Mandibular first premolar Flashcards
First Calcification
1.75-2 years
Enamel complete
5-6 years
10-12 years
root completion
12-13 years
Facial Lingual is wider than the Mesial Distal
Also, the root length is longer than crown length
2 cusps
How many lobes does it develop from?
4 lobes
Which cusp is more dominant, buccal or lingual?
What is the most common pulp canal percentage?
1 canal/1 foramen 73.5%
Distal Curvature as well
How does the mandibular first pre molar resemble the canines?
-Buccal cusp is long and sharp!
The Buccolungual measurement is similar to that of the canine
-The occlusal surface slopes sharply lingual in the cervical direction
-Mesiobuccal cusp ridge is SHORTER than the distal buccal cusp ridge!
-The occlusal outline resembles the canine incisal outline
Resembles the 2nd pre-molar in that…
-Outline of crown and root from the buccal outline resembles that of the second premolar–except for the longer cusp!
- Mesial and distal contact areas are new the same level
- Curvature of the cervical in the mescal and distal are similar
-tooth has more than one cusp!
- Though generally shorter in length than the 2nd premolar, the root is closer in length than that of the 2nd pre molar
Buccal aspect
MESIAL CUSP RIDGE IS SHORTER Than the distal cusp ridge
Contact area: Broad and near the same levels mesial and distally
– Within the MIDDLE 3rds!!
What type of shape is the crown?
The crown is a trapezoidal shape, with the shorter of the two sides at the CEJ.
Cusp tip is pointed and slightly mesial to a center line
Buccal Surface - distal info
Distal outline above the CEJ to contact area is slightly concave, curvature of the contact area is broader than on mesial side.
Lingual Aspect
Crown tapes toward the lingual and a significant portion of the mesial and distal surfaces are visible from this aspect.
Lingual cusp tip is always small, little more than a cingulum.
Occlusal surface is sloped toward the lingual down to the lingual cusp.
Majority of occlusal surface is viewable.
MOST OF THE CROWN IS MADE UP OF THE MIDDLE BUCCAL LOBE giving it an appearance like a mandibular canine.
Are the mesial and distal concavities viewable above the CEJ up to contact areas?
Why are these mesial and distal contact areas more pronounced?
Due to the narrow cervical line
From the lingual aspect, what is a characteristic of the mandibular first pre molars?
The mesiolingual developmental groove- which lies between the mesiobuccal lobe and the lingual lobe and extends onto the occlusal surface.