Maxillary canines Flashcards
Can you have more than one mandibular central/lateral incisors?
Yes you can!
Developmental Anomalies
Fusion, Gemination, Concrescence
when two adjoining tooth germs join to form a single large crown with two root canals- found in incisal area- UPSIDE DOWN V
Think of two cars merging lanes together to form one car
Opposite of fusion, when a single tooth germ splits to show an attempt at splitting. Usually a SINGLE ROOT AND SINGLE ROOT CANAL- Y SHAPE
Twinning- is when the tooth bud splits to form two separate teeth
when two independently formed teeth become fused, usually fused by cementum with two roots and two root canals- common in third molars
How many cusps do canines have?
1 Cusp
Canine = Cuspid
What is known as the corner stone of the arches?
Canines b/c of their location
Function of Canines:
1) support lip and facial muscles
2) cut, pierce, shear food
3) Protective guideposts in occlusion- canine protected occlusion
Do Maxillary and Mandibular Canines resemble eachother?
Do Maxillary and Mandibular Canines relate and rely on each other functionally wise?
How many canines do you have?
4 Canines - 2 Maxillary and 2 Mandibular- positioned at the corners of your mouth!
Are Canines the most stable tooth in the mouth?
Yes- what’s there nickname? cornerstone
Is it easy to replace canines?
NO! It’s impossible, heart transplants are easier.
General Facts to Know
General Facts to Know
- Longest Tooth in the Mouth
- First tooth, from the midline, with a cusp (not straight like an. incisal edge)
- Incisal ridge is divided into two inclines (mesial and distal) by a cusp
– Mesial and Distal Cusp Ridge
- Labial surface has a vertical labial ridge
- From the Labial: Mesial 1/2 is similar to incisors while Distal 1/2 is similar to 1st premolars
Still part of the Anterior Portion though.
Similarities to Incisors
Distal contact is more cervical than mesial– exception, the mandibular central incisor where contact areas are the same on the mesial and distal
Wedge Shaped- Proximally
Lingual crest of curvature on the cingulum
Lingual surfaces sometimes referred to as s shaped
Differences from Incisors
Incisial portion of the tooth is much thicker labiolingually than either the max cent or lat incisor.
Labiolingual measurements are greater by 1mm than maxillary central while the mesiodistal measurements is roughly 1mm less
Cingulum shows greater development than that of central incisor
Root is longer than the incisors, and that of any tooth in the mouth, the exception would be the mandibular canine
First Calcification
4-5 months
enamel completion
6-7 years`
11-12 years
root completion
13-15 years
facial lingual greater than mesial distal width 17mm root length!
How is the cusp tip in regards to the bisecting line?
The CUSP tip is FACIAL/Labial to the bisecting line
1 Pulp Canal 100%– what other tooth had a common trend like that?
Root curvature is mostly straight but goes distal
Junction of incisal and middle third
Middle Third
Cervical Third
Cervical Third
What is a canine eminence?
Bony ridge over the labial portion on of the canine roots gives the normal facial expression at corners of mouth
Facial View
Three Labial Lobes + One Lingual Lobes
Middle Facial Lobe forms a prominent LABIAL RIDGE- runs cervicoincisally, MFL makes up the bulk of the cusp
Shallow depressions on the mesial and distal to the labial ridge can be seen which emphasizes the three facial lobes
- Root is slender, and usually has a sharp curve towards the distal in apical third
Cusp on Facial Aspect
Mesial and distal slopes- known as the mesial and distal cusp ridges
Mesial cusp ridge is shorter than the distal!
Cusp ridges form at about a 105 degree angle
How much of the cervicoincisal length of the crown does the cusp ridges take up?
about 1/3
From the Labial Surface
Labial aspect, crown and root are narrower mesiodisatlly than the crown and root of the maxillary central incisor
CEJ curves towards the apex
On the Labial Surface, how is the mesial outline looking?
Mesial outline of the crown is convex in middle third and flat in cervical third.
On the Labial Surface, how is the distal outline looking?
Distal outline is convex in the middle third and concave in the cervical third- makes an s shape!
How is the cusp tip located on a line through the center of the root when viewed from the labial surface?
Labial Surface texture?
Typically smooth with no anatomy except for the shallow depressions on mesial and distal dividing the three facial lobes.
These depressions are formed from the prominent Middle Facial Lobe that contains a prominent Facial Ridge, this ridge is bordered by these two mesial and distal depressions on the facial
Lingual View
*Crown and root are narrower lingually than labially!
Lingual ridge runs cervicoincially (longitudinal) from cingulum to cusp tip
Mesial and distal fossa are on either side of the lingual ridge!
Cingulum is centered mesiodistally and may look like another cusp or tubercle!
Mesial and distal marginal ridges are clearly seen with the Mesial Marginal ridge being more prominent
With attrition the lingual ridge and marginal ridges will become more flat and not easily discernible
True or False: The crown and root are narrower lingually than labially
Proximal Views
Generally resembles anterior teeth in its conical shape.
Greater bulk labiolingually than incisors
Labial surface is more convex from CEJ to cusp tip.
Lingual Outline is convex at cingulum, them concave at middle third, then convex at incisal third
Curvature of CEJ is greater on mesial!
Where is the cusp tip located in regards to a bisecting line of the tooth from the proximal aspect?
The cusp tip is LABIAL/FACIAL to the bisecting line
Root of Canine
Broad labiolingually in gingival and middle thirds
Wider faciolingually than mesiodistally
Root has longitudinal depressions on both surfaces, distal much more distinct, sometimes extending beyond CEJ onto crown!
Distal Aspect similar to mesial?
Yes, but following differences,
CEJ shows less curvature towards the cusp tip, distal marginal ridge is HEAVIER and more irregular than that of the mesial marginal ridge, the developmental depression on root surface can actually extend onto the crown below the proximal contact and is more pronounced than on the mesial aspect – when compared to mesial.
Incisal View
Helps confer that the FL > MD, a pronounced taper to the cingulum is also visual on the lingual.
If the tooth is correctly held so that the long axis of the root is directly in line of the vision, the tip of the cusp is labial to the center of the crown labiolingually and mesial towards the center mesiodistally.
Cusp tip of Maxillary Canine in regards to bisecting line
Proximal view: Located Labially
Incisal View: Located Labially as well as mesial
Incisal Aspect
Mesial side of tooth appears to be more bulky than the distal half because of the stretch back to contact area.
Distal contact area, distal cusp ridge (usually longer than mesial cusp ridge), cusp tip, mesial cusp ridge, and mesial contact area are all on a straight line! Just like a maxillary lateral incisor.
Widest Facial- Lingually than any tooth in the mouth, also follows Wayne’s rule that it will have 1 canal and 1 foramen 100% of the time