Meals Flashcards
If your hands are clean, do you need to wash before you eat bread?
Yes, but not if it is less than a olives’ worth or eggs worth of bread.
Do you have to wash your hands after a meal?
Which parts?
Yes. From the tips of your fingers to the second joint of the finger (first joint of your thumb)
How should you wash your hands for מים אחרונים?
Lower the fingers downwards, so the filth falls off.
Are women obligated in Birkat Hamazon?
Yes. Some say D’Orita and some say D’Rabanan.
When inviting people to say Birkat Hamazon, when do you say
נברך שאכלנו משלו as the first line and when do you say
ברכו שאכלנו משלו as the first line?
נברך has to be used if there are only three people.
ברכו can be used if there are 4+ people, but the person saying the zimun shouldn’t exclude himself and he should say נברך.
If two people are eating and a third joins them half way through the meal, do they say Birkat Hamazon together?