Bits and Bobs 4 Flashcards
vomiting blood
- A high ADH level causes the body to produce less urine (causes the kidneys to retain more water).
- A low level results in greater urine production.
- caffeine/alcohol (increases dieresis [urine formation]. Alcohol decreases ADH.
– bloody sputum, the spitting of blood that originated in the lungs or bronchial tubes
Wernicke encephalopathy
- an acute neurological condition characterized by a clinical triad of
- ophthalmoparesis [paralysis/weakness of eye muscles] with nystagmus [rapid movement of eye],
- ataxia (loss of control of motor movement)
- confusion.
- This is a life-threatening illness caused by thiamine deficiency,
sensation of breathlessness in the recumbent position, relieved by sitting or standing. must use multiple pillows when lying down or bend over to breathe ‘positional breathing’
Folic Acid
helps your body make red blood cells. If you don’t have enough red blood cells, you have anemia
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
“wet brain”
-caused by deficiency is B1/folic acid
- brain and memory disorde
- Untreated, Wernicke encephalopathy develops into Korsakoff syndrome
- causes severe memory loss and the inability to form new memories
- (chronic) alcohol use irritates your stomach and digestive tract. It also interferes with your body’s ability to absorb vitamins (malabsorption).
Kussmaul breathing
- fast, deep breaths that occur in response to metabolic acidosis. (Acidosis isa condition in which there is too much acid in the body fluids.)
Peak concentration
the highest effective concentration reached after medication is administered
Trough concentration
minimum blood serum concentration before next scheduled dose
STAT med
Given immediately in an emergency
have up to 90 minutes to administer the medication. Not life threatening, but still urgent. Dose of IV antibiotics
an accumulation of fluid in the interstitial space. Can be caused with increase of venous pressure. preventing the normal movement of water from the interstitial space into the intravascular space
Sensible water loss
includes water loss through typical routes of excretion such as urine and feces
fluid is leaking into the surrounding tissue.
- swelling in chest, neck or extremity with CVAD;
- pain, burning or stinging during infusion;
- changes in skin color, blanching bruising or redness on extremity with CVAD;
- tight-feeling, taut skin;
- changes in skin temperature on extremity with CVAD;
- numbness, tingling;
- fluid leaking from insertion site;
- slow capillary refill;
- impaired ability to move fingers, hand or extremity, blisters
- inflammation of the endothelial cells of the vessel
- Pain at access site with erythema and/or edema;
- streak formation;
- palpable venous cord >2.54 cm (1 in) in length;
- purulent drainage
Venous thrombosis
* pain in extremity with CVAD or shoulder, chest or neck;
* edema in extremity, shoulder or neck;
* erythema in extremity;
* engorged peripheral veins on extremity shoulder neck or chest wall;
* difficulty moving neck or extremity
Fred Development Stages
- Oral (0-1.5) –> smoking, overeating
- Anal (1.5-3)–> orderliness messiness
- Phallic (3-6) –> deviancy, sexual dysfunciton
- Latency (6-puberty) –> none
- Genitals (12+) –>you’re a fine adult
Atypical Antipsychotics near transmitters
Atypical: blocks serotonin and dopamine, treats +/- sym,
Gamma-amino-butyric acid (GABA)
Slow down body activity, reduces activity in neurons
what is tardive dyskinesia caused by
chronic exposure to dopamine receptor blocking agents
Anticholinergic Side Effects with antipsychotics
- High Potency antipsychotics have high risk of EPS and low anticholinergic effect (haloperidol)
- Low Potency antipsychotics have low risk of EPS and high anticholinergic effect (chlorpromazine)
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
treatment drug
NMS is Hypodopaminergic state (severe low dopamine)
so use bromocriptine (dopamine agonist)
Anticholinergic Crisis
- Hot as A Hare: hot, dry , flushed skin
- Blind as a bat: unreactive dilated pupils, blurred vision
- Mad as a hatter: confusion, disorientation, recent memory loss, agitation, incoherent speech, pressured speech, paranoia, delusions, anxiety, hallucination accompanied by picking or grasping motions.
- Dry as a bone: dry mucous membranes, difficulty swallowing
Treatment is stomach pump or charcoal
Depression is thought to be caused by
deficiency of norepinephrine (NE) and/or serotonin (5HT)