MI/ Heart Attack Flashcards
Results from ischemia_> _______ minutes and causes _______ damage to the cardiac ______
- 20 min
- irreversible
- MM
Involves complete occlusion of coronary artery which may be a result of:
- Fixed atheroclerotic lesion
- Thrombus: blood clot that forms in a vein & or plaque
- Embolism: anything that travels through a blood vessel until it finds a vessel that is too small to let pass
- Coronary spasm: constriction of artery mm wall that partially or completely prevents blood flow to the heart.
- Mild to severe prolonged substernal pain which might radiate into the L arm, neck, jaw… Not relieved by rest… often described as pressure or squeezing sensation in the chest
- Diaphoresis: sweating
- Nausea or Vomiting
- Weakness/feeling of fatigue
- Brady or tachycardia
- Arrhythmias
- L-sided heart failure: acute pulmonary edema (identifying signs=crackles (heard during inhalation), cough, tachypenea (rapid breathing), & edema)
- Dyspnea: SOB & or shallow breathing
- Catecholamine: epinephrine/norepinephrine responses: coolness of extremities, perspiration, anxiety, restlessness
- Syncope (fainting)
- Pallor (pale color skin) or gray facial coloring
Post MI healing:
Stability of the wound/injury is established within the first 4-6 weeks
Diagnostic tests to confirm MI:
-ECG or EKG: electrocardiogram ST segment depression indicates ischemia
-Cardiac cauterization to locate and identify the lesion
-Lab tests/results:
~increased WBC
~INcreased SED rate-reveals inflammatory activity in your body ( erythrocyte sedimentation rate
~Increased serial enzyme levels damage to heart mm cells from a MI leak proteins into blood stream (specific cardiac enzymes i.e CPK, CK) ; appear 4 HOURS post infarct and will peak by 36 HOURS
-Echocardiography: sonogram of the heart: doppler US creates images of heart