Mental Capacity Act 2005 Flashcards
Who does the mental capacity act 2005 apply to?
Applies to everyone involved in the care, treatment and support of people over 16 yrs old, living in England and Wales, who are unable to make decisions for themselves
What is the mental capacity act designed to do?
To protect and restore power to vulnerable people who lack capacity
What is the first key principle of the mental capacity act?
A presumption of capacity- you cannot assume someone cannot make a decision for themselves
What is the second key principle of the mental capacity act?
Individuals being supported to make their own decisions- a person must be given all practicable help before anyone treats them as not being able to make their own decisions
What is the third key principle of the mental capacity act?
Unwise decisions- people have the right not to be treated as lacking capacity merely bc they made a decision other deem as unwise
What is the fourth key principle of the mental capacity act?
Best interests- anything done for the person that lacks mental capacity must be done in their best interests
What is the fifth key principle of the mental capacity act?
Less restrictive option- the person making a decision for someone who lacks mental capacity must consider if it’s possible to decide or act in a way that would interfere less with the persons rights and freedoms
What impacts a persons ability to make decisions or mental capacity?
- a stroke or brain injury
- a mental health problem
- dementia
- a learning disability
- substance misuse