MEP Flashcards
If a private prescription says to dispense X3, how often does it get dispensed?
Private prescriptions must state it is repeatable e.g. Repeat X3 means dispense four times in total.
If the number of repeats on a private prescription is not stated, how many times do you dispense?
If the number of repeats not stated - only repeat once i.e. dispense two times in total.
The exception is oral contraceptives; can repeat 5X i.e. dispensed 6 times within 6 months of expiry.
What are the quantities to supply for emergency supplies (CDs, Creams, inhalers, Antibiotics, contaceptive, Normal meds etc)?
Controlled drugs (4,5, Phenobarbital)= 5 days supply
POM = 30 day supply
Oral contraceptive = full treatment cycle i.e. 28 days worth
Inhaler, insulin, creams; packs that cannot be broken = smallest pack size
Liquid antibiotic = smallest quantity to complete the course.
Dispensary label must contain “emergency supply”
How long do you retain records for?
As a general rule with retention of records/prescriptions
veterinary and Responsible Pharmacist record are kept for
5 years everything else e.g. CDs, Privates kept for 2 years
How long do you retain private prescriptions for ?
Retain private prescriptions for 2 years from last date of supply.
(Private Schedule 2 and 3 are sent off to NHS agency at end of month)
Keep for 2 years from date of last entry (or 2 from date electronic record was created) except for:
* Oral contraceptives
* Schedule 2 CD (because recorded in CD register)
What information is required to be documented for private prescriptions?
Record the following information on the day or day after:
= of supply and date on prescription
* Dates
* Medicine = name, strength, formulation and quantity
* Patient and Prescriber name and address
What is the maximum amount of pseudoephedrine and ephrine
Commonly abused to
crystal meth
* Do not sell
(60mg max 12 tablets)
* Do not sell
Do not supply both at
same time
unless on
What is the legal sale limit with paracetamol and aspirin?
Sell maximum of
100 non-effervescent
No legal limits for
but use your professional
What are the three main classifications of medicines in the UK and where can each be sold?
The three main classifications are:
General Sales List (GSL): Sold in retail outlets that can “close to exclude the public” or in registered pharmacies.
Pharmacy Medicines (P): Sold only in registered pharmacies by or under the supervision of a pharmacist.
Prescription-Only Medicines (POM): Require a prescription from an appropriate prescriber.
What are the legal restrictions on the sale of pseudoephedrine and ephedrine?
Pseudoephedrine sales are limited to 720mg (maximum 12 tablets of 60mg each) and ephedrine sales are limited to 180mg. Both cannot be sold together unless a prescription is presented.
What is the maximum quantity of paracetamol and aspirin that can be sold over-the-counter?
The maximum quantity for non-effervescent paracetamol and aspirin is 100 tablets/capsules. There is no legal limit for effervescent formulations, but professional judgment should be applied.
Outline three key requirements for the dispensing of Isotretinoin under the Pregnancy Prevention Programme.
Isotretinoin dispensing under the PPP requires:
A prescription valid for only 7 days with a maximum 30-day supply.
No faxed or repeat prescriptions are accepted.
Emergency supplies are only allowed if requested by the PPP specialist prescriber and a negative pregnancy test is confirmed within the previous 7 days.
What is the difference between a biologic and a biosimilar medicine?
A biologic medicine is made from human, animal, or microorganism sources (e.g. insulin). A biosimilar medicine is similar to an already licensed biologic medicine but is not an exact copy.
What is the validity period of a prescription for a Controlled Drug Schedule 2?
A prescription for a Schedule 2 Controlled Drug is valid for 28 days from the appropriate date (date signed or date to be dispensed, whichever is later).
What are the requirements for an emergency supply of a prescription-only medicine (POM)?
An emergency supply of a POM requires:
An immediate need where obtaining a prescription without delay is impractical.
The pharmacist must know the dose needed.
Supply is limited to 30 days for POMs, 5 days for controlled drugs (4 & 5, Phenobarbital), and the smallest pack size for inhalers, insulin, and creams.
What is a Patient Group Direction (PGD) and give an example?
A PGD is a written direction allowing authorized healthcare professionals to supply or administer specific medicines to a defined group of patients with a specific condition. An example is the supply of Doxycycline for malaria prophylaxis.
What is the legal requirement for a pharmacist supplying a Non-Food Animal - Veterinarian, Pharmacist, Suitably qualified person (NFA-VPS) medicine?
When supplying an NFA-VPS medicine, the pharmacist must:
Advise the owner on safe use, warnings, and contraindications.
Be satisfied the owner intends and is competent to use the medicine correctly.
Supply the minimum quantity needed for treatment.
What are the key steps to take if a dispensing error occurs?
Key steps to take if a dispensing error occurs include:
Apologize sincerely to the patient.
Determine if the medicine was taken and refer to a GP if harm occurred.
Inspect the dispensed medicine.
Supply the correct medicine.
Record the error and conduct a root cause analysis.
Can a pharmacy sell pseudoephedrine and ephedrine together in a single transaction without a prescription?
No, pseudoephedrine and ephedrine cannot be sold together in a single transaction unless a prescription is provided. This restriction aims to prevent the misuse of these substances in producing illegal drugs. [1]
Which emergency hormonal contraception can be supplied within 120 hours of unprotected sex?
Ulipristal can be supplied to women of child-bearing age within 120 hours of unprotected sex. [3]
What is the age restriction for obtaining levonorgestrel as emergency hormonal contraception?
Levonorgestrel is available as emergency hormonal contraception to individuals 16 years and older.
How long after unprotected sex can levonorgestrel be supplied as emergency hormonal contraception?
Levonorgestrel can be supplied within 72 hours of unprotected sex.
What form is used for military prescriptions?
Military prescriptions are written on FMED 296 forms
How should community pharmacies handle military prescriptions if they do not have a dispensing contract with the Ministry of Defence?
If a community pharmacy does not have a dispensing contract with the Ministry of Defence, they should treat military prescriptions as private prescriptions.
What is the time limit for receiving a prescription after a prescriber’s request for a POM in an emergency?
A prescription must be received within 72 hours of a prescriber’s request for a POM in an emergency.
What information is legally required on a vetinary dispensing label?
Legally Required Information on a Veterinary Dispensing Label
Name and address of the pharmacy.
Name and address of the animal owner.
Identification and species of the animal.
The words: “Keep out of reach of children”.
Any necessary storage precautions.
Name/description of the product, including active ingredients and strength.
Dosage and administration instructions.
Any warnings for the user (e.g., withdrawal periods for food-producing animals).
Date of supply.
What are the GPHC revalidation requirements each year?
Four CPD entries (two planned and two unplanned), one peer discussion, one reflective account.
How often should an audit be done for licensed animal medicines (POM-VPS and
every year
Why dont vetinary CD scripts get sent to the PPA and how long do they have to be retained for?
Veterinary CD prescriptions do not need to be submitted to the NHS Business Services Authority (BSA) or equivalent agency, as veterinary prescriptions are private and not linked to NHS reimbursement.
Veterinary CD prescriptions must be retained for 5 years by the veterinarian and the pharmacy for audit and inspection purposes. This applies to all Schedule 2 and 3 CDs.
How long do all of the different types of scripts and documents have to be retained in a community pharmacy?
NHS Prescriptions - 2 years
Private Prescriptions - 2 years
Veterinary Prescriptions - 5 years
CD Register - 2 years
Specials Records - 5 years
Signed Patient Consent Forms - 2 years
Emergency Supplies Records - 2 years
Controlled Drug Destruction Records
Retention Period: 7 years
Responsible Pharmacist (RP) Record
Retention Period: 5 years
Which information isnt required on a European prescription?
Patients address
How does the GPHC suggest you should raise concerns?
The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC), guidance on raising concerns, suggests that where possible
concerns should be shared with the supervisor, kept confidential where possible and a record of relevant
information surrounding the concern should be kept.
What would an expiry date on June 2025 mean in terms of the last date the medication can be taken?
Expiry date of June 2025 means that the medicine should not be used after the
end of the month – so in this case, it should not be taken after 30/06/25
Which activities can not be done in a pharmacy when the responsible pharmacist is present?
- Professional check – clinical and legal
- Sale and supply of P medicines
- Sale and supply of POMs
- Supply of medicines under a PGD
- Wholesale of medicines
- Emergency supply of medicines at the request of
patient or HCP
What are the criteria for the fraiser guidelines for contraception advice and treatment to young people?
👩⚕️ Aged 16+: Presumed competent to consent.
🧒 Under 16: Must demonstrate competence.
🇬🇧 England & Wales – Fraser Criteria for Contraceptive Advice (without parental consent):
1️⃣ Understands practitioner’s advice.
2️⃣ Won’t inform parents or allow practitioner to do so.
3️⃣ Likely to have intercourse with or without treatment.
4️⃣ Health likely to suffer without treatment.
5️⃣ In their best interest to receive treatment/advice without parental consent.
Scotland – Fraiser guidelines don’t apply - Age of Legal Capacity Act 1991: Competence if young person can:
✅ Understand treatment purpose, benefits, risks, and alternatives.
✅ Grasp consequences of treatment.
✅ Retain and weigh information to make a decision.
What key things should be remmebered regarding schedule 2 controlled drugs?
📜 Prescription: Must include dose, form, strength, and total quantity in words and figures.
🔒 Storage: Kept in a locked CD cabinet (complying with Safe Custody regulations).
📖 Record-Keeping: All transactions recorded in a Controlled Drugs Register.
🗑️ Destruction: Disposal must be witnessed by an authorized person.
⚠️ No emergency supplies or repeats under standard regulations.
List some schedule 2 controlled drugs:
- Opioid Analgesics
Diamorphine (Heroin) – For severe pain and palliative care
Methadone – For opioid dependence and pain
Buprenorphine – Also used in opioid dependence treatment
🧬 2. Major Stimulants
Amphetamines (e.g., dexamfetamine sulfate – for ADHD, narcolepsy)
Lisdexamfetamine – For ADHD
🩹 3. Other Notable Substances
Cocaine – Limited medical use as a local anaesthetic
Ketamine – (Although often considered Schedule 2 in certain guidelines, ketamine is officially Schedule 2 for medical use in the UK since 2014)