Hurricane/Storm Guideline Flashcards
Hurricane/Storm Guideline - Definitions
Discontinuation of Response definition
The point in time where the department ceases response operations due to the severity of the storm
Hurricane/Storm Guideline
Hurricane Ratings
Cat 1 - 74-95mph storm surge of 4-5ft
Cat 2 - 96-110mph storm surge of 6-8ft
Cat 3 - 111-130mph storm surge of 9-12ft
Cat 4 - 131-155mph storm surge of 13-18ft
Cat 5 - Greater than 155mph storm surge over 18ft
When is Hurricane Season
June 1st and ends Nov 30th
Hurricane/Storm Guideline
Hurricane Warning
Hurricane Conditions are expected in a specific area within 24hours
Hurricane/Storm Guideline
Hurricane Watch
Hurricane conditions are possible in a specific area within 36 hours
Hurricane Guideline
Fire Chief
Individual Member
Fire Chief is responsible for the coordination of all members of the Porter Fire Department before, during and after a hurricane
Individual members has the responsibility to abide by this guideline and to secure his or her family and property as outlined in this guideline
Hurricane/Storm Guideline - Preparedness Guidelines
When will hurricane preparedness take place? 1 item
What steps will be taken to ensure readiness? 9 Items
— May 1 of each year
— Apparatus fuel tanks will not be allowed to drop below 3/4
— Review Hurricane guideline
— Updated personnel list - Address, phone number
— Files are stored adequately
— Check all electronic equipment for quick disconnect
— Remind all employees to be prepared and being away from family
— Quartermaster will assure warehouse has water, fuel and other needed supplies
— BC will ensure disaster kit is stocked
— Minimum staffing is met. Sent to fire chief by May 1st for approval
When should station officers check for trees that are hazards on their station property, who to contact if trimming is needed.
April 1st of each year
Hurricane/Storm Guideline
When will a hurricane planning meeting take place? Who calls the meeting?
When Montgomery county is placed under a hurricane watch.
Fire Chief
Who is the liaison to Mutual Aid Org?
Assistant Fire Chief
Hurricane/Storm Guideline
If a member is recalled for a hurricane, what will they bring with them?
5 items
3 day supply of
— Clothing
— Toilet articles
— Prescribed medications
— Food
— Water
At what sustained wind speed and gust will minimal protection of firefighters and their equipment be implemented?
74mph gusts to 125mph
FEMA/USAR(Urban Search and Rescue) Markings.
This has to do with the structures
Flourescent orange square box 2X2 will be painted near all entrances to a compromised structures
Date, time and an ID of the search team noted on the upper right side outside the box
1 diagonal slash in box - Significant damage
2 diagonal slashes in box - not safe for search/rescue operations
HM painted on wall - Hazardous Materials present
Search Assessment Markings
Is a separate marking system to denote victim locations
Orange X that is 2X2. No Box for this marking system
Single slash - search in progress
Crossing slash - search complete
Left quadrant - Unit Identifier
Top Quad - Time and Date
Right Quad - Personal Hazards
Bottom - Number of live and dead victims (“0” = no victims)
Hurricane/Storm Guideline
Company officer/Command decision
What wind speed can place FD Companies out of service? Additional Conditions?
— 55mph
— Excessive Flooding
Hurricane/Storm Guideline
What is in the disaster kit?
4 items
Barrier tape
Orange Flourescent paint
assessment forms