MICRO LECTURE 19-24 Flashcards
The most common bacterium to cause
conjunctivitis (pink eye):
Haemophilus influenzae
The most common virus to cause
conjunctivitis (pink eye):
Warts: cause
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
Warts: cure
aggressive removal of the wart
Smallpox: cause
Smallpox: why fatal
The infection and shut down of
internal organs.
Chickenpox: cause
Chickenpox virus is in which group?
The herpes group–meaning the viruses
become latent in nerves.
Chickenpox: complications
Pneumonia, Encephalitis, Birth defects, Shingles
Measles: cause
Measles: complications
pneumonia and encephalitis
German measles: cause
German measles: complications
birth defects, encephalitis
How many viruses can cause
the common cold?
About 200
Most common cause of the
common cold
Influenza: cause
Influenza A, Influenza B, Influenza C
Most common cause of influenza:
Influenza A
Most common cause of pneumonia
in babies:
RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus)
SARS 2003: cause
SARS 2003: why fatal
COVID-19: cause
COVID-19: why fatal
Diphtheria: cause
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Which bacterium can cause a pseudomembrane
to form in the back of the throat?
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
MRSA: stands for, causes
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
A difficult to treat strain that can cause pneumonia,
a skin abscess, or a blood infection.
Pertussis: cause
Bordetella pertussis
Bordetella pertussis targets which
cells for infection?
The cells that line the trachea.
Tuberculosis: cause
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Tuberculosis: primary infection
Produces symptoms only with a
compromised immune system.
Tuberculosis: reactivation infection
Produces symptoms: always
Tuberculosis: PPD
The tuberculosis skin test which is a
test for T cells.
Tuberculosis: TX (Treatment)
Rifampin and INH
Tuberculosis: Ghon complex
A healed or calcified tubercle where all of
the bacteria are dead.
A person is exposed to the Epstein-Barr virus
and they have a good immune response:
They will probably have no symptoms.
A person is exposed to the Epstein-Barr
virus and they have a fair immune response.
They will probably get mononucleosis.
A person is exposed to the Epstein-Barr
virus and they have a poor immune response:
They will probably get Burkitt’s lymphoma.
Lyme disease: cause
Borrelia burgdorferi
Lyme disease: reservoir and vector
Reservoir: field mice
Vector: ticks
Lyme disease: complications
Arthritis, Meningitis, Irregular heart beat, Encephalitis
Bubonic plague: cause
Yersinia pestis
Bubonic plague: reservoir and vector
Reservoir: rats
Vector: fleas
Bubonic plague: why fatal
subcutaneous hemorrhage
Mumps: cause
Mumps virus
The mumps virus targets for infection the
cells of what glands?
The parotid salivary glands.
Mumps: complications
meningitis and orchitis
Hepatitis A virus: route, % chance of being
a lifelong carrier, Acute Liver Failure (ALF)
Hepatitis A:
Route: fecal/oral
% chance of being a lifelong carrier: 0%
Acute Liver Failure (ALF): yes, it can cause this
Hepatitis A virus:
Chronic liver damage (CLD), Liver cancer (LC),
Hepatitis A
Chronic liver damage (CLD): no, it does not cause this
Liver cancer: (LC): no, it does not trigger this
Vaccine: There is a vaccine: Inactivated
Hepatitis B
Route, % chance of being a lifelong carrier,
Acute Liver Failure (ALF)
Hepatitis B:
Route: body fluids
% chance of being a lifelong carrier: 20-30
Acute Liver Failure (ALF): yes, it can cause this
Hepatitis B
Chronic Liver Damage (CLD)
Liver Cancer (LC)
Hepatitis B
Chronic Liver Damage (CLD): yes, it can cause this
Liver Cancer (LC): yes, it can trigger this
Vaccine: there is a vaccine: Antigenic fragment: Recombinant
Hepatitis C
% chance of being a lifelong carrier
Acute Liver Failure (ALF)
Hepatitis C
Route: body fluids
% chance of being a lifelong carrier: 20-30
Acute Liver Failure (ALF): no, it does not cause this
Hepatitis C
Chronic Liver Damage (CLD)
Liver Cancer (LC)
Hepatitis C
Chronic LIver Damage (CLD): yes, it can cause this
Liver Cancer (LC): yes, it can trigger this
Vaccine: there is no vaccine
Genital herpes: cause
Herpes simplex 2
Genital herpes: complications
encephalitis, neonatal herpes
Genital herpes: cure
Genital warts: cause
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
Genital warts: complications
cervical cancer
Genital warts: cure
aggressive removal of the warts
(sometimes works)
AIDS: cause
AIDS: complications
numerous secondary infections, death
AIDS: cure
Chlamydia: cause
Chlamydia trachomatis
Chlamydia: complications
sterility in females
Chlamydia: cure
Gonorrhea: cause
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Gonorrhea: complications
eye infections for babies
Gonorrhea: cure
Syphilis: cause
Treponema pallidum
Syphilis: complications
insanity, death, congenital syphilis
Syphilis: cure
A person is exposed to the polio virus
and they have a good immune response.
They will probably have no symptoms.
A person is exposed to the polio virus
and they have a fair immune response:
They will probably get abortive polio.
A person is exposed to the polio virus
and they have a poor immune response:
They will probably get paralytic polio.
A person is exposed to the West Nile virus
and they have a good immune response:
They will probably have no symptoms.
A person is exposed to the West Nile virus
and they have a fair immune response:
They will probably have flu-like symptoms.
A person is exposed to the West Nile virus
and they have a poor immune response:
They will probably get encephalitis.
Bacterial meningitis: 3 most common causes
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Haemophilus influenzae
Neisseria meningitidis
Bacterial meningitis: most dangerous form
The form caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae.
Bacterial meningitis: why fatal
shock (a large, rapid drop in blood pressure)
Listeriosis: cause
Listeria monocytogenes
Can Listeria monocytogenes spread by
cell to cell contact?
Can Listeria monocytogenes cross the placenta?
Group B Streptococcal infection: cause
Streptococcus agalactiae
Can Streptococcus agalactiae cross the placenta?
Can Streptococcus agalactiae be picked up
by a baby from their mother during the
birth process?