Limitations Flashcards
Nominal Runway Width
Minimal Runway Width
148 ft
100 ft
Dispatch to/from narrow runways is not allowed in case of:
-Nose wheel steering inoperative
-1 brake or more inoperative
Diversion to a 148’ wide runway is recommended in case of:
-Rudder jam
-Rudder pedal jam
-Yaw damp system fault
-Rudder travel limit system fault
-All failures leading to the loss of nose wheel steering (HYD yellow sys loss, double hyd failure, double BSCU fault, double LGCIU fault).
Ops on icy runways has not been demonstrated. Therefore, it is prohibited.
Max Demonstrated X-wind
38 kts (gust included)
Max Tailwind for Take Off or Landing
10 kts.
Max Wind for Pax Door Operations
65 kts
Max wind for FWD and AFT cargo door operations
40 kts
50 kts if the aircraft nose is into the wind, or if the FWD or AFT cargo doors are in the leeward side
The FWD and AFT cargo doors must be closed before the wind exceeds ____ kts
65 kts
Max Flaps/Slats Speeds
Flaps 1 230
Flaps 1+F 215
Flaps 2 200
Flaps 3 185
Flaps Full 177
Gear Down Speeds
Max Speed gear Extended (Vle) 280/0.67
Max Speed gear Extension (Vlo) 250/0.60
Max Speed gear Retraction (Vlo) 220/0.54
Max Tire Speed
195 kts (ground speed)
Windshield Wipers in Use
Max Speed 230
Cockpit Window Open
200 kts
Auto Pilot Function
Min height on T/Off, 100 ft/5sec
ILS Cat 1 (Cat1 displayed). 160AGL
ILS Cat 1 (Cat3 single/dual displ.) 50’ below DA
Circling App. 500 ft
Go-Around 100 ft
All other phases 500 ft
Use of the AP or FD in OPEN DES or DES mode is not permitted in approach, unless the FCU altitude is set to, or above, MDA (MDH) or 500 ft, whichever is highest.
FMGS lateral and vertical navigation can be used for?
-After take off, en route, and terminal area operations.
-Navigation within RNAV/RNP airspace.
-Instrument approaches (except ILS, LOC , LOC B/C, LDA and final approaches).
-Missed approach procedures.
Non Precision Approaches with Engine Out (319 only)
If one engine is inoperative, it is not permitted to use the autopilot to perform NPA in FINAL APP, NAV V/S, NAV/FPA,
only FD use is permitted.
Max Operating Altitude with Flaps/Slats Extended
20,000 ft.
Minimum Fuel Qty for Take Off
3307 lbs
WING TK LO LVL warning must not be displayed on ECAM.
Fuel Tanks must be emptied in which order
Center tanks then wing tanks
Takeoff on center tank is prohibited
Normal Operating Hydraulic Pressure
3000 PSI +/- 200
Max Brake Temp for Takeoff (fans off)
300 C
150C with fans on.
The braking system is not designed to hold the aircraft in stationary position when a high thrust level is applied on at least one engine. During ground procedures that require a thrust increase with breaking, the flight crew must ensure that the aircraft remains stationary.
APU Min Oil Qty
The APU may be started and operated even if the LOW OIL LEVEL ECAM advisory is displayed. Maintenance action is required within the next 10 hours of APU operation.
APU Starter Limitation
After 3 starter duty cycles, wait 60 mins before attempting 3 more cycles.
APU Air Bleed
Max Altitude for Bleed Air and Gen Load in Flight
Max alt to assist engine start, 20,000 ft
Air Conditioning single pack 22,500 ft
Air Conditioning dual pack. 15,000 ft
-APU Bleed extraction for wing anti-ice is not permitted
Thrust Settings/EGT Limits
T-OFF and Go Around 950 C (5 mins, 10 mins if OEI)
MCT 915 C
Starting 725 C
Oil Temperature Limitations
Max cont. temp 140 C
Max transient temp (15 min) 155 C
Min starting temp -40 C
Min temp for takeoff -10 C
Min Oil Qty
9.5 Qts + 0.5 qts consumption for every flight hour.
Reduced Thrust Takeoff Limitations
-Take off at reduced thrust is only permitted if the airplane meets all applicable performance requirements at the planned takeoff weight, with the operating engines at the thrust available for the flexible temperature (TFLEX).
Takeoff at reduced thrust is permitted with any inoperative item affecting the performance, only if the associated performance shortfall has been applied to meet all performance requirements.
-T-Flex cannot be:
Higher than ISA +53C. (+60C on A319)(T MAX FLEX).
-Lower than the flat temperature (TREF)
-Lower than the actual OAT.
-Not permitted on contaminated runways.
Engine Starter Limitations
-A standard automatic start that includes up to 3 attempts is considered 1 cycle.
Pause between cycles is 20 secs
-Cooling period subsequent of 4 cycles: 15 mins
-No running engagement of the starter, when N2 is above 20%.
Reverse Thrust Limitations
Not during flight
Not allowed to back up the airplane
Max reverse should not be used below 70 kts.
Turbulent air penetration speed
Vra. 0.76/275
Vra below 10,000’ 250
Approaches based on NAVAIDS
A navaid approach may be performed in NAV, APP NAV, or FINAL APP, with AP or FD engaged provided that:
- If GPS PRIMARY is available, the reference navaid May be unserviceable, or airborne equipment inop.
- If GPS PRIMARY is not available, the reference navaid and airborne equipment must be serviceable and used to navigate.
Max X-Wind on wet or contaminated runways
Good to Med……….29
Medium to Poor…..20
Take off limitations on contaminated runways
Not recommended on
1-water on top of compacted snow
2-Dry or wet snow over ice.
Not permitted on wet ice. BA Nil
Cabin pressure limitations
Max positive diff press……9.0
Max neg diff press………….-1.0
Safety relief valve…………..8.6
When is a failed engine considered secured?
No damage- Master OFF
Damage- Agent 1 DSCH
Fire- Agent 2 DSCH or fire extinguished
When is an engine considered damaged?
Any 2 of the following
-Rapid inc. of EGT above red line
-Important mismatch or absence of rotor speed
-increase in A/C vibration or buffeting
-Hydraulic system loss
-uncontrollable Engine stalls
Load Limits
Clean Config. -1g/+2.5g
Other Config. 0g/+2g
Taxi Speed
When T/Off weight greater than 167550lbs
CAUTION: Do not exceed 20 kts taxi speed during turn.
RNP accuracy with GPS PRIMARY
En route…………………….1 nm
terminal area……………..0.5 nm
approach……………………0.3 nm
APU Startup/Shutdown during refueling
During refuel/defuel procedures, APU starts or shutdowns are permitted provided:
-If the APU fails to start or following an automatic shutdown, do not start the APU.
-If a fuel spill occurs, perform a normal APU shutdown.
Fuel temp limits
Jet A:
Min -36C
Max 54 C
Fuel imbalance at Take Off (in flight/landing)
If the quantity difference of the outer or inner wing fuel tanks on one side is greater than 800 lbs (1500 lbs, for inflight/landing), refer to the table located in the FCOM limitations.
Nose Wheel Steering Angle Limit
+/- 85 deg.
Taxi with deflated tires
To vacate the runway or taxi at low speed with tire(s) deflated (not damaged), all of the following limitations apply:
-If max 1 tire per gear max speed in turns 7 kts
-If 2 tires on same main gear (max 1 main gear) max taxi speed 3 kts.
-For nosewheel Steering (NWS) angle, max angle 30 deg.
In addition if tire damage is suspected, the flight crew must ask for an aircraft inspection prior to vacate the runway or taxi. If the ground crew suspects that a tire burst may damage the landing gear, maintenance action is due.