Germany 4 Flashcards
Reichstag Fire
- 27th February 1933
- Marianus Van der Lubbe charged
- 4,000 communists arrested
- Communists lost 19 seats
- Passed ‘Decree for Protection of People and State’
March 1933 Election
- Recruited 50,000 SA members
- Violence led to 70 deaths
- Threats at polling stations to encourage correct voting
Enabling Act
- Passed 444 votes to 94
- Applied for 4 years but renewed in 1937
- Hitler could pass laws without the Reichstag
- Reichstag only met 12 more times till 1945
Threat of Rohm
- SA had 2 million members
- Rohm had more socialist views
- SA wanted to replace the army
Night of the long knives
- 29th June 1934 SS killed SA leaders
- 90 SA leaders killed
- SS became more powerful, SA less powerful
Hitler as Fuhrer
- Hindenbrug died, Hitler combined Chancellor and President
- 2nd August 1934 Army swore oath specifically to Hitler
- Named himself Fuhrer, supreme leader
Nazi Leadership Schools
- NAPOLAs - Boys aged 10-18 educated in leaderhsip, 39 schools in 1939
- Adolf Hitler Schools - Elite schools for 12-18 year olds for military leadership, only 11 of them
Nazi Youth Movements
- 1936 all eligible youth must be in the Hitler youth
- 8 million members by 1939
Nazi policies on women
- Kinder,Kirche,Kuche
- From 1933 loans available to married couples
- Large focus on women being homemakers and mothers
- Contraception and abortion banned
Nazis and Catholic Church
- Concordat - 1933, no cross involvement between church and state, church allowed to run youth groups and schools
- Breaking - Hitler removed catholic newspapers and images, prompting a rebuke by the pope in 1937
- Nazis responded with a huge crackdown on the church (1941 Catholic Press closed)
Nazis and protestant church
- Nazis created ReichChurch in 1933
- Confessional church made in 1934 to rival Nazi churches but quickly shut down
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer hung 1945
- By 1939 only 5% of Germans believed in God
Economic plans
New plan - Reduce imports and increase exports, spent 1 billion marks on public schemes
Four Year Plan - From 1936, aimed to make Germany self sufficient in raw resources, 1939 Germany still imported 1/3
Invisible unemployment
- Nazis manipulated figures to make it seem employment reduced
- Women were not included
- Jews not included
- National Labour Service organised work for unemployed men and they were no longer counted as unemployed
Effects of Nazi economic policy
- pre 1936 economy focused on increasing employment
- Four Year plan aimed to prepare for war
- People were not better off
- Germany had to start rationing immediatetly in Sep 1939
- Unemployment down and industry up
Groups effects by Nazi economic policy
- Big bussiness benefitted most
- profits went from 1.3 Bil in 1928 to 5 Bil in 1939
- Middle classes, workers and Farmers saw little improvement
Propaganda Key messages
- The supremacy of the Aryan race and the inferiority of the Jews and other races
- The tremendous work being done by the Nazis to deal with the evils of Communism
- The different roles of men and women in society and the importance of family
- The fact that all citizens had a duty to suffer for the good of the nations
- Goebbels “spiritual weapon of the totalitarian state”
- 1939, 70% of Germans had a Radio
- Programmes would inclue Hitlers speeches, Nazi history and German music
1936 Olympics
- Germany won the most medals
- Huge stadium to hold 100,000
- Showed Germany and Aryans as a strong people
- However, Jesse Owens a black American won 4 gold medals
Decree for Protection of People and State
- The police could ban meetings, search houses and imprison without trial
- The death penalty could be used for certain crimes
- Concentration camps like Dachau were set up
Persecution of Jews
- 1935 Nuremberg Laws (Jews no longer citizens, could not marry Germans)
- November 1938 Kristallnacht (91 killed, 191 synagogues destroyed)
- 1941 “Final solution”
- 1933 Goerring set up
- Huge numbers of spies among regular people
- Had the power to search houses and arrest with no reason
- 1942, 30,000 officers
Concentration camps
- 200,000 imprisoned for opposition
- The Law on Malicious Gossip made it illegal to tell even jokes about Hitler.
- Run by Deaths Head section of SS
SS under Himmler
- Himmler appointed leader 1929
- 400k members in 1934
- 240k members in 1939 (due to reductions)
- Members personally vetted by Himmler as “Aryan”
- Most ruthless and loyal Nazis
- All artists had to join Reich Chamber of Commerce
- Jazz was banned for being “black”
- Art had to feature Aryans
- Ministry of propaganda made a list of banned books
- Gestapo would search for and burn any non-Nazi literature
- Millions of books by Jewish or Communist authors were burned
- Geography taught lebensraum (living room)
- Focus on health for strong Volksgemeinschaft
- 1933 textbooks rewritten to enforce Nazi beliefs
- 50% decrease in higher education students