MedTerm) GI Flashcards
What does ALIMENT/O- refer to?
to nourish
aliment/ary to nourish/refers to, aliment/otherapy to nourish/treatment
What does AMYLO- mean?
amyl/uria starch/in urine, amyl/ase starch/enzyme
What does APPEND/O- refer to?
appendic/itis appendage/inflammation, append/ectomy appendage/removal
What does -ASE signify?
lip/ase fat/enzyme
What does ATTRIT/I- mean?
wearing out
attrit/ion wearing out/process of
What does BARO- refer to?
baro/gnosis weight/prediction, baro/graph weight/device that measures
What does BAS/O- signify?
basic or at base
bas/al (metabolism) basic or at base/refers to
What does BERI- mean?
beri/beri weakness/weakness
What does BIL/I- refer to?
bile or gall
bili/ary bile or gall/refers to, bili/genesis bile/formation of
What does BLENNO- signify?
blen/oma mucus/tumor, blenn/oid mucus/like or resembling
What does BOL/O- mean?
lump or ball
bol/us lump or ball, choice bit of food (in stomach), to throw up /refers to
What does BRUX- refer to?
brux/ism grinding (teeth)/state of
What does BULIMO- signify?
bulim/ic hunger or appetite (excessive)/refers to or condition of
What does CATA- mean?
breakdown or down
cata/bol/ism breakdown or down/choice bit of food or lump/state of
What does CEBO- refer to?
meal or food
ceb/um meal or food/pertain to
What does CEC/O- signify?
blind pouch
Ceco/pexy blind pouch/surgically attached to abdominal wall, cec/os/tom/y blind pouch/mouth/cut/act of
What does -CECE mean?
omphalo/cele navel (belly button)/swelling, tumor, protrusion (outie)
What does CEMENT/O- refer to?
cement/um hard/refers to
What does CHOLANGIO- mean?
bile duct
cholang/itis bile duct/inflamed
What does CHOLE- signify?
bile or gall
chole/sterol bile or gall (ingredient of)/solid
What does CHOLECYST/O- refer to?
cholecyst/ectomy gallbladder/removal
What does CHOLEDOCH/O- mean?
gallbladder duct (canal)
choledoch/ectomy common bile duct/removal or excision
What does CHOLERA signify?
biliary acute diarrhea
cholera biliary acute dia/rrhea
What does CHYME mean?
a/chym/ia lack of/juice/condition
What does COEL- refer to?
hollow belly or cavity
coel/iac hollow belly or cavity/pertains to
What does COL/O- mean?
colon (large intestine)
col/os/tom/y colon (big or large intestine ‘5 feet long’)/mouth or opening/cut/procedure of
What does COLON/O- signify?
colon or large intestine
colono/scop/y colon or big intestine/view or examine/procedure of
What does CORD mean?
vocal cords or cord
cord/itis vocal cords/inflamed
What does CRAS/O- refer to?
su/crase sugar/mixture
What does -CREAS signify?
leshy or flesh
pan/creas all/fleshy or flesh
What does CRIC/O- mean?
cric/oid ring/resembles
What does CUSP refer to?
Cusp/id Pointed/refers to
What does DE- signify?
de/gluti/tion away/swallowing/process of
What does DENT/O- refer to?
tooth or teeth
dent/al tooth or teeth/pertains to
What does DIVERTICUL/O- mean?
diverticul/itis outpouching/inflamed
What does DOCH/O- signify?
duct or canal
chole/doch/itis bile or gall/duct or canal/inflamed
What does DONT/O- refer to?
tooth or teeth
ortho/dont/ist straightening/teeth/specialist
What does DRACUNCUL/O- mean?
little dragon
dracuncul/osis little dragon/condition of
What does DUODEN/O- signify?
duoden/itis twelve/inflamed
What does EMAC/I- refer to?
to grow thin
Emac/i/ation to grow thin (leanness or to waste)/process of
What does -EMESIS mean?
hem/emesis blood/vomit
What does ENAMEL signify?
enamel (hard outer covering of upper tooth)
What does ENTERO- mean?
enter/itis intestine (usually refers to small intestine)/inflamed
What does ERUCT/O- refer to?
eruct/ation belching/process of
What does ESO- signify?
eso/phag/us toward/eater/refers to
What does FEC/O- mean?
stool or fecal matter
fec/o/lith stool (feces waste)/like stone
What does FLAT/O- refer to?
to blow
flat/us to blow/refers to
What does -FLUX signify?
to flow
re/flux again/flow
What does -FORM mean?
shaped, shape, form
vermi/form worm/shaped
What does GASTR/O- refer to?
gastr/itis stomach/inflamed
What does GINGIV/O- mean?
gingiv/itis gum/inflamed
What does GLOSS/O- signify?
gloss/itis tongue/inflamed