McMurry (Kap. 14,12) - spectroscopy of Aldehydes and Ketones Flashcards
IR absorptions of aldehyde and ketones (page 522 table).
Generally, within which range does the aldehyde and ketone show in the IR spectre?
Within the range of 1660-1770 cm^-1.
Additionally aldehydes show 2 characteristic C-H absorptions in the range 2780 and 2820 cm^-1.
H-NMR of aldehydes and ketones (page 523-524)
What range do aldehydes and ketones show in H-NMR and C-NMR?
In H-NMR the aldehyde protons (RCHO) absorb near 10 ppm.
The aldehyde protons show spin-spin coupling with protons from neighboring carbon (atecaldehyde - show quartet at 9,8 ppm - indicating three protons neighboring the aldehyde group).
Hydrogens next to the carbonyl group are usually deshielded and absorb normally at 2-2,3 ppm.
Methyl ketones - show sharp three proton singlet near 2,1 ppm.
The carbonyl carbon atoms of aldehyde and ketone have CNMR at 190-215 ppm. Aromatic and a,B-unsaturated carbonyl carbons ansorb in 190-200 ppm region.
Mass spectrometry of aldehydes and ketones page 524-525
Mass spectrometry of aldehydes and ketones page 524-525