Microbial parasites Flashcards
Naegleria fowleri
Free-living organism
-warm water
3 forms: Cyst, Trophozoite, Flagellated
live without host + rare
Pathogensis- brain eating amoeba, through factory bulb
Disease: Primary amoebic meningoencephalitis
Transmission: infected water goes into your nose, swallowing doesn’t cause disease, and no person-to-person spread
Infection of CNS
Spinal tap, check cerebrospinal fluid, brain biopsy
Clinical manifestations
Takes 15 days for symptoms to delevop
Symptoms: High fever, very painful headache,Nausea,Trembling,Meningitis,coma
Treatment +preventation
More than 97% fatality
Even with treatment, a combination of drugs
better results with early diagnosis
don’t swim in stagnant warm water
Trypanosoma brucei
Extracellular-attack outside+ replicate
First stage-replicate in blood after fly bite, second stage- crosses BBB into CNS
Disease:African sleeping sickness
Endemic in sub-Saharan Africa
Infected tsetse flies-blood sucking flies
blood draw-observe in microscope-large
Later stage-cerebral fluid-can’t wake up
Clinical manifestions
First stage-blood: Fever,Headache,joint pains, Enlarged lymph nodes
Second stage-brain: Behavior changes, Confusion, Sleep
Treatment +prevention
Without treatment, generally fatal
sooner the better
don’t get bit by tsetse flies
Toxoplasma gondii
Protozoan, apicomplexan
one of the most common parasites
Infects cats-no disease
infect epithelial cells, replication+lysis of host cell
spread through bloodstream-fast replication,detected by immune cells,converts to bradyzoites,causes tissue cyst-doesn’t cause disease
Disease: toxoplasmosis
Alters behavior of mice,contaminated food+feces,Torch pathogen-can cross placenta barrier, cells it infects- travels in blood +epithelial cells
Blood test, parasite DNA
Clinical manifestations
Flu-like symptoms or none, only worrisome for weakened immune systems and alterations to human brain-Increased risk of schizophrenia
Treatment +Prevention
Anti-parastic medicines
not for individuals with strong immune systems
don’t feed cats raw or undercooked meat,safe food prep, cats indoor
Unicellular fungi, impacts immunocompromised
Stabs top of cell with coil,intracellular
Ingestion/inhalation of food including fish and crustaceans, water
cells within intestine,Enterocytozoon bieneusi-associated diarrhea is the most common
Biopsy or in stool,DnA evaluation
Clinical manifestations
Chronic diarrhea
inflammation of abdomen lining
liver injury
inflammation of muscles +sinuses
Treatment +prevention
Antifungal drugs-adverse side effects-typically good outcome
regulation of water, hand washing