MedTerm) NS Flashcards
What does AB- refer to?
AB- means away (away from).
Examples include ab/norm/al (away from normal) and ab/ducens (away/draw or lead).
What does ACOUST/I signify?
ACOUST/I refers to hearing.
Related term: AUDI-.
What does APO- indicate?
APO- means above or upon.
Example: apo/plex/y (above or upon/paralyzed/process of).
What is the meaning of AUDI-?
AUDI- refers to hearing.
Related terms include audi/olog/y (science of hearing) and audio/meter (measurement of hearing).
What does AUR/I stand for?
AUR/I pertains to the ear.
Examples include aur/al (pertaining to the ear) and aur/icle (small ear).
What does BLEPHARO- refer to?
BLEPHARO- means eyelid.
Example: blephar/oma (eyelid swelling or tumor).
What does CANTH/O signify?
CANTH/O refers to the corner of the eye.
Example: cantho/plast/y (cosmetic surgery of the eyelid).
What is the meaning of CATARACT?
CATARACT refers to waterfall or cloudiness.
Specifically, it describes the eyes lens under the cornea that is impervious to light.
What does CATARRH mean?
CATARRH means to flow down.
It refers to any drainage from mucus membranes, especially in the nose, sinuses, and throat.
What does CEREBR/O denote?
CEREBR/O pertains to the brain.
Example: cerebr/al (refers to or pertains to the brain).
What does CERU- refer to?
CERU- means wax.
Example: cerumen/ous (state of wax in the ear).
What does CHALAZ/IO signify?
CHALAZ/IO refers to hailstone.
Example: Chalaz/ion (eyelid sebaceous cyst).
What does COCHLE/O mean?
COCHLE/O pertains to snail-like structures.
Example: cochle/ar (pertaining to the lower part of the inner ear for hearing sound).
What does COMATO mean?
COMATO refers to deep sleep.
Example: comat/ose (condition of deep sleep).
What does CONCUSS/I signify?
CONCUSS/I means violent shaking.
Example: concuss/ion (process of brain injury resulting in various symptoms).
What does -CONIS refer to?
-CONIS means cone-shaped.
Example: kerato/conis (cornea elevated or protruding).
What does CONJUNCTIV/O denote?
CONJUNCTIV/O refers to joined together.
Example: conjunctiv/itis (inflammation of the membrane covering the eye and eyelid).
What does CONVOLO mean?
CONVOLO means to roll together.
Example: convol/ution (pertains to rolling together).
What does CORNE/O signify?
CORNE/O refers to the cornea or horn shape.
Example: corne/itis (inflammation of the cornea).
What does CORTIC/O mean?
CORTIC/O refers to bark, outer bark, rind, or cortex.
Example: cortico/ster/oid (resembling bark).
What does -CUSIS denote?
-CUSIS means hearing.
Example: an/cusis (without hearing).
What does CYCL/O refer to?
CYCL/O means circle.
Example: cycl/itis (inflammation of the muscles around the iris).
What does DACRYO signify?
DACRYO refers to tears.
Example: dacry/doct/itis (inflammation of the tear duct).
What does DENDR/O mean?
DENDR/O refers to tree-shaped.
Example: dendr/ite (tree-shaped structure).
What does DURA denote?
DURA refers to hard.
Example: dura mater (outermost layer of the meninges).
What does -ELLUM signify?
-ELLUM means lesser or smaller.
Example: cereb/ellum (lesser brain).
What does EN/CEPHAL/O refer to?
EN/CEPHAL/O means within the head.
Example: encephalo/gram (recording of the brain).
What does ESTHES/I denote?
ESTHES/I refers to physical feeling.
Example: an/esthes/ia (without physical feeling).
What does FRONT/O mean?
FRONT/O refers to the forehead or before.
Example: front/al (pertains to the front brow).
What does GLAUC/O signify?
GLAUC/O refers to waterfall or gray.
Example: glauc/oma (swelling causing inner eye pressure).
What does GLI/O mean?
GLI/O refers to glue or glue-like.
Example: gli/oma (tumor that holds neurons together).
What does HYPN/O denote?
HYPN/O means sleep.
Example: hypn/osis (condition of sleep).
What does IDE/O signify?
IDE/O refers to idea, thoughts, emotions, or image.
Examples: ideo/motor (movement of ideas) and ideo/vascul/ar (vessels contract due to stress).
What does INCUS refer to?
INCUS means anvil.
It is one of the three tiny ossicles in the middle ear.
What does INTRA- indicate?
INTRA- means within.
Example: intra/nuclear (within the nucleus).
What does IR/O denote?
IR/O refers to rainbow.
Examples: ir/is (rainbow) and ir/idescent (having a rainbow-like appearance).
What does -ITES signify?
-ITES means dropsy or drooping.
Example: tympan/ites (drum dropsy).
What does JUNCTIV/O mean?
JUNCTIV/O refers to joining or to join.
Example: con/junctiv/itis (inflammation of ocular and eyelid parts).
What does KERAT/O signify?
KERAT/O refers to cornea or horny.
Example: kerato/malac/ia (softening of the cornea).