MedTerm) Diagnostics Flashcards
What is an abscess?
A going away; tissue disintegration & displacement (‘Staph’ infection forming pus).
What does the prefix ‘ALGES/I-‘ refer to?
Example: an/alges/ic = without/pain/refers to.
What does ‘-ALGIA’ mean?
Example: neur/algia = nerve/pain.
What does the prefix ‘ANTE-‘ signify?
Example: ante/nat/al = before/birth/pertains to.
What does ‘ANTER/O-‘ mean?
Before or foremost.
Example: anter/ior = before or foremost (in front)/refers to.
What does ‘AQUA-‘ refer to?
Example: aqua/therap/y = water/treat/process or procedure.
What does ‘AUSCULT/O-‘ mean?
To listen.
Example: auscult/ation = to listen (physical diagnosis)/process of.
What does ‘BACILL/O-‘ refer to?
Example: bacill/us = rod-like (bacteria)/refers to.
What does ‘BACTERI/O-‘ signify?
Example: bacter/ia = rod/refers to.
What does ‘BIO-‘ mean?
Example: bio/log/y = life/science of or study of/process of.
What does ‘BUCCA-‘ refer to?
Example: bucc/al = cheek/pertains to.
What does ‘CAL/O-‘ signify?
Heat, heated, or hot.
Example: cal/or = heat, heated, or hot/one who is.
What does ‘CAPIT/O-‘ mean?
Example: capit/al = head/refers to.
What does ‘CAUD/O-‘ refer to?
Tail or toward tail.
Example: caud/al = tail or toward tail/refers to.
What does ‘CAUST/O-‘ signify?
Burn or heat.
Example: caus/tic = burn or heat/refers to.
What does ‘CAUTER/O-‘ mean?
To burn or to heat.
Example: cauter/iz/ation = to burn or to heat/act of/procedure of.
What does ‘-CENTESIS’ refer to?
Surgical puncture to drain fluid.
Example: thoraco/centesis = chest/surgical puncture to drain fluid.
What does ‘CENTR/I-‘ mean?
Example: centri/fug/al = center (middle of circle)/to flee/refers to.
What does ‘CEPHAL/O-‘ signify?
Example: en/cephal/itis = within/head/inflamed.
What does ‘-CEPT-‘ refer to?
Example: chemo/cept/or = chemical or drug/receiver or to receive/one who.
What does ‘CINE/O-‘ mean?
Movement filming.
Example: cine/angio/cardio/graph/y = movement/vessel/heart/filming instrument/procedure.
What does ‘-CIS’ signify?
Cut or to cut.
Example: in/cis/ion = into/cut/procedure of.
What does ‘-CLYSIS’ refer to?
Irrigation or injection.
Example: hydro/clysis = water/irrigation or injection.
What does ‘-COCCUS’ mean?
Example: staphylo/coccus = grape-like/berry (shape of bacteria).
What is the coronal plane?
Crowning or frontal body cut.
Example: coron/al = crowning or frontal body cut/refers to.
What does ‘CRYO-‘ refer to?
Example: cryo/therap/y = cold/treat or cure (killing cells)/procedure of.
What does ‘CURETT/O-‘ mean?
Scooping or scraping.
Example: curett/age = scooping or scraping/refers to.
What does ‘CYTE-‘ signify?
Cell or chamber.
Example: cyt/olog/y = cell or chamber/study of or science of/process of.
What does ‘DEEP’ mean?
Most inward.
What does ‘DEM/O-‘ refer to?
Example: dem/o/graphy = people/procedure of recording w/ an instrument.
What does ‘DEPRESS/O-‘ signify?
Example: depress/or = lower/one who.
What does ‘-DESIS’ mean?
Binding or to bind.
Example: ligo/desis = to bind/binding.
What does ‘DEXTR/O-‘ refer to?
Example: dextro/card/ia = right/heart/refers to.
What does ‘DIFFERENT-‘ signify?
To separate.
Example: different/ial dia/gnosis = to separate or apart/refers to.
What does ‘DIST/O-‘ mean?
Farther from.
Example: dist/al = farther from/refers to.
What does ‘DOCT/O-‘ refer to?
To teach or teacher.
Example: doct/or (Latin ‘docere’) = to teach or teacher/one who.
What does ‘DOL/O-‘ signify?
Example: dol/or = pain/one who (causes).
What does ‘DORS/O-‘ mean?
Example: dors/al = back (posterior)/refers to.
What does ‘DUCT/O-‘ refer to?
To draw or to lead away.
Example: ab/duct/ion = away/to draw or lead away (motion)/process of.
What does ‘DYNAM/O-‘ signify?
Work or strength.
Example: dynam/ics = work or strength/refers to.
What does ‘-DYNIA’ mean?
Example: coccygo/dynia = tailbone (coccyx)/pain.
What does ‘ECHO-‘ refer to?
Example: echo/gram = sound/writing or recording.
What does ‘-ECTOMY’ signify?
Excision or removal.
Example: tonsill/ectomy = almond or small mass/excision or removal.
What does ‘ELECTR/O-‘ mean?
Example: electro/encephalo/gram = electrical/in head (brain)/recording.
What does ‘FEBR/O-‘ refer to?
Example: febr/ile = fever/state of or refers to.
What does ‘GEN/O-‘ signify?
Example: geno/type = race/classification (gene).
What does ‘GENI/O-‘ mean?
Example: geni/ec/tom/y = chin/out/cutting/procedure of.
What does ‘-GRAFT’ refer to?
To probe or cut w/ a knife.
Example: dermo/graft = skin/to probe w/ knife.
What does ‘-GRAM’ mean?
To record.
Example: myo/gram = muscle/to record.
What does ‘-GRAPHY’ signify?
Procedure of using an instrument to do recording.
Example: myo/graphy = muscle/procedure of using an instrument to do recording.
What does ‘-GRAPH’ refer to?
Example: myo/graph = muscle/instrument.
What does ‘IN SITU’ mean?
In position or location.
Example: in situ = in: position or location.
What does ‘INFECT/O-‘ signify?
To invade.
Example: infect/ion = to invade/process of.
What does ‘-ING’ mean?
Procedure of or process of.
Example: operat/ing = working/procedure of or process of.
What does ‘INTRO-‘ refer to?
Example: intro/spect = within/to view.
What does ‘INTUS-‘ signify?
Example: intus/suscept/ion = within/to receive/process of.
What does ‘ION/O-‘ mean?
Going or ion movement.
Example: iono/therap/y = going (of ions)/treat or cure/procedure of.
What does ‘IPSI-‘ refer to?
Example: ipsi/later/al = equal/side or sides/process of.
What does ‘IR-‘ signify?
Not or lack of.
Example: ir/regul/ar = not or lack of/consistent or regular/refers to.
What does ‘-ISH’ mean?
Resembling or related to.
Example: lap/ish = stone/resembling or related to.
What does ‘-ISM’ signify?
State of or condition of.
Example: giant/ism = large/state of.
What does ‘-IST’ refer to?
Example: endo/crin/olog/ist = within/secrete/science or study of/specialist.
What does ‘-ITIS’ mean?
Inflamed or inflammation.
Example: gloss/itis = tongue/inflamed or inflammation.
What does ‘-ITY’ signify?
State of.
Example: steril/ity = barren (not fertile)/state of.
What does ‘-IZE’ refer to?
State of or acts like.
Example: cauter/ize = burn/state of.
What does ‘LAX-‘ mean?
To loosen or loosening.
Example: re/lax/ation = again/to loosen/process of.
What does ‘LEPTO-‘ signify?
Thin or slender.
Example: lepto/morph/ic = thin or slender/shape or form/refers to.
What does ‘-LITER’ refer to?
Example: milli/liter = one-thousandth/liter of fluid measurement.
What does ‘-LYSIS’ mean?
Destruction, breakdown, declining.
Example: auto/lysis = self/destruction, breakdown, declining.
What does ‘MAL-‘ signify?
Bad, harm, injury.
Example: mal/ignant = bad, harm, injury/refers to.
What does ‘-MATA’ refer to?
Example: carcino/mata = crab-like (cancerous growths)/multiple.
What does ‘-METRY’ mean?
Measurement procedure.
Example: opto/metr/y = sight or vision/measurement/procedure or process.
What does ‘MILLI-‘ signify?
Example: milli/meter = one-thousandth/of a meter.
What does ‘MINIMUS-‘ mean?
Example: minim/um = smallest/refers to.
What does ‘MINUTE’ refer to?
Example: com/minute = together/small.
What does ‘-MITR/E’ signify?
Headband or mitre box.
Example: mitr/al = headband or mitre box/refers to.
What does ‘MYEL/O-‘ mean?
Spinal cord or bone marrow.
Example: myelo/gram = spinal cord/recording.
What does ‘NUCLE/O-‘ refer to?
Example: nucle/us = nut (shaped)/refers to.
What does ‘-O/PLASTY’ signify?
Repair or plastic surgery.
Example: rhino/plast/y = nose/repair or plastic surgery/procedure of.
What does ‘-OID’ mean?
Example: lip/oid = fat/resembling.
What does ‘ONC/O-‘ refer to?
Example: onco/log/y = tumor/science or study of/process of.
What does ‘-ORRHAPHY’ signify?
Suturing or repair.
Example: neur/orrhaph/y = nerve/suturing or repair/procedure of.
What does ‘-OSTOMY’ mean?
Mouth-like opening produced by surgery.
Example: col/ostomy = colon/opening (mouth-like formation)/procedure.
What does ‘-OTOMY’ refer to?
Cutting, to cut, cut into.
Example: tracheo/tom/y = rough (windpipe)/cut into/procedure of.
What does ‘-OTRIPSY’ signify?
Crushing or to crush.
Example: neur/otrips/y = nerve/crushing or to crush/procedure of.
What does ‘PALL/O-‘ mean?
Pale or lack of color.
Example: pall/or = pale or lack of color/one who.
What does ‘PALPAT/O-‘ refer to?
Touching or to touch.
Example: palpat/ion = touching or to touch/process of.
What does ‘PALPIT-‘ signify?
Quivering or fluttering.
Example: palpit/ation = quivering or fluttering (heart)/process of.
What does ‘PHARMAC/O-‘ mean?
Drug relationship, to drug, medicine.
Example: pharmac/o/log/ist = drug or medicine/study of/specialist.
What does ‘-PHERESIS’ refer to?
Withdrawal or to separate.
Example: hemato/pheresis = blood/to separate.
What does ‘PHOT/O-‘ signify?
Example: photo/graphy = light/process of recording.
What does ‘PHYSI/O-‘ mean?
Function of or nature of.
Example: physi/o/log/y = function or nature of/science of/process of.
What does ‘PLAS-‘ refer to?
Growth, development, formation.
Example: hyper/plas/ia = excessive/growth, development, formation/pertains to.
What does ‘PRO-‘ signify?
Example: pro/gnosis = before/knowledge.
What does ‘PRONE-‘ mean?
To bend forward.
Example: pronat/ion = to bend forward/process of.
What does ‘PROXIM/O-‘ refer to?
Close or closest.
Example: proxim/al = close or closest/refers to.
What does ‘PYO-‘ signify?
Example: pyo/gen/ic = pus/produce/refers to.
What does ‘PYRET/O-‘ mean?
Example: pyret/ic = fever ‘febrile’/heat/fire/refers to.
What does ‘RADI/O-‘ refer to?
Ray, spoke, X-ray, radioactivity.
Example: radia/tion = ray, spoke, X-ray, radioactivity/process of.
What does ‘RAY-‘ signify?
Spoke or wavelength.
Example: ray = spoke or wavelength.
What does ‘ROENT/O-‘ mean?
Example: roent/gen/ic = X-ray/beginning or caused by/refers to.
What does ‘radia/’ mean?
Ray, spoke, X-ray, radioactivity/process of or state of.
Example: rad/ius = spoke/refers to (lateral forearm bone, palm up).
What does ‘RAY-‘ signify?
Spoke or wavelength.
Example: ray = spoke or wavelength (e.g., energy, X-ray, spectrum, fluorescence).
What does ‘ROENT/O-‘ refer to?
Example: roent/gen/ic = X-ray/beginning or caused by/refers to.
What does ‘SAGITT/O-‘ mean?
Arrow or arrow-like.
Example: mid/sagitt/al = middle/like an arrow or arrow-like (cut)/refers to (divides body into right & left segments).
What does ‘-SCOP/E’ denote?
An instrument that examines or views.
Example: micro/scop/e = small/to view or examine/instrument.
What does ‘-SCOPY’ indicate?
To examine or view.
Example: lapro/scop/y = abdomen wall/to examine or view/procedure of.
What does ‘SECT/O-‘ mean?
To cut.
Example: sect/ion = to cut (several times) or apart/procedure of.
What does ‘SINISTR/O-‘ refer to?
To the left or left.
Example: sinistro/card/ia = to the left or left/heart/refers to.
What does ‘SOM/O-‘ signify?
Example: psycho/somat/ic = mind/body/refers to.
What does ‘SON/O-‘ mean?
Example: sono/gram = sound/recording or writing (diagnosis).
What does ‘SPHYGM/O-‘ denote?
Example: sphygmo/mano/meter = pulse/by hand/measurement (records blood pressure).
What does ‘STAPHYL/O-‘ refer to?
Grape or grape-like clusters.
Example: staphylo/coccus = grape or grape-like clusters/berry (bacteria appearance).
What does ‘STEREO-‘ signify?
Three-dimensional or solid.
Example: stereo/cine/fluoro/graphy = three-dimensional (viewing)/motion picture/fluorescence/recording procedure.
What does ‘STETH/O-‘ mean?
Example: stetho/scope = chest/to examine.
What does ‘STREPT/O-‘ refer to?
Twisted or twisted chain.
Example: strepto/coccus = twisted or twisted chain/spheres (bacteria appearance).
What does ‘STRICT/O-‘ signify?
Drawing or binding.
Example: strict/ure = drawing or binding/state of.
What does ‘SURG/I-‘ mean?
Working by hand.
Example: surg/ical = working by hand/refers to; surgeon = one who works by hand.
What does ‘SUTURE’ denote?
Sewing together.
Example: sutur/ing = sewing together/procedure of.
What does ‘SYN-‘ signify?
Example: syn/drome = together/running (signs & symptoms); syn/apse = together/point of contact.
What does ‘SYNCOPE’ mean?
To faint or fainting.
What does ‘TAX/O-‘ refer to?
Arrange, to order, to organize.
Example: tax/o/nom/y = arrange, to order, organize/law/process of (e.g., classifying plants or animals).
What does ‘THERAP/O-‘ signify?
Treating or curing.
Example: therap/y = treating or curing/procedure of.
What does ‘THERM/O-‘ mean?
Heat, hot, or warm.
Example: therm/ometer = heat/measurement.
What does ‘-TION’ denote?
Process of or procedure of.
Example: nutri/tion = nourishment/process of or procedure of.
What does ‘-TOM/E’ refer to?
Cutting instrument.
Example: derma/tom/e = skin/cut/instrument (used to cut skin).
What does ‘TON/O-‘ signify?
Tension, tone, pressure.
Example: tono/meter = tension, tone, pressure/to measure.
What does ‘TOX/O-‘ mean?
Example: tox/ic = poison/refers to.
What does ‘TRAUMA’ refer to?
What does ‘-TRESIA’ signify?
Perforation or opening.
Example: a/tresia = without/perforation or opening.
What does ‘TRIAGE’ mean?
To sort or classify.
Example: triage = to sort or classify (e.g., in hospitals, accidents, or war to prioritize treatment).
What does ‘-TRIPSY’ refer to?
To crush.
Example: litho/tripsy = stone/crushing (e.g., gall stones).
What does ‘TRYPAN/O-‘ signify?
Borer, to bore, drill.
Example: trypano/som/iasis = borer/body/disease or condition.
What does ‘VENTR/O-‘ mean?
Example: ventr/al = belly/refers to.
What does ‘VIR/O-‘ refer to?
Example: vir/al = poison/refers to.
What does ‘VIT/O-‘ signify?
Alive, life, living.
Example: vit/al = alive, life, living/pertains to.
What does ‘-Y’ mean?
Procedure of or process of.
Example: therap/y = treating or curing/procedure of or process of.