Med Nursing 3 Flashcards
CO = __ x __
CO = HR x SV
Factors effecting stroke volume
Heart Failure
- An abnormal condition involving impaired cardiac pumping/filling
- Heart is unable to produce an adequate cardiac output (CO) to meet metabolic needs (inadequate stroke volume and cardiac output).
- Associated with longstanding hypertension, coronary artery disease (CAD), and myocardial infarction (MI)
Increase in muscle mass and cardiac wall thickness in response to chronic dilation
Right Sided HF
Usually caused by left-sided heart failure
Causes back up in venous system
Infectious diseases most commonly transmitted through sexual contact
Can be bacterial or viral
Left-sided HF
Blood backs up into left atrium & pulmonary veins
Causes pulmonary congestion & edema
Gonorrhea (Neisseria gonorrhoeae)
- Second most frequently occurring STI
- Curable, bacterial
- Typically asymptomatic
- Men: Dysuria; Profuse, purulent urethral discharge
- Women: Vaginal discharge; Dysuria; Frequency of urination; red/swelling; Greenish, yellow purulent exudate
- Gram-stained smear to identify organism
- Treatment: Oral dose of cefixime (Suprax)
Syphilis (Treponema pallidum)
- Enters the body through breaks in skin or mucous membranes
- Curable, bacterial
- Syphilitic lesions on the genitals enhance HIV transmission.
- Symotnns
Chancres appear. (Painless indurated lesions ) - Neurosyphilis causes degeneration of brain with mental deterioration
- Gummas can produce irreparable damage to bone, liver, or skin.
- Treatment: Benzathine penicillin G (Bicillin)
Chlamydial Infections (Chlamydia trachomatis)
- Most prevalent bacterial STI in Canada
- Curable, bacterial
- Typically asymptomatic
- Silent disease” Symptoms may be absent or minor.
- Men: Urethritis; Proctitis ; Epididymitis
- Women: Cervicitis ; Urethritis; Bartholinitis; Dyspareunia; Menstrual abnormalities
- Treatment: Doxycycline (Vibramycin), Azithromycin (Zithromax)
Human Papillomavirus Infection (human papillomavirus (HPV))
- Highly contagious
- Not Curable, Virus
- Minor trauma causes abrasions for HPV to enter and proliferate into warts.
- HPV is precursor to cervical cancer
- Discrete single or multiple growths
- White to grey and pink-fleshed coloured
- May form large cauliflower-like masses
- Primary goal: removal of symptomatic warts
- Vaccine to prevent cervical cancer, precancerous genital lesion, and genital warts due to HPV
HIV Chronic Phase:
- Even though there might not be symptoms
- Virus is still streadiy chipping away at the immune system
- Body steadily declines in T cells
- Immune problems start when CD4+ T-cell counts drop to below 500 cells/μL.
Genital Herpes (herpes simplex virus (HSV))
- Not curable, Virus
- Enters through mucous membranes or breaks in the skin during contact with infected persons
- Persists for life
- Virus sheds even in absence of lesion.
- HSV-1 Causes infection above the waist
- HSV-2 Frequently infects genital tract and perineum
Human immunodeficiency virus
- RNA virus (retrovirus)
- HIV-infected individuals can transmit HIV to others within a few days after becoming infected.
- Fragile virus transmitted only through contact with body fluids (Blood, semen, vaginal secretions, and breast milk)
- HIV targets CD4 cells
- CD4: helps immune cells communicate
- When the body gets infected, it also replicates the HIV virus while trying to replicate immune cells
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
- Immune system severely compromised due to HIV
- Great risk for opportunistic disease
- T cells in HIV fall under 200mm3
Obesity BMI
BMI of 30–40 kg/m2 classified as obese
BMI of more than 40 kg/m2 classified as morbidly obese
Metabolic Syndrome
Collection of risk factors that increase an individual’s chance of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus
Gastroesophageal reflux disease
- Syndrome of symptoms caused by reflux of gastric contents up into the lower esophagus causing irritation, inflammation, even erosion of esophagus
- Caused: Incompetent lower esophageal sphincter, Hiatal Hernia, Delayed Gastric emptying
- To neutralize stomach acid: Antacids like Mylanta, Rolaids, tums
- Reduce acid production: H2 receptor blockers
- A chronic progressive disease of the liver
- Characterized by fibrosis (scar tissue) and conversion of normal liver architecture to abnormal nodules
result in decreased functioning of the liver. - Liver cells attempt to regenerate. Regenerative process is disorganized
Metabolic syndrome is diagnosed if an individual has three or more of the above conditions:
-increase waist circumference
-high HDL cholesterol levels
-abnormal fasting glucose level
- Insufficient circulating hormone
- Primary: destruction of thyroid tissue or defective hormone synthesis
- Secondary: related to pituitary diseases with decreases TSH secretion
Iodine deficiency is most common cause worldwide
Levothyroxine (Synthroid, Eltroxin)
- Must take regularly
- Monitor for angina and cardiac dysrhythmias
- Inflammation of the Liver
- The only definitive way to distinguish among the various forms of viral hepatitis is by the presence of viral antigens and the subsequent development of antibodies to them
- Urine darkens because excess bilirubin is excreted.
- Hepatitis B: DNA virus (the rest are RN)
- A state of temporary but acute mental confusion
- A possible symptom of a serious medical condition
- Often the result of the interaction of the patient’s underlying condition with a precipitating event.
Hyperactive Delirium
may include restlessness (for example, pacing), agitation, rapid mood changes or hallucinations, and refusal to cooperate with care
Hypoactive Delirium
This may include inactivity or reduced motor activity, sluggishness, abnormal drowsiness, or seeming to be in a daze.
Mixed Delirium
This includes both hyperactive and hypoactive signs and symptoms. The person may quickly switch back and forth from hyperactive to hypoactive states.