McMurry (Kap.1,2) - atomic structure: orbitals Flashcards
Which mathematical expression can describe how the electrons are distributed in an atom?
It is the wave -equation.
The solution to a wave equation is called a wave function/or orbital, and is denoted by the greek leter (psi).
When the square of the wave function is plotted in a 3D space, an orbital describes the volume of space around a nucleus that an electron is most likely to occupy (90-95% of the time).
Hoe many kinds of orbitals are there?
4 kinds.
- s-orbitals
- p-orbitals
- d-orbitals
- f-orbitals.
what does the s,p, and d orbital look like?
s is like a ball/sphere.
p is dumbbell shaped.
d is cloverleaf shaped.
How many electrons can occupy one orbital?
maximum 2 electrons
How many electrons can occupy:
s,p,d and f orbitals
s = 2 e-
p = 6 e-
d = 10 e-
p = 14 e-
s = 1 orbital
p = 3 orbitals
d = 5 orbitals
f = 7 orbitals
what is a node?
A region of zero electron density (for example the area that separates the two lopes of an p orbital).
The different algebraic signs for each lope in the p orbital is a part of the wave equation.
Why is it important which lobe have the (+) and (-) sign?
Because they have an important role with respect to chemical bonding and chemical reactivity.
what is the sequence of the energy levels of atomic orbitals?
1s - 2s - 2p - 3s - 3p - 4s - 3d - 4p - 4d - 4f
the three orbitals of a p orbital each go in a direction. Which directions?
x,y and z (oblique).