MGMT Final Ch. 11 Flashcards
The willingness to achieve organizational objectives or to pitch in to get something done whenever necessary.
How to answer “what motivates you” question during a job interview
Answer is NOT money
Want: Live a meaningful life, meaningful work with purpose, do not like unfulfilling jobs.
Answer: Motivated companies mission, vision and values.
Tips to increase self-motivation
Help: drink water, eat healthy, exercise well, get good sleep and avoiding negative people
Motivational effort – 3 components
Initiation: Refers to how much effort you will exert? What level of performance will I go for?
Direction: Refers to where to put effort. Do I do Job A or Job B?
Persistence: Refers to how long an effort will be forthcoming
Do I keep pushing or let up?
Motivation feedback loop
Need → Motive → Behavior → Consequence → Satisfaction or Dissatisfaction → Feedback
Performance – motivation link
Performance = ability x motivation x resources
Determinants of performance: All need to be high, do something you are passionate about and you will be successful
Motivation theories- Hierarchy of Needs
Proposes that employees are motivated by five levels of needs: Maslow: physiological, safety, social, esteem, self-actualization
Motivation theories- Acquired Needs
Need for achievement, power, affiliation
Motivation theories- ERG Theory
Proposes that employees are motivated by 3 needs: existence, relatedness, and growth
Motivation Theories- Two-Factor Theory
Proposes that employees are motivated by motivators (higher-level needs) rather than maintenance level factors (lower-level needs)
Motivation Theories- Self Determination Theory
Proposes that supporting employee autonomy, competence and relatedness needs fosters motivation.
Motivating people with different needs
Hierarchy of Needs Theory: Physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs, self-actualization needs.
ERG Theory: determine which needs have been met and which has not
Two-Factor: Maintenance Factors(pay, benefits, job security, working conditions, company policies) Motivators (work itself, recognition, achievement, increased responsibility, growth, advancement)
Self Determination: Any repressment of needs will have a bad impact, facilitating high quality motivation and engagement activities.
Acquired Needs: Proposes employees are motivated by their need for achievement, power and affiliation
Challenges for people with achievement need when they get promoted to managerial positions
Personal responsibility for solving problems , goal oriented, challenge, hard to work with others if looking only for personal success
Can you also identify the challenges for people with need for affiliation when they get promoted to managerial positions?
Because they tend to seek close relationships with others and be liked by them, try to belong, promote others interests, interact with others: Not very manager like.
Equity theory
Compare input/output ratios with referents
Proposes that employees are motivated with their perceived inputs equal outputs.
Compare to others input and outputs, ex, coworker