Medicare and Medicaid Flashcards
MCR: Eligibility
65 and over; Anyone with SS disability insurance for 2 years; End-stage renal disease
MCR: Available regardless of…
Financial need
MCR Part A
Pays upon being admitted to a hospital or nursing home and for hospice care
MCR A: Requires deductibles and copays but…
No premium for people who’ve paid taxes for approx. 10 years
MCR A: No coverage for…
Non-admitted emergency room visits, hospital stays for observation, phone/tv services
MCR A: Benefit Period
Will reset deductibles and co-payments
MCR A: Benefit period starts when…
Admitted to hospital or SNF
MCR A: Benefit period ends…
60 days after discharge
MCR A: Benefit period is…
Per admission/discharge, not per year
MCR A: Each benefit period pays for…
100% of first 60 days of hospitalization after deductible
MCR A: What days require co-payment?
MCR A: Each person has how many lifetime reserve days?
MCR A: Only covers skilled care, not…
Custodial Care
MCR A: SNF stay must be preceded by…
3-day hospital stay
MCR A: First 20 days are covered at…
MCR A: Days 21-100 require…
Daily copayment
MCR A: No coverage after…
100 days
MCR A: SNF stay must be with…
MCR approved provider
MCR Part B
Covers outpatient treatment, emergency room visits, doctor visits and prescribed medical equipment
MCR B: Also includes…
Blood transfusions while not hospitalized