*Auto Flight Flashcards
What are the main components of the FMGS?
-2 FMGCs
-2 MCDUs
-2 FACs
-1 FCU
What are the functions of the FMGC?
Flight guidance and flight management
What are the 3 modes of FMGC operation?
-Dual (normal)
-Single (ND displays “SELECT OFFSIDE RNG/MODE”)
-Indipendent (MCDU scratchpad displays “INDIPENDENT OPERATION”
What are the 2 modes of flight guidance, and what are they used for?
Which one has priority?
-Manage. Used for long term lateral, vertical, and speed profiles as determined by the FMGS.
-Selected. Temporary lateral and vertical and speed commands as selected on the FCU.
-Selected has priority.
How do you determine the validity of the navigation database?
Aircraft Status page via the MCDU
What input does each FMGC use for position determination?
A mix of IRS/GPS position.
How does autopilot selection influence master FMGC logic?
-If one autopilot on, the respective FMGC is master.
-If both APs on, FMGC 1 is master.
If an amber “SELECT OFFSIDE RNG/MODE” message is displayed on the ND, what action should the crew take?
An FMGC has failed, and both NDs must be set to the same range and mode.
Can both APs be engaged during any phase of flight?
No, ILS only.
What is the difference between the small and large fonts on the MCDU?
Large-Pilot entries and modifiable data.
Small-Default/computed non-modifiable data.
What is the function of the FCU?
-Permits short term interface between the pilot and the FMGS.
-Allows temporary modification of any flight parameter (HDG, SPD, ALT, V/S).
-Used to select operational modes of the autopilots, FDs, and A/THR system.
Will the Altitude window on the FCU ever display dashes?
NO. Pilot selected altitudes will always be displayed.
How is the crew made aware of mode changes on the FMA?
A white box is temporarily displayed around the new indication.
How are armed modes displayed on the FMA?
Blue- Armed
Magenta-Armed because of constraint
Green- Engaged
When is the sidestick position indication icon (white cross) displayed?
Displayed after first engine start
Disappear at lift off.
What do the large red arrows indicate?
Pitch attitude of >30 deg.
What is the meaning of USE MANUAL PITCH TRIM?
You are in DIRECT LAW.
What is the use MAN PITCH TRIM ONLY?
You are in Mechanical Back up.
What are pitch and roll angle limits indicated by a green = sign?
Pitch +30 deg up/-15 deg down.
Roll +/- 67 deg.
How can you determine when you are in Alternate Law?
Amber XXs replace the green = marks at the pitch and bank limits.
Only VLS and VSW are displayed on the airspeed scale.
When would the sideslip index change from yellow to blue?
In case of an engine failure during takeoff roll/go around, it is now a blue beta target.
What is the difference between BLUE and MAGENTA target airspeed?
Blue- Selected speed on the FCU.
Magenta-Managed speed computed by the FMGC.
What speed does Vmax represent and how is it displayed?
It is the lowest of Vmo/Mmo, Vle, or Vfe.
Defined by the bottom of the red and black strip along the speed scale.
What is Vls?
-Represent the lowest selectable speed providing an appropriate margin to the stall speed.
-Correspond to 1.3 Vs during takeoff.
-1.23 Vs after retraction of one step of flaps.
-1.28 Vs in clean configuration.
-Above 20000’, Vls is corrected for Mach effect to maintain a buffet margin of 0.2g.
-In approach mode is equivalent to Vref
-Increases with speedbrake extension.
What is Green Dot speed?
Engine out operating speed in clean config.
Appears when the aircraft is in clean config.
Correspond to L/D max.
What is Ground Speed Mini?
-Based on a calculated ground speed at the runway.
-Protects against actual groundspeed dropping below this calculated ground speed.
What does it mean when you see the magenta target airspeed triangle above Vapp on approach?
Ground Speed Mini, has increased speed due to a higher headwind component at your present location than what was calculated at the runway.
Is GS mini protection available in selected speed?
No-Managed speed only.
What are 3 ways to disconnect the A/THR?
Instinctive Disconnect Buttons
Thrust Levers to idle
A/THR pushbutton (not recommended)
How do you disconnect the A/THR for the remainder of the flight?
Press and hold the Instinctive Disconnect Buttons for 15 seconds.
What would you lose if you held down the Instinctive Disconnect Buttons for more than 15 seconds?
Alpha Floor Protection.
What happens to thrust and WHAT annunciates on the FMA when you reach Alpha Floor?
What occurs during A. Floor protection after speed increases above Vls?
FMA changes to TOGA LK.
How do you regain normal A/THR when in TOGA LK?
Move thrust levers to TOGA detent
Press the Instinctive Disconnect button
Return the Thrust Levers to CL detent
Push the A/THR button to engage A/THR.
When is A. Floor active?
From lift-off to 100’ RA on approach.
When would Thrust Lock occur?
-Thrust Levers in CL detent and A/THR pb on the FCU pushed, or
-A/THR disconnects due to a failure.
Where do you enter ZFW?
INIT B page (not accessible after engine start)
What do amber box prompts on the MCDU indicate?
An entry is mandatory.
What occurs when managed NAV mode is engaged and the aircraft flies into a flight plan discontinuity?
NAV mode is lost and HDG/TRK mode engaged.
What do dashes in the FCU display windows along with the adjacent white dot indicate?
FMGS Managed Guidance is in use.
How is Selected Guidance engaged?
Pull the appropriate selector knob.
How do you confirm all autopilot, FD, and A/THR inputs?
Reference the FMA.
What does each column mean on the PFD?