mi 120 unit 2 Flashcards
organizations for radiation protection
evaluates the relationship between radiation Eqd & induced biological effects
International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP)
-international authority on the safe uses of ionizing radiation for the public and occupational
-only makes recommendation, does not enforce them
-has several subcommittees (in Canada)
National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement (NCRP)
-nongovernmental, nonprofit
-reviews recommendations from ICRP and makes recommendations to the US
-Not a enforcement agency- must be enforced through the state and federal agencies
United Nations Scientific Committee on Effects of Atomic Radiation
-started 1955
-Evaluates human and environmental exposures from a variety of source: radioactive material, radiation accidents, radiation producing machines
-assesses radiation induced cancer and genetic effects (mainly studies Japanese atomic bomb survivors
biological effects of ionizing radiation committee
-formed by the National Research Council
-Organized by US National Academy of Sciences
-Reviews biologic effects of radiation and risk assessments
-groups examined: early radiation workers, atomic bomb survivors chernobly and fukushima
nuclear regulatory commission (NRC)
-enforcers of protection standards for the general public, patients and personnel
-formally known as Atomic Energy Commission
-does not regulate or inspect xray facilities
primary function is to oversee nuclear energy industries
NRC was formally known as
atomic energy commission
agreement state
state that abides by the NRC regulations through their state department
-non agreement states will have NRC come to into facilities
-PA became an agreement state March 31, 2008
environmental protection agency (EPA)
started in 1970 in D.C
responsible for protecting health of humans and safeguarding the environment
determines levels of radon
oversees development and enforcement of regulations in the environment
food and drug administration (FDA)
regulates design and manufacturing of electronic products like diagnostic xray equipment
-does onsite inspections for equipment, especially mammography to determine level of compliance
-MQSA (mammo .quality standards act of 1992)
-the white paper
-radiopharmaceticals fall under the FDA
-CFR 21
the white paper
supports: the right imaging exam, the right time and the right radiation dose
CFR 21
standards for protection against radiation for occupationally exposed; minimum source to skin distance; guidelines for fluro
occupationally safety and heath administration (OSHA)
-monitoring agency
-regulation occupational exposures
-right to know of employees examples: hazardous, substances, infectious agents, ionizing radiation, non ionizing radiation
state agencies
department of environmental protection (DEP) which is what the bureau of radiation protection falls under
-department of health (does onsite inspection)
PA patient safety authority
adverse patients events area required
department of transportation
controls the transportation of radioactive material:
mode, package, labeling
radiation safety program
facilities with imaging services must have effective and detailed program to ensure appropriate safety of patients and techs
radiation safety committee (RSC)
helps develop safety programs that are NRC mandated
PA state law: required a faculty w/2 or more modalities to have an RSC
radiation safety officer (RSO)
RH’s Dr. Mohammad Aljallad
develop and oversee program, ensure everyone is protected, maintains radiation records and counsels after high readings, day to day supervision
RSO qualifications
approved by the NRC and at the state
-usually a medical or health physicist, radiologist or individual deemed qualification
radiation control for health and safety act of 1968
aka public law 90-602
protect the public from unnecessary exposure equipment like: microwaves tvs & xray equipment
consumer patient radiation health & safety act 1981
aka public law 97-35
set guidelines requiring minimum standards for radiology programs and persons
there is no legal penality for non-compliance
CARE bill
consistency, accuracy, responsibility & excellence
-ensures accreditation of education program and licensure of persons performing xray and radiation therapy
-demonstrate competency by experience, education and examination
ICRP refers to it as ORP (optimization)
linear, non threshold
achieved by : proper safety procedure and qualifies workers
effective dose limiting system
can be expressed in whole body, partial body, individual organ
-exposure in risk of biological damage to workers and the public
NCRP #102
reports #102
-recommendations on design, performance and use of equipment
-guidelines for: lead equivalent for sheilds, minimum filtrations, exposure rates
NCRP #116
limitation of exposure to ionizing radiation: occupational, non occupational, cumulative effective dose, pregnant worker
radiation induced responses
tissue response, cell killing, effect, dose not occur below a threshold , severity increase as dose increases
early examples (radiation induced responses)
erythema, decreased wbc, epilation, hematopoietic, syndrome, GI syndrome, cerebrovascular syndrome
late examples (RIR)
cataracts, fibrosis, organ atrophy, reduction of fertility , sterility
genetic alterations
teratogenesis radiation of the fetus in utero
mutagenesis radiation of reproductive cells before conception
radiation induced malignancy
change increases with an an increased dose to the somatic cells
-severity is not dose related but chance increases as dose increases
objective of radiation protection
-prevent non-stochastic effects from happening by keeping doses below threshold
-limit risk of stochastic effects to a conservative level as compared to the benefit of the exposure
-radiation protection is linear non theshold
-radiation has benefits but also potential for destruction
organ sensitivity example
critical organs: gonads, blood forming, organ lung, thyroid
medium: osteoblast- bone forming, fibroblast- connective tissue
low: muscles, nerve cells
law of bergonie and tribondeau
cells are more sensitive when are immature and rapidly dividing (smaller and getting more mature)
NCRP recommendations
occupational dose limits: effective dose 50 msv
eye 150 msv
localization of skin 500 msv
ICRP has lowered the effective dose to 20 msv but it has not been adopted by the uS
cumulative effective dose
persons age in year x 10 msv
non occupational dose limits
continuous exposed 1 msv
infrequent 5 msv
non radiology hopisital worker expose
patient dose limits not a specific dose limit
embryo fetus limits
entire gestational period 5 msv
not exceeding any one month 0.5 msv
students under the age of 18
negligible individual risk level
NCRP, exposure that is below risk of faculty compared to other risk of daily life
negligible individual dose
provides a low level cut off for regulating agencies reduction level is unneeded; dismissed because the level if very low, 0.01 msv per repost 116
NCRP #160
review of ionizing radiation exposure to the public, just like any radiation to the US
randomly occurring, dose does not determine who its infecting; no threshold