MedTerm) Diagnostics Flashcards
What is an abscess?
A going away; tissue disintegration & displacement (‘Staph’ infection forming pus).
What does the prefix ‘ALGES/I-‘ refer to?
Example: an/alges/ic = without/pain/refers to.
What does ‘-ALGIA’ mean?
Example: neur/algia = nerve/pain.
What does the prefix ‘ANTE-‘ signify?
Example: ante/nat/al = before/birth/pertains to.
What does ‘ANTER/O-‘ mean?
Before or foremost.
Example: anter/ior = before or foremost (in front)/refers to.
What does ‘AQUA-‘ refer to?
Example: aqua/therap/y = water/treat/process or procedure.
What does ‘AUSCULT/O-‘ mean?
To listen.
Example: auscult/ation = to listen (physical diagnosis)/process of.
What does ‘BACILL/O-‘ refer to?
Example: bacill/us = rod-like (bacteria)/refers to.
What does ‘BACTERI/O-‘ signify?
Example: bacter/ia = rod/refers to.
What does ‘BIO-‘ mean?
Example: bio/log/y = life/science of or study of/process of.
What does ‘BUCCA-‘ refer to?
Example: bucc/al = cheek/pertains to.
What does ‘CAL/O-‘ signify?
Heat, heated, or hot.
Example: cal/or = heat, heated, or hot/one who is.
What does ‘CAPIT/O-‘ mean?
Example: capit/al = head/refers to.
What does ‘CAUD/O-‘ refer to?
Tail or toward tail.
Example: caud/al = tail or toward tail/refers to.
What does ‘CAUST/O-‘ signify?
Burn or heat.
Example: caus/tic = burn or heat/refers to.
What does ‘CAUTER/O-‘ mean?
To burn or to heat.
Example: cauter/iz/ation = to burn or to heat/act of/procedure of.
What does ‘-CENTESIS’ refer to?
Surgical puncture to drain fluid.
Example: thoraco/centesis = chest/surgical puncture to drain fluid.
What does ‘CENTR/I-‘ mean?
Example: centri/fug/al = center (middle of circle)/to flee/refers to.
What does ‘CEPHAL/O-‘ signify?
Example: en/cephal/itis = within/head/inflamed.
What does ‘-CEPT-‘ refer to?
Example: chemo/cept/or = chemical or drug/receiver or to receive/one who.
What does ‘CINE/O-‘ mean?
Movement filming.
Example: cine/angio/cardio/graph/y = movement/vessel/heart/filming instrument/procedure.
What does ‘-CIS’ signify?
Cut or to cut.
Example: in/cis/ion = into/cut/procedure of.
What does ‘-CLYSIS’ refer to?
Irrigation or injection.
Example: hydro/clysis = water/irrigation or injection.
What does ‘-COCCUS’ mean?
Example: staphylo/coccus = grape-like/berry (shape of bacteria).
What is the coronal plane?
Crowning or frontal body cut.
Example: coron/al = crowning or frontal body cut/refers to.
What does ‘CRYO-‘ refer to?
Example: cryo/therap/y = cold/treat or cure (killing cells)/procedure of.
What does ‘CURETT/O-‘ mean?
Scooping or scraping.
Example: curett/age = scooping or scraping/refers to.
What does ‘CYTE-‘ signify?
Cell or chamber.
Example: cyt/olog/y = cell or chamber/study of or science of/process of.
What does ‘DEEP’ mean?
Most inward.
What does ‘DEM/O-‘ refer to?
Example: dem/o/graphy = people/procedure of recording w/ an instrument.
What does ‘DEPRESS/O-‘ signify?
Example: depress/or = lower/one who.
What does ‘-DESIS’ mean?
Binding or to bind.
Example: ligo/desis = to bind/binding.
What does ‘DEXTR/O-‘ refer to?
Example: dextro/card/ia = right/heart/refers to.
What does ‘DIFFERENT-‘ signify?
To separate.
Example: different/ial dia/gnosis = to separate or apart/refers to.
What does ‘DIST/O-‘ mean?
Farther from.
Example: dist/al = farther from/refers to.
What does ‘DOCT/O-‘ refer to?
To teach or teacher.
Example: doct/or (Latin ‘docere’) = to teach or teacher/one who.
What does ‘DOL/O-‘ signify?
Example: dol/or = pain/one who (causes).
What does ‘DORS/O-‘ mean?
Example: dors/al = back (posterior)/refers to.
What does ‘DUCT/O-‘ refer to?
To draw or to lead away.
Example: ab/duct/ion = away/to draw or lead away (motion)/process of.
What does ‘DYNAM/O-‘ signify?
Work or strength.
Example: dynam/ics = work or strength/refers to.
What does ‘-DYNIA’ mean?
Example: coccygo/dynia = tailbone (coccyx)/pain.
What does ‘ECHO-‘ refer to?
Example: echo/gram = sound/writing or recording.
What does ‘-ECTOMY’ signify?
Excision or removal.
Example: tonsill/ectomy = almond or small mass/excision or removal.
What does ‘ELECTR/O-‘ mean?
Example: electro/encephalo/gram = electrical/in head (brain)/recording.
What does ‘FEBR/O-‘ refer to?
Example: febr/ile = fever/state of or refers to.
What does ‘GEN/O-‘ signify?
Example: geno/type = race/classification (gene).
What does ‘GENI/O-‘ mean?
Example: geni/ec/tom/y = chin/out/cutting/procedure of.
What does ‘-GRAFT’ refer to?
To probe or cut w/ a knife.
Example: dermo/graft = skin/to probe w/ knife.
What does ‘-GRAM’ mean?
To record.
Example: myo/gram = muscle/to record.
What does ‘-GRAPHY’ signify?
Procedure of using an instrument to do recording.
Example: myo/graphy = muscle/procedure of using an instrument to do recording.
What does ‘-GRAPH’ refer to?
Example: myo/graph = muscle/instrument.
What does ‘IN SITU’ mean?
In position or location.
Example: in situ = in: position or location.
What does ‘INFECT/O-‘ signify?
To invade.
Example: infect/ion = to invade/process of.
What does ‘-ING’ mean?
Procedure of or process of.
Example: operat/ing = working/procedure of or process of.