micro - viruses Flashcards
exchange of genes b/w 2 chromosomes by crossing over within regions of significant base sequence homology
viruses w/ segmented genomes exchange segments - high freq recomb
cause of worldwide influenza pandemics
2 viruses infect cell –> 1 has mutated nonfunctional protein so the second virus makes a functional protein that serves both viruses
2 viruses infect cell –> share coat proteins but still 2 distinct genetic material
phenotypic mixing
vaccine that induced humoral and cell mediated immunity
live attenuated
what type of immunity does killed/inactivated vaccine induce
humoral immunity
which vaccines dont req a booster
live attentuated
live attenuated vaccines
LIVE! nSYCnS MMRI - small pox, yellow fever, chicken pox (VZV), sabin’s polio virus, measles, mumps, rubella, influenza (intranasal)
live attenuated vaccine that can be given to HIV-positive patients who do not show signs of immunodeficiency
MMR - measles, mumps, rubella
killed vaccines
RIP Always - rabies, influenza (injected), salK polio, HAV
recombinant vaccines
HBV, HPV (6,11,16,18)
the only DNA virus that is ssDNA
parvovirus - part of a virus
the only DNA viruses that are not linear
papilloma, polyoma, and hepadnavirus (circular)
the only RNA virus that is dsRNA
positive stranded RNA viruses
i went to a retro toga party where I drank flavored corona and ate hippy california pickles
retrovirus, togavirus, flavivirus, coronavirus, hepevirus, calicivirus, picornavirus
structure of naked virus
icosahedral capsid and nucleic acid
infectious naked viruses
purified nucleic acid of most dsDNA and positive stranded ssRNA = infectious
noninfectious naked viruses
negative strand ssrNA and dsRNA - req. polymerases contains in complete virion
virus ploidy
all viruses are haploid (1 copy DNA or RNA)
the only virus that is diploid
retrovirus (2 identical ssRNA)
where do DNA viruses replicate
the only DNA virus that does not replicate in the nucleus
where do RNA viruses replicate
the only RNA viruses that do not replicate in the cytoplasm
influenza virus and retrovirus
naked viruses
PAPP smears and CPR to hippys - papillomavirus, adenmoc virus, parvovirus, polyomavirus, calcivirus, picornovirus, reovirus, and hepevirus
where do enveloped viruses acquire their envopes
plasma membranes when they exit from the cell
which viruses acquire their envelopes from nuclear membranes
naked RNA viruses
CPR (calcivirus, picornovirus, reovirus) and hepevirus
naked DNA viruses
PAPP - papillomavirus, adenmoc virus, parvovirus, polyomavirus
DNA viruses
HHAPPPPy - hepadna, herpes, adeno, pox, parvo, papilloma, polyoma
all DNA viruses aree…
double stranded, linear, icosahedral, replicate in nucleus
herpes viruses
dsDNA, linear, enveloped
HSV1 transmission
resp secretions and saliva
HSV1 diseases
gingivostomatitis, keratoconjunctivitis, temporal lobe encephalitis, herpes labialis
most common cause of sporadic encephalitis in the US
where does HSV1 remain latent
trigeminal ganglion
HSV2 route of transmission
sexual contact, perianal
HSV2 diseases
herpes genitalis, neonatal herpes
where does HSV2 remain latent
sacral ganglion
VZV transmission
resp secretions
VZV disease
varicella zoster (chicken pox/shingles), encephalitis, pneumonia
where does VZV remain
dorsal root or trigeminal ganglion
EBV transmission
resp secretions and saliva
EBV diseases
infectious mono, burkitts/hodgkins lymphoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma
where does EBV remain latent
B cells
CMV transmission
congential, trasnfusion, sex, saliva, urine, transplant
CMV disease
congenital infection, mono (negative monospot), pneumonia, retinitis
owls eye inclusions
where does CMV remain latent
mononuclear cells
mono with negative monospot
mono with positive monospot
highly associated with transplants
roseola - high fevers for several days that can cause seizures –> diffuse macular rash
kaposi’s sarcoma (HIV patients) via sexual contact
test of choice for HSV
tzanck test
detects multinucleated giant cells (HSV-1,2 and VZV)
intranuclear cowdry A inclusions
EBV sx
fever, hepatosplenomegaly, pharyngitis, and lymphadenopathy (posterior cervical nodes)
EBV peripheral blood smear
atypical lymphocytes = reactive cytotoxic T cells (hugging of RBC)
EBV test
positive monospot test - heterophile antibodies
also associated with hodgkins and endemic burkitts lymphoma, and nasopharyngeal carcinoma
kissing disease
dsDNA, enveloped, partial circular
HBV - acute/chronic hepatitis
vaccine - HBV surface antigen
has reverse transcriptase
dsDNA linear
febrile pharyngitis - sore throat w/ acute hemoorhagic cystitis
conjunctivitis - pink eye
enveloped DNA viruses
herpes, hepadnovirus and poxvirus
parvovirus characteristics
SS and linear (smallest)
B19 virus
B19 virus sx
aplastic crises in sickle cell disease, SLAPPED CHEEKS rash in kids (erythema infectiosum)
RBC destruction in fetus –> hydrops fetalis + death
pure RBC aplasia and RA-like sx in adults
dsDNA + circular
HPV - warts (1,2,6,11), CIN
cervical cancer (16,18)
vaccine available
cervical cancer
HPV 16 + 18
dsDNA + circular
JC virus - progressive multiple leukoencephalopthy (PML) in HIV *junky cerebrum
BK - transplant pts –> kidney *bad kidney
dsDNA + linear, enveloped (largest)
small pox - germ warfare
vaccinia - cowpox (milkmaids blisters)
molluscum contagiosum
flesh-colored dome lesions with central dimple
negative stranded RNA viruses
always bring polymerase or fail replications - arenaviruses, bunyavirus, paramyxovirus, orthomyxomvius, filovirus, rhabdovirus
segmented viruses
only RNA - BOAR –> bunyavirus, orthomyxovirus, arenavirus, reovirus
PERCH - poliovirus, echovirus, rhinovirus, coxcackievirus, HAV
viral meningitis excpept rihno and hav
enteroviruses (fecal-oral) except rhino
non-enveloped RNA viruses
reovirus, picornavirus, hepevirus, calicivirus
circular RNA viruses
arenavirus, bunyaivurs, delta virus
cause of common cold
rhinovirus property
acid labile - destroyed by stomach acid (does not infect GI tract)
yellow fever virus transmission
aedes mosquitoes w/ monkey/human reservoir
yellow fever sx
high fever, black vomit, and jaundice *blank and yellowwww
yellow fever is what type of virus
rhinovirus is what type of virus
most impt global cause of infantile gastroenteritis