Is the process of copying a segment of DNA into RNA.the segments of DNA transcribed into RNA molecules that can encode proteins produce messenger RNA.
Any material of plant, animal, microbial
or other origin that carries genetic
information and that passes it from
one generation to the next
genetic material
Sometimes, mistakes
happen during the DNA
copying process, leading
to changes called
DNA repair mechanisms: Errors in DNA repair processes can result in mutations if the repair is not accurate.
spontaneity mutations
Exposure to physical or chemical agents, known as mutagens, can increase the rate of mutations.
induced mutations
Microorganisms can exchange genetic material directly with one another through processes like conjugation, transformation, and transduction
Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT)
is a revolutionary molecular tool that has transformed genetic
engineering and gene editing
CRISPR_Cas System
involves the manipulation of their genetic material to
achieve specific goals, such as introducing new traits, enhancing desired characteristics, or
developing novel functions
genetic engineering in microorganism
insulin production
e. coli
biofuel production
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
cancer therapy
Salmonella typhimurium
CRISPR meaning
Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats
section of DNA