McMurry (Kap 1.4) - chemical bonding theory (covalent/ionic) + lewis and kekule Flashcards
Is carbon a tetravalent, and what does tetravalent mean?
Yes, it means that in stable form carbon forms 4 bonds to other atoms.
Can carbon chains double back on themselves and form a ring?
yes, there are many different examples of different carbon rings.
Are the 4 bonds of carbon arranged randomly or in an ordained matter?
In an ordained matter, the 4 elements bounded to carbon sit in a tetrahedron matter, with C in the center.
What is the convention used to illustrate the 3D picture of the tetrahedron Carbon?
The perspective formula (heavy wedge = bond coming out op plade, Dashed wedge = going in to the plane, line = in the plane of the paper)
Why do atoms form bonds?
Because the compounds after the atoms form bonds is more stable, and lower in energy then the atoms separately.
Does breaking a bond release energy, or binding a bond between two atoms release energy
When a chemical bond forms, energy (in form of heat) is released.
How do atoms form bonds?
In short, atoms form (ionic bonds and covalent bonds).
What is ionic bonds and how do they form?
Elements on the left side of the periodic table want to lose 1e, to reach a noble gas conf. On the right side elements want to gain 1e. Therefore the two atoms get together by the electrostatic attraction of unlike charges.
What is covalent bonds, and how do they form?
The atoms in the middle of the periodic table (fx. CH4) would take too much energy to either lose or gain electrons(the carbon), therefore the atoms share their electrons to reach the noble gas conf.
How can the covalent bonds be illustrated?
By drawing them using the Lewis structure/electron dot strucutr. Here, every electron from the valence shell of every atom is shown.
What is the kekule structure/line-bond-structure?
Another way to draw atoms bonded by covalent bonds (by drawing one covalent bond as a line), and emitting lone pairs.
What does the number of covalent bonds of an atom depend on?
It depends on how many additional valence electrons the atom needs to reach noble gas configuration.
What is lone pairs?
Valence electrons that are not used for bonding (fx. N have 1 lone pair, O have 2 lone pairs).