Media Language - Technical, Visual and Audio Codes Flashcards
What are technical codes?
One of the ways in which a media product is constructed. Technical codes are where camera shots, angles and movements are edited together to communicate messages to an audience.
Whats an ‘Extreme Close Up’?
This is where the camera focuses on a subject or object from a very intimate perspective. It creates a sense of enigma.
Whats a ‘Close Up’?
This is where the camera focuses on a characters head/face in order to capture the emotion and tension, making the audience feel more involved with the character.
Whats a ‘Medium Close Up’?
This frames the subject from just above the head to just below the chest. It captures the subject’s facial expression and body language while still leaving some background in the frame.
Whats a ‘Mid Shot’?
This reveals half of the body. The shot is taken from above the head to just below the waist.
Whats a ‘Long Shot’?
This is shot from a considerable distance, where the audience can see the entirety of a subject, with their head being near the top of the frame and feet being near the bottom of the frame.
Whats an ‘Over the Shoulder Shot’?
A shot in which the camera is placed just behind an “off-screen” actor so that their shoulder is in the frame while you capture the “on-screen” actor’s coverage.
Whats a ‘Two Shot’?
This is where the camera frames a view of two people stood parallel to one another.
Whats a ‘Point of View Shot (POV)’?
This is where the camera positions the audience from another character’s perspective.
What’s an ‘Extreme Long Shot’?
A view from an even greater distance, in which people appear as small and the setting/landscape dominares the frame.
Whats an ‘Establishing Shot’?
This is used to establish a new location and often occurs at the beginning of a film/tv show or at the start of a new scene.
What’s a ‘High-Angle Shot’?
Where the camera is positioned high up framing the character below. It is often a technique used to represent vulnerability.
Whats a ‘Low-Angle Shot’?
Where the camera is positioned from a low position, framing the character in a high position. This displays the character as dominant and threatening.
What are Visual Codes?
The means by which media products contain messages to an audience.
What are the 8 main Visual Codes?
- Clothing
- Expression
- Gestures
- Technique
- Colours and Lighting
- Body Language
- Iconography and Setting
- Typography
Visual Code - Clothing
Communicates messages about the person
Visual Code - Expression
It is a way in which messages are communicated rapidly. It is a non-verbal communicator. Combined with close up shots, emotions can be clearly represented in a text and earily interpreted by an audience.
Visual Code - Gestures
They are non-verbal communicators and, as such, cross language barriers. Characters can convey emotions easily through the code of gesture, for example a shrug, a wave or something more aggressive or offensive.
Visual Code - Technique
The way in which a product is constructed and presented conveys meaning. For example, the use of black and white photography in an advertising campaign.
Visual Code - Colours and Lighting
Can transmit messages and in some cases are a key part of the product construction.
For example, in fragrance advertisement they can suggest the type of fragrance being marketed even though the audience cannot smell it.
Visual Code - Body Language
It is a non-verbal communicator that conveys messages of emotion, feelings and a person’s character.
Visual Code - Iconography
Objects, settings and backgrounds within a media product that contain meanings. Some objects take on significance beyond the literal meaning.
Visual Code - Typography
The graphics contained within the product are significant and establish meaning.
What are ‘Audio Codes’?
Audio is anything to do with sounds, but just like technical and visual codes - audio codes contain semiotics. Therefore, sound can also convey messages and meanings to the audience.
What are the 2 types of Audio Codes?
- Digetic Sound
- Non-Digetic Sound
Whats a ‘Digetic Sound’?
Sound that comes from inside of the fictional word.
E.g. dialogue, birds chirping.
Whats a ‘Non-Digetic Sound’?
Sounds that come from outside.
E.g. voiceover, heartbeat, soundtrack.