McMurry (Kap.5,5) - Sequence rules for specifying configuration (R or S) Flashcards
The written method for indicating the 3D arrangement/conformation of substituents at a chirality center is needed.
what 2 conformations are used?
S = counterclockwise.
R = clockwise.
How do you determine whether is is R or S conformation?
1) Look at the 4 atoms directly bonded to the c atom, and rank them based on atomic number.
2) if the atoms are the same, look at the second, third and so on, until a difference can be found.
3) Multiple bonded atoms are equivalent to the same atom twice.
is the direction of optical rotation (+) and (-) related to the R and S conformations?
No, there is no simple correlation between these two.
R can sometimes be both (-) and (+) and the same goes for S.