Medicine 2 Flashcards
‘Sanitary conditions of the Labouring Population’
- Published 1842
- James Chadwick
- Highlighted the terrible conditions under which poor people were living
- Suggested this was limiting economic growth
Broad Street Pump
- 1854, John Snow
- Proved Cholera was a water-borne disease
- Deaths from an outbreak were centralised around this pump
- When the handle was removed the deaths stopped
Causes of liberal reform
Demands of empire
* Men too weak to fight in war
* Boer War highlighted
* some areas up to 69%
* Rivalry with Conservatives and Labour pushed liberals further left
* Labour 2 seats 1900, 29 by 1906
Cause of reform: Demands of Empire
- Britain needed strong army
- Concern over health of troops
- In Boer War up to 69% of soldiers unfit to fight
- Boer war 1899
- Committee on Physical Deterioration
Cause of reform: Politics
- Rise of socialism in Britain
- Conservatives promies changes
- 1900 Labour Party formed
- Labour, 2 seats in 1900, 29 by 1906
- Threat led to Liberals being even further left leaning
2 Liberal Reforms for Children
- 1908 Children and young people act. illegal to abuse kids, commitees set up to ensure welfare, different childrens prisons, child care regulated (Difficult to enforce, conditions still harsh)
- 1912 School clinics, Medical treatment for Children free in schools (Standard of care varied)
Liberal Reform for Elderly
1908 Old Age Pensions act, Over 70s received 5s a week. Claimed by 650,000 in first year. (raised taxes, rich were in uproar)
2 Liberal reforms for Workers
National Insurance Act 1911
1. Part 1, sickness benefit of 10s for 13 weeks. 16 million in scheme. (Decreased after 13 weeks off)
2. Part 2, Unemployed workers got 7s 6d a week. 2.5 million workers recieved.(only for 15 weeks)
1848 Public Health Act
- Permissive, Board of Health encouraged action but was not mandatory
- Allowed towns to: establish a Board of Health, employ a medical officer, organise rubbish and sewage removal
- Disbanded in 1878
1848 Public Health Act limitations
- Permissive
- Terms were temporary, Board of Health ended in 1854
- Very high cost of improving conditions locally
- Chadwick was difficult to work with
- Local tax increases not popular
1875 Public Health Act
Authorities had to:
* provide clean water
* dispose of sewage
* ensure only safe food was sold
Must search for dangers to public health “nuisances” and take action to fix it.
1876 River Pollution Prevention Act
Made it illegal for companies to dump waste , including chemicals into rivers
1875 Artisan Dwelling Act
Gave local governments the power to demolish slum housing.
Great Stink
- 1858
- Heat wave caused excrement in the Thames to dry on shores
- Caused incredibly bad smell, near parliament
- Showed that Thames was not a safe waste disposal
1858 Sewers act
- Parliament passed an act to build a sewer system
- Bazalgette assigned to build it
- £3million assigned
- Oval shaped sewers made of brick
Building of the Sewers
- Most finished by 1865
- Entirely finished in 1875, for £6.5 million
- 2000 Km
Beveridge report
1942 Published Will Beveridge
Wanted to address 5 problems:
1. Want
2. Disease
3. Ignorance
4. Squalor
5. Idleness
1946 National Health Act
- NHS Bill
- Doctors would work for the government rather than privately
- They would be paid a salary rather than per patient
Impact of NHS
1. 187 Million prescriptions
2. 5.25 Million glasses
3. 8.5 Million treated at dentists
Causes of NHS
1. Troop quality
2. Emergency Medical Service 1938
3. Evacuations 3.5 mil(Country doctors realised poor standard of care in cities)
Beveridge report:
(See own card)