*Memory Limitations Flashcards
A*Nominal Runway Width
Minimal Runway Width
148 ft
100 ft
*Max Demonstrated X-wind
38 kts (gust included)
*Max Tailwind for Take Off or Landing
10 kts.
*Max Tire Speed
195 kts (ground speed)
*Windshield Wipers in Use
Max Speed 230
*Cockpit Window Open
200 kts
*Auto Pilot Function
T/Off……..100 ft/5sec after lift-off.
ILS Cat 1 displayed. 160AGL
ILS Cat 1 (Cat3 single/dual) 50’ below DA
Circling App. 500 ft
Manual Go-Around 100 ft
All other phases 500 ft
The AP or FD in OP DES or DES mode can be used in approach. However, its use is only permitted if the FCU selected altitude is set to, or above, the higher of the two: MDA/MDH or 500 ft AGL.
*Non Precision Approaches with Engine Out (319 only)
If one engine is inoperative, it is not permitted to use the autopilot to perform NPA in FINAL APP, NAV V/S, NAV/FPA,
only FD use is permitted.
*Max Operating Altitude with Flaps/Slats Extended
20,000 ft.
*Minimum Fuel Qty for Take Off
3300 lbs
The ECAM alerts that are related to fuel low level in the wing tanks (FUEL WING TK LO LVL, etc.) must not appear for take off.
*Max Brake Temp for Takeoff (fans off)
300 C
*APU Starter Limitation
After 3 consecutive APU start attempts, the flight crew must wait 60 mins before a new start attempt.
*Thrust Settings/EGT Limits
T-OFF and Go Around 5 mins, 10 mins if OEI
MCT Not limited
*Oil Temperature Limitations
Min starting temp -40 C
Min temp for takeoff -10 C
*Min Oil Qty
9.5 Qts + 0.5 qts consumption for every flight hour.
*Engine Starter Limitations
-A standard automatic start that includes up to 3 attempts is considered 1 cycle.
For ground starts a pause between cycles is 20 secs.
-Cooling period subsequent of 4 failed cycles: 15 mins
-No running engagement of the starter, when N2 is above 20%.
*Reverse Thrust Limitations
Not during flight
Not allowed to back up the airplane
Max reverse should not be used below 70 kts. Idle reverse is permitted down to aircraft stop.
*Turbulent air penetration speed
Vra. 0.76/275
Vra below 10,000’ 250
*Take off limitations on contaminated runways
Not recommended on
1-water on top of compacted snow
2-Dry or wet snow over ice.
Not permitted when conditions reported as 0-NIL
*APU Startup/Shutdown during refueling/defueling.
During refuel/defuel procedures, APU starts or shutdowns are permitted provided:
-If the APU fails to start or following an automatic shutdown, do not start the APU.
-If a fuel spill occurs, perform a normal APU shutdown.
*Fuel imbalance at Take Off (in flight/landing)
If the quantity difference of the outer or inner wing fuel tanks on one side is greater than 800 lbs (1500 lbs, for inflight/landing), refer to the table located in the FCOM limitations.
*APU Bleed use with HP Air Start Unit
The flight crew must not use bleed air from the APU BLEED and from the HP Air Start Unit, at the same time, to prevent any adverse effect on the Bleed Air System.
*Packs use with LP Air Conditioning Unit
The flight crew must not use conditioned air from the packs and from the LP Air Conditioning Unit at the same time, to prevent any adverse effect on the Air Conditioning System.
*RNAV Approach
An RNAV (RNP) approach may be performed, with GPS PRIMARY not available, only if the radio navaid coverage supports the RNP value and HIGH accuracy is displayed on the MCDU with the specified RNP, and an operational approval is obtained.
An RNAV (GNSS) approach may be performed provided that the GPS PRIMARY is available.
*Definition of Icing Conditions
-Icing conditions exist when the OAT (on ground or after takeoff) or the TAT (in flight) is at or below 10 deg. C and visible moisture in any form is present (such as clouds, fog with visibility of 1 SM (1600m) or less, rain, snow, sleet or ice crystals).
-Icing conditions also exist when the OAT on the ground and for takeoff is at or below 10 deg. C and operating on ramps, taxiways or runways where surface snow, standing water or slush may be ingested by the engines, or freeze on engines, nacelles or engine sensors probes.