarrhea/rectal prolapse
What are flukes?
The treatment of plasmodium is aim to get rid of what form of plasmodium?
What are naked viruses CPR PAPP H smear
CPR (RNA viruses) - Calcivirus, Picornavirus, Reovirus
PAPP (DNA viruses) - Parvovirus, Adenovirus, Papilloma, Polyoma
H - Hepevirus
What is the eclipse phase of viral replication?
Virus going into the cell
Where do you find GP41 and GP120 and what do they do?
On the surface of HIV/GP120—>binds to CCR5 or CXCR4 on CD4—>promote absorption/GP41—>promote the entry of the cell
What’s the difference of cell entry between naked and encapsulated viruses?
Encapsulated—>fusion of the membrane
Naked—>taken in by endocytosis—>has to escape lysosome
What are the steps of viral replication?
All DNA viruses are single or double strand viruses? and what is the exception?
Double stranded/Parvovirus
All RNA viruses are single or double strand viruses? and what is the exception?
Single stranded/reovirus
What does + and - sense RNA mean?
+ sens—>same direction as messenger RNA—>can be translated by host cell ribozyme right away
- sense—>come with its own RNA dependent RNA polymerase—>then makes + sense RNA
Whats the difference between naked and capsulated viruses upon existing the cells?
Naked—>need to burst the cell (kill)
Capsulated—>can bud out of the cell
What are abortive and cytolytic viral infection?
Abortive—>virus is not able to proliferate
Cytolytic—>virus replicates in cell and lyse the cell
What kind of immunity does live attenuated and killed vaccine produce?
Live attenuate—>humoral and cell mediated
Killed—>only humoral
What are the 4 killed vaccines?
What are the DNA viruses (H2AP4)?
What is the shape of the genome of DNA viruses?
All linear except for papilloma/polyoma/hepadna (circular)
What is the membrane of Herpes virus come from?
Nuclear membrane
How does monospot test performed?
Mix pt serum with sheep blood—>agglutination (EBV)
How do you tell the difference between viral hepatitis from alcohol hepatitis in terms of liver enzyme?
Viral: ALT is greater than AST
Alcohol: AST is greater than ALT
What is the progression of erythema infectiosum?
Low grade fever that last about a week—>fever stops—>slapped cheek rash on face and then rash travels down to body
What cell does parvovirus infect?
What is variola?
Small pox
Vesicles at various stages of evolution describes what kind of rash that is caused by this virus?
What are the + sense RNA viruses?
I went to a retro (retrovirus) toga (togavirus) party, where I drank flavored (flavivirus) Corona (coronavirus) and ate hipster (hepevirus) California (calicivirus) pickles (picornavirus)
All RNA viruses are linear or circular except for?
All are linear except for Arena/Bunya/Deltavirus
All RNA replicate in nucleus or cytoplasm, except for what?
Cytoplasm except for influenza and retrovirus
What virus is the #1 gastroenteritis in children? what is its route of transmission? it can cause transient __ intolerance?
Rotavirus/fecal oral/lactose
What are the 4 segmented RNA viruses?
BOAR Bunya Orthomyxo Arena Reo
Which influenza subtype is associated with both antigenic drift and shift?
B is just drift
Which subtype of influenza has M2 protein?
Tamiflu must be given within ___ hours?
72 hours
What is German measles?
When does the rash of the measles start?
1 or 2 days after koplik spots—>rash start from head then down
What symptoms does rhabdovirus causes at the mucosal?
Increase salivary production/painful spasm of the muscle of the throat and larynx
What are the 3 arboviruses?
Bites transmit fever
How is hep E transmitted and what is its target population?
Dirty water/pregos
Which surface protein indicate high transmissibility of hep B?
What can HIV causes directly?
Renal/liver dysfunction/encephalitis and dementia
Primary CNS lymphoma is only seen in ___ pt?
What is the congenital infection of HIV?
Recurrent infection/chronic diarrhea
What is normal vaginal pH?
Is the ulcer from lymphogranuloma venerum painful or painless? what about genital herpes?
Which strand of S. pyogenes cause post streptococcal glomerulonephritis?
Exotoxin B
What does coagulase do?
Convert fibrinogen to fibrin