MCFCA Rapid Intervention Teams (RIC/RIT) Guideline Flashcards
MCFCA Rapid Intervention Teams (RIC/RIT)
RIT Definition
Dedicated team of at least 2 entry level firefighters in accordance with TCFP and SFFMA). This team will relieve the IRIT as soon as possible
MCFCA Rapid Intervention Teams (RIC/RIT)
Define IRIT
2 entry level firefighters. Usually the EO and IC that serve until a formal RIT can be established.
MCFCA Rapid Intervention Teams (RIC/RIT)
Known Life Hazard Definition
The company officer is either told that someone is inside, the CO sees or hears someone inside the IDLH atmosphere, or has a reason to believe someone is trapped inside.
MCFCA Rapid Intervention Teams (RIC/RIT)
What are the 2 examples of a NO-GO Situation for entry teams.
- Vacant structures without a known life hazard
- Commercial structures after hours of operation unless a known life hazard has been identified.
MCFCA Rapid Intervention Teams (RIC/RIT)
What equipment must a RIT team member possess on their PPE (2 items)
Portable Flashlight
Portable Radio
MCFCA Rapid Intervention Teams (RIC/RIT)
The RIT team will also secure the following items, which are not to be used as a resource pool for firefighting activities
3 items plus additional items that accompany a certain item
Thermal Imaging Camera
RIT Bag. If no RIT Bag is available (A spare air-pack with mask, search rope, webbing, wire cutters and door chocks)
MCFCA Rapid Intervention Teams (RIC/RIT)
List the equipment that should be considered for a RIT Team resource pool (11 items)
RIT Pack
200’ Search Line
2 - 20’ Tag Lines
Sedge Hammer
Stokes Basket
Folding Ladder
backboard with C-Collar
EMS Equipment
Portable Lighting
Hand line 1 3/4 or greater
Any other equipment deemed necessary
MCFCA Rapid Intervention Teams (RIC/RIT)
What should the RIT Team develop while staged in the RIT area.
4 items
Tactical Worksheet
detailed entry points
known hazards
points of egress,
MCFCA Rapid Intervention Teams (RIC/RIT)
IC response to a transmitted MAYDAY (13 line items and 4 bullets)
- Advise all personnel that radio traffic must cease
- Only pertinent radio traffic to the mayday shall be permitted on the FG channel
- Request from fire com
-At least one medic unit
-Next highest alarm through the dispatcher
-Any special resources that are needed
-An additional FG Channel for non-MAYDAY FG
operations - Conduct a PAR on newly assigned FG channel
- Attempt to establish and maintain communications with firefighter(s) and identify their LUNAAR
- Initiate RIT directing them to last known location
- Provide brief progress report to Dispatch and note when RIT was deployed
- Ascertain what happened
- Assign a safety officer to the rescue group
- Determine structural stability and environmental conditions
- Assign a back up RIT
- Continue essential operations and reinforce other tactical priorities
- Notify Dispatcher of the conclusion of the MAYDAY event
MCFCA Rapid Intervention Teams (RIC/RIT)
What must the Company officers and Division/Group supervisors control when a report of a lost, missing, downed, injured firefighter is transmitted
FREELANCING and ensure firefighting positions not be abandoned
MCFCA Rapid Intervention Teams (RIC/RIT)
What should the IC brief the RIT team on after gaining as much information on the MAYDAY situation (5)
- The number of firefighters needing assistance
- Their last known location
- The entrance they used to enter the structure
- Their path to the fire area
- Known or possible building hazards
MCFCA Rapid Intervention Teams (RIC/RIT)
What type of control must the IC maintain during the ENTIRE incident of a MAYDAY event?
Tactical Control
MCFCA Rapid Intervention Teams (RIC/RIT)
RIT teams must remain in _____________ _______________ with the IC and provide frequent progress reports on what? (5 items)
Constant Communication
- Hazards Encountered
- Barriers
- Obstacles
- Victim(s) location and condition
- Request for needed supplies/resources
MCFCA Rapid Intervention Teams (RIC/RIT)
Equipment the RIT team must respond to the report of the downed firefighter with.
RIT Pack
Assigned Portable Radio and Flashlight (1 per each member)
Search Rope
MCFCA Rapid Intervention Teams (RIC/RIT)
What are the priorities of the RIT team when a downed firefighter is located.
3 items
- Protect and preserve immediate area and counter any life threatening conditions that may be present
- Provide air via the RIT Pack
- If time and conditions permit, rapid assessment of the firefighter and immobilization should take place prior to removal
MCFCA Rapid Intervention Teams (RIC/RIT)
Methods that can be used to get out of a structure or fire area.
5 items for survival
- Follow a hose line or tag line out
- Exit in direct path of light placed at doorway by the entry team
- Escape via windows
- Forcible entry through doors
- Breaching walls