Medicines 23 Flashcards
How many tablets can be provided for treatment with isotretinoin?
Isotretinoin prescriptions have a 7-day validity and can only be written for a 30 day supply.
What are the key lifetstyle counselling points regarding:
Salt intake,
Saturated fat intake,
Salt intake, max of 6g
150 minutes of moderate
intensity activity a week or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity activity a week
men - no more than 30g of saturated fat daily. On average, women - no more than 20g of saturated fat a day.
How should you clean a Spacer?
✅ Wash in warm water with mild detergent or baby bottle sterilising solution.
❌ Do NOT rinse (prevents static build-up).
✅ Air dry completely at room temperature.
❌ Do NOT rub the inside with a cloth/polish (prevents static).
❌ Do NOT use heat to speed up drying.
It should be cleaned at
least twice a week.
What is the treatment for malignant hyperthermia
dantrolene, a medication that stops calcium from being released into muscles
Which medications are always black triangle drugs?
A biosimilar is a biologic medicine that is similar to an already licensed biologic medicine in terms of quality,
safety and efficacy. A biosimilar is specifically developed and licensed to treat the same disease(s) as the
original innovator product. A biosimilar can only be marketed after the patent protecting the originator
product and any period of marketing exclusivity have expired.
In what conditions is Acarbose contraindicated?
Digestive/Absorption Disorders: Use with caution.
Hernia: May worsen condition.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease: May aggravate symptoms.
Intestinal Obstruction: Avoid in predisposed individuals.
Providing a patient is not diabetic, and has well controlled BP, how do you treat a subconjunctival haemorrhage?
suggest doing nothing; the blood shot appearance should resolve in one to two weeks
What are key side effects to look out for with doxyrubicin?
📌 Extravasation
Causes tissue necrosis if it leaks.
📌 Cardiomyopathy
Risk ↑ with cumulative doses >450 mg/m².
📌 Liposomal Formulations
Reduce cardiotoxicity, but may cause severe infusion reactions.
Hand-foot syndrome is common, prevent by cooling and avoiding tight footwear.
📌 Elevated Bilirubin
Reduce dose if bilirubin is high.
Which constipation treatment is contraindicated with mesalazine?
The manufacturers of some mesalazine gastro-resistant and modified-release medicines (Asacol MR
tablets, Ipocol, Salofalk granules) suggest that preparations that lower stool pH (e.g. lactulose) might
prevent the release of mesalazine. This in turn, can worsen crohn’s disease symptoms or bring about a flare.
What is the SADMAN pneumonic for AKIs
📌 S - SGLT-2 Inhibitors
Risk of euglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis during acute illness causing dehydration.
📌 A - ACE Inhibitors
Risk of AKI during dehydration due to reduced renal efferent vasoconstriction.
📌 D - Diuretics
Risk of AKI during dehydration.
📌 M - Metformin
Risk of lactic acidosis during dehydration.
📌 A - ARBs
Risk of AKI during dehydration.
📌 N - NSAIDs
Risk of AKI during dehydration due to reduced renal afferent vasodilation.
What is the cause and symptoms of lymes disease?
📌 Cause: Bacterial infection spread by infected ticks.
📌 Symptoms:
Bull’s-eye rash around a tick bite (circular, red).
Rash can appear up to 3 months after the bite, but usually within 4 weeks.
Rash lasts for several weeks.
What is the recommended treatment for mebendazole?
supply mebendazole to the whole family, followed by a repeat dose after 14 days
What are the symptoms of pubic lice?
itching, which is usually worse at night
small red or blue spots on your skin (lice bites)
white/yellow dots attached to your hair (lice eggs)
dark red or brown spots in your underwear (lice poo)
crusted or sticky eyelashes, if they’re affected
What are the symptoms of syphilis?
small sores (ulcers) on your penis, vagina, or around your bottom (anus) – these are usually painless and you may only have one of them
sores in other areas, including in your mouth or on your lips, hands or bottom
white or grey warty growths most commonly on your penis, vagina or around your anus
a rash on the palms of your hands and soles of your feet that can sometimes spread all over your body – this is not usually itchy
white patches in your mouth
flu-like symptoms, such as a high temperature, headaches and tiredness
swollen glands
patchy hair loss on the head, beard and eyebrows
What are the symptoms of gonorrhoea
Typical symptoms of gonorrhoea include a thick green or yellow discharge from the vagina or penis, pain when peeing and, in women, bleeding between periods.
But around 1 in 10 infected men and almost half of infected women do not experience any symptoms.
What are the symptoms of Chlamydia in men and women?
Symptoms in women
Chlamydia can cause symptoms in women. These symptoms can affect anyone with a vagina:
vaginal discharge that is not normal for you
bleeding after sex or between periods
a burning feeling when you pee
pain in your lower tummy
Symptoms in men
Chlamydia can cause symptoms in men. These symptoms can affect anyone with a penis:
white, cloudy or watery discharge from the tip of your penis
burning and itching around the testicles (balls) and penis
pain and swelling in the testicles
a burning feeling when you pee
What is the difference between hyoscine hydrobromide and hyoscine butylbromide?
📌 Hyoscine Hydrobromide
Used for: Motion sickness, nausea, vomiting, and as a pre-operative medication (to reduce saliva and secretions).
Mechanism: Crosses the blood-brain barrier, affecting the central nervous system. It has sedative effects and can cause drowsiness.
Forms: Oral tablets, patches, injections.
📌 Hyoscine Butylbromide
Used for: Relieving smooth muscle spasm (e.g., in the gastrointestinal or genitourinary tract, for conditions like IBS or colic).
Mechanism: Does not cross the blood-brain barrier, so it doesn’t cause sedation or affect the central nervous system.
Forms: Oral tablets, injections.
How long is a script for oramorph valid for ?
6 months as it is a schedule 5 CD
If a patient is on a nasogastric tube and phenytoin, what is the advise around administration ?
Patients who receive enteral feeding preparations have lower than expected phenytoin levels, reducing
seizure control. Therefore, the feed must be interrupted for two hours before and after Phenytoin doses.
Closer monitoring of levels is required.
Which Vitamin Should Women avoid during pregnancy?
In view of evidence suggesting that high levels of vitamin A may cause birth defects, women who are (or
may become) pregnant are advised not to take vitamin A supplements (including tablets and fish liver oil
drops), except on the advice of a doctor or an antenatal clinic; nor should they eat liver or products such as
liver paté or liver sausage.
What HBA1C, Fasting or random glucose levels would suggest Type 2 diabetes?
HbA1c: 48 mmol/mol (6.5%) or more
Fasting Plasma Glucose: 7.0 mmol/L or more
Random Plasma Glucose: 11.1 mmol/L or more
Is metformin effective without the presence of insulin?
metformin is only effective in the presence of insulin
What is the most appropriate advice to give a man or a woman taking mycophenolate and planning a family?
The MHRA advises to exclude pregnancy in females of child-bearing potential before treatment—2 pregnancy tests 8–10 days apart are recommended. Women should use at least 1 method of effective contraception before and during treatment, and for 6 weeks after discontinuation—2 methods of effective contraception are preferred. Male patients or their female partner should use effective contraception during treatment and for 90 days after discontinuation.
Which of the treatments for Urinary incontinence have the lowest anticholinergic burden?
Mirabegron acts on beta-3-adrenocetors. Therefore, it has a minimal anticholinergic burden unlike the other
options which are all antimuscarinics and have a high anticholinergic burden.
Which drugs cause hyperkalemia
Aldosterone antagonists (spiro/eplenerone)
Some iimuno suppressants like: Tacrolimus & Cicilosporin
NSAIDs (through renal impairment)
Potassium supplements
LMWH: Enoxaparin etc