Matt's Driver Bible PUMPING Full & Final Flashcards
- Fire apparatus are classified according to the ___________for which they are designed. (P13)
- primary function
- NFPA® 1901, Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus, contains the requirements of pumper design. The standard specifies a minimum pump capacity of ____ gpm and a water tank with a capacity of at least ____ gallons. (P14)
- 300
- Pump capacities larger than 750 gpm increase in increments of ____ gpm with most municipal fire departments operating pumpers of _______ gpm or less. (P14)
- 2000
- The foam proportioning systems commonly found on municipal fire pumpers are scaled down versions of those used for industrial fire pumpers. Likewise, the foam tanks are correspondingly smaller, usually ranging from ___ to ____ gallons. (P16)
- 20 to 100
- TQ** The articulating or telescoping devices most commonly combined with pumpers generally range in height from ____to ____ feet. (P16)
- 50 to 75
- Mini-Pumper. — Small fire apparatus mounted on a pickup-truck-sized chassis, usually with a pump having a rated capacity less than _____ gpm. Its primary advantage is speed and mobility, which enables it to respond to fires more rapidly than larger apparatus. (P16)
- 500
- Midi-Pumper. — Apparatus sized between a mini-pumper and a full-sized fire department pumper, usually with a gross vehicle weight of _______ pounds or greater. The midi-pumper has a fire pump with a rated capacity generally not greater than _____ gpm. Pump 16.
- 12,000. 1000
- Mobile water supply apparatus, as stated in NFPA® 1901, Chapter 7, are equipped with a tank capacity of at least _______ gallons. Pump 17.
- 1000
- Specially designed wildland apparatus are often mounted on ______or larger chassis, usually featuring all-wheel drive. Pump 19.
- one-ton
- Commonly known as brush trucks, brush breakers, or booster apparatus, these vehicles often have pump capacities and water tanks of _____ gallons or less. However, some jurisdictions operate larger apparatus with pumps up to 1,000 gpm and water tanks of 1,000 gallons or larger. (P19)
- 500
IFSTA does not recommend riding on the outside of the apparatus, and this practice is prohibited by NFPA ______ Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program.
- NFPA 1500. Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program
- Requirements for ARFF apparatus are found in NFPA _______, Standard for Aircraft Rescue and Fire-Fighting Vehicles. (P20)
- NFPA 414
- **Some fireboats have capacities as high as __________ gpm. Pump 21.
- 50,000
- ** A quint is an apparatus equipped with a fire pump, water tank, and hose, in addition to an aerial device and ground ladders. According to the NFPA® 1901, Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus, the vehicle must be equipped with a pump rated at a minimum of _______ gpm and a water tank of at least _______ gallons. (P22)
- 1000, 300
- **Portable generators are available with a variety of power capacities; _________watts is typically the largest capacity. (P23)
- 5,000
- **Rescue apparatus or other specialized units may feature fixed generator systems with capacities of ___________ watts or greater. (P23)
- 50,000
- **Ranging from _______to _______watts, portable lights are advantageous during incidents where illumination is needed some distance away from a piece of apparatus, or where additional lights are required. (P23)
- 300 to 1000
- Driver/ operators in many jurisdictions are required to perform these routine maintenance checks and functions. NFPA® _______ also requires that driver/operators be skilled in the performance of certain maintenance tasks. (P29)
- NFPA 1002
- NFPA®___________, Standard for Emergency Vehicle Technician Professional Qualifications, provides a basis to train and certify fire apparatus mechanics and fire department maintenance officers. (P29)
- NFPA 1071
- Every fire department should develop standard operating procedures (SOPs) that provide for a ______________________that complies with applicable NFPA® standards.
- systematic apparatus maintenance program
- TQ**___________________________— Inspecting an apparatus and equipment on the apparatus to ensure that all equipment is in place, clean, and ready for service. (P36)
- Operational Readiness Inspection
- **______________________________— A visual inspection of an apparatus to ensure the major components of the chassis are present and in proper working condition.(P36)
- Pre-trip Road Worthiness Inspection
- ____________________— An inspection where a certain system or component of an apparatus is operated to ensure that it is functioning properly. (P36)
- Functional Check
*____________________— A specific inspection to an area of a chassis or apparatus to ensure that the unit is operating properly in accordance with the manufacturer’s initial design. (P48)
- Post-Maintenance/Repair Inspection
- CAUTION: Diesel exhaust may contain up to _______ harmful chemicals and compounds. (P37)
- 100
- ** NFPA® 1911 requires that all tires be replaced every _______ years, regardless of their condition. (P39)
- Seven
- Newer apparatus may be equipped with electrical ____________________that are intended to prevent an overload of a vehicle’s electrical generation system. (P40)
- load management systems
- The _________ “watches” the system for any added electrical loads that threaten to overload the system. (P40)
- load monitor
- If an overload condition occurs, the load monitor will shut down less important electrical equipment in order to prevent the overload. This is referred to as___________________. (P40)
- load shedding
- _____________________— When an overload condition occurs, the load monitor will shut down less important electrical equipment to prevent the overload. (P40)
- Load Shedding
- _________________________ — An electrical monitoring system that will shed electrical load in a predetermined order if the chassis voltage begins to drop below a predetermined level. (P40)
- Load Management System
- In general, steering wheel play should be no more than approximately _______degrees in either direction. (P40)
- 10
- On a 20-inch diameter steering wheel, the play may be about ______ inches in either direction. (P41)
- 2
- **Per NFPA® 1901 and 1911, a side-to-side variance in weight should not exceed ______ percent. (P42)
- Seven
- Most commercial and private vehicles built since 1990 are equipped with__________________________.(P42)
- Anti-Lock Braking Systems
- **Apparatus with air brakes are to be equipped with an air pressure protection valve that prevents air horns or other nonessential devices from being operated when the pressure in the air reservoir drops below ______ psi. (P43)
- 80
- In addition to a DPF system, engines produced after January 1, 2010, may be equipped with an exhaust after-treatment system called____________________________. (P45)
- Selective Catalyst Reductant (SCR)
- NFPA®_______ , Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver⁄Operator Professional Qualifications, has established minimum qualifications for apparatus driver/ operators. (P79)
- NFPA 1002
- NOTE: A periodic medical evaluation, in accordance with the NFPA_______, Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program, should be administered under the direction of the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) in order to establish and maintain a driver/operator’s fitness for duty. (P82)
- NFPA 1500
- NFPA ________, Standard on Comprehensive Occupational Medical Program for Fire Departments, provides specific standards that contain information and specific details on uncorrected vision and diseases of the eye. (P82)
- NFPA 1582
- NFPA _________ contains a list of frequencies that a driver/ operator must be able to hear and recommends rejecting a candidate who has hearing loss among those frequencies. (P82)
- NFPA 1582
- In a study conducted by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), it was determined that in _____ percent of all collisions, the driver/operator was not aware of a problem until it was too late to correct. (P88)
- 42 percent
- NFPA ________, Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus, and NFPA _______, Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program, establish requirements for seat belt use on the apparatus. (P90)
- NFPA 1901, NFPA 1500
- Beginning with engines produced in_________, apparatus began to be equipped with a diesel particulate filter (DPF). (P94)
- 2007
- After a driver/operator continues to ignore an empty DEF tank, the apparatus may be limited in speed to _______ mph and will need service from the dealer. (P95)
- 5 mph
- TQ** Weigh the apparatus after loading it with all equipment and personnel to ensure that the axle loading is balanced within _______ percent from side to side and within the axle weight ratings front-to-back. (P98)
- 7 percent
- There are ________ locations in the U.S. where there is less than 100 feet following the railroad tracks.
- 19,824 locations
- It may take ____to ____ times greater distance for a vehicle to come to a complete stop on snow and ice than it does on dry pavement. (P99)
- 3 to 15 times greater
- *At speeds above _____ mph , an emergency vehicle may outrun the effective range of its audible warning device. (P101)
- 50 mph
- *In some instances, increasing the speed of an apparatus by 20 mph can decrease the audible distance by _____ feet or more. (P101)
- 250 feet or more
- *When more than one emergency vehicle is responding along the same route, they should travel at least ________to _______ feet apart. (P101)
- 300 to 500 feet
- The time needed to stop the apparatus or perform an evasive maneuver at the current rate of speed is____________________. (P105)
- visual lead time
- The ____________________is the distance the vehicle travels from the time the brakes are applied until the apparatus comes to a complete stop. (P105)
- braking distance
- After perceiving the need to stop the vehicle, the driver/operator’s ______________is the distance the apparatus travels while the driver/operator transfers his or her foot from the accelerator to the brake pedal. (P105)
- reaction distance
- The _____________________is the sum of the driver/operator’s reaction distance and the vehicle’s braking distance. (P105)
- total stopping distance
- **NFPA® 1901 requires that all apparatus with a GVWR of _________ lb or greater be equipped with an auxiliary braking system. (P109)
- 36,000 lb
- _______________________ and ______________________provide the highest level of braking torque and are unaffected by transmission gear shift changes. (P110)
- Transmission output retarders and electromagnetic retarders
- TQ** The ____________is the least capable of the four auxiliary brake devices. (P110)
- Exhaust brake
- An __________________brake is an electronically-actuated mechanical system added to the engine valve train. (P110)
- engine compression
- _____________________dissipate heat through cooling vanes into the surrounding air. (P110)
- Electromagnetic retarders
- ________________________will experience some loss of effectiveness at high temperatures. (P110)
- Electromagnetic retarders
- _______________________ can provide high braking capacity but are limited in high ambient environments by the capacity of the vehicle cooling system. (P110)
- Transmission retarders
- ** When preparing to back the apparatus, the spotter should be positioned in the vision of the driver/operator, preferably in the left (driver’s side) mirror, approximately ___ to ____ feet behind and slightly to the left of the apparatus. (P114)
- 8 to 10 feet
- NFPA ________ provides specific directions on driver/operator candidate’s evaluation. (P118)
- 1002
- All fire apparatus training and testing should follow NFPA®__________, Standard for a Fire and Emergency Service Vehicle Operations Training Program. (Not 1002) (P118)
- NFPA 1451
- Certain aerial apparatus may carry hose on the top of the body under the aerial ladder. These apparatus have a “_______” or “______” to guide the hose around the ladder turntable on its way out the back of the truck. (P120)
- trough or chute
- At 5 mph, ______feet of hose is pulled out each second. (P120)
- 7 feet
- Travelling more than _____ mph is likely to cause a hose jam in the hose chute. (P120)
- 5 mph
- TQ** NFPA 1901 specifies that any equipment not needed while driving to the scene must be secured in brackets or contained in a storage cabinet. The bracket or cabinet must be capable of restraining the equipment against a force of up to _____ times the equipment’s weight. (P120)
- Ten times
- ** High pressure hydraulic fluid at pressures as low as _____ psi can penetrate skin. (P122)
- 100 psi
- Apparatus may be equipped with manually applied tire chains or automatic chains featuring short lengths of chain on a rotating hub in front of each drive wheel. The hubs swing down into place upon activation from the cab. The hub with chains attached is driven by the drive wheel and the lengths of chain are spun under the tire by centrifugal force. These chains maybe ineffective in snow deeper than ___to ___ inches depending on consistency of the snow, or when the vehicle is moving at very slow speeds, or in reverse.
- 3 to 6 inches
- __________________________and district familiarization will assist the driver/operator to make informed decisions regarding apparatus positioning. (P136)
- Preincident planning
- Incident _____________ determines the most advantageous position for the attack pumper. (P136)
- scene size-up
- **Depending on the incident, apparatus, equipment, and personnel operating within _____ feet of the base of a high-rise fire may need to be protected from falling glass and debris. (P139)
- 200 feet
- ______________ pumping operations may also be used in situations where the attack pumper is located a relatively short distance from the water source, but a great distance from the fire.
- Tandem
- ** In tandem pumping operations apparatus may be located up to _____ feet apart. (P146)
- 300 feet
- ** Relay pumping is generally used to increase the ________of water available at a fire scene, while tandem pumping (another form of relay) is most often undertaken to increase water__________. (P146)
- volume, pressure
- ** NFPA ______, Standard for the Inspection, Care, and Use of Fire Hose, Couplings, Nozzles, and the Service Testing of Fire Hose, contains test pressures for various types of fire hose. (P146)
- NFPA 1962
- ** Because it is not always possible to stop the flow of trains on a track during emergency operations and it may require _____ to _____ miles for a fully loaded train to make a complete stop, fire apparatus should never position on railroad tracks. (P154)
- One to two miles
- ** CAUTION: Apparatus should maintain a clear zone of at least _____ feet from railroad tracks to prevent contact with objects on the railroad cars. (P154)
- 30 feet
- TQ** Water’s density, or its weight per unit of volume, is measured in pounds per cubic foot. For fire protection purposes, ordinary fresh water is considered to weigh ____lb/ft3 gal or _____ lb/gal. (P167)
- 62.4 lb/ft3 gal or 8.3 lb/gal
- Methylene Chlorides’ specific gravity is _____. (P168)
- 1.33
- Gasoline’s specific gravity is _____-_____. (P168)
- 0.72-0.76
- ** At 212°F (100°C), water converted to steam occupies approximately ______ times its original volume, helping to dissipate heat in a well-vented room. (P169)
- 1,700 times
- Shut down the engine immediately if oil pressure gauge does not fall within manufacturers recommendations within ____to _____ seconds. (P125)
- 5 to 10 seconds
- Driver/operators should not attempt to ________ streams with a vehicle unless it has been specifically designed to operate in such conditions. (P148)
- ford
- __________ Staging is often used on any multiunit response of two or more units. (P150)
- Level I
- __________Staging is implemented when numerous units are responding to operate at the same incident, particularly those that require mutual aid or result in the transmittal of multiple alarms. (P150)
- Level II
- _______ may be established as an area from which large numbers of personnel and quantities of equipment may be deployed. (P150)
- Base
- The _________________________________________________________________ advises that emergency vehicle warning lights should be used as necessary to reach the incident, but once on scene their use should be reduced as much as possible. (P151)
- U.S. Department of Transportation Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
- __________— Force per unit area exerted by a liquid or gas measured in pounds per square inch (psi) or kilopascals (kPa). (P170)
- Pressure
- ___________ is a simple measure of weight and is expressed in pounds or Newtons. (P170)
- Force
- _____________— Simple measure of weight, usually expressed in pounds or kilograms. (P170)
- Force
- **The ________ at which a fluid travels through a hose or pipe is determined by the pressure upon that fluid as well as the size of the orifice through which it is flowing. (P172)
- Speed
- ______ principles determine the action or pressure on fluids. (P172)
- Six
- ** Fluid pressure is __________________to any surface on which it acts.
Pressure exerted by the weight of the water is ______________________ to the walls of the container.
- Perpendicular, perpendicular
- **Fluid pressure at a point in fluid at rest is the same ___________ in all directions.
This principle is used in hydrostatic testing.
- Intensity
- **Pressure applied to a confined fluid is transmitted __________ in all directions.
- Equally
- The pressure of a liquid in an open vessel is proportional to its_________.
- Depth
- The pressure of a liquid in an open vessel is proportional to the ________ of the liquid.
- Density
- The pressure of a liquid at the bottom of a vessel is _____________ of the shape of the vessel.
- Independent
- **A common method of measuring atmospheric pressure is by comparing the weight of the atmosphere with the weight of__________. When observing a vertical cylinder, the greater the atmospheric pressure, the taller the column of mercury. A pressure of 1 psi makes the column of mercury about 2.04 inches tall. At sea level, the column of mercury is 2.04 x 14.7, or ______ inches tall. (P174)
- Mercury. 29.9 inches tall
- **Head — Alternate term for pressure, especially pressure due to elevation. For every 1-foot increase in elevation, _______ psi is gained. Also known as Head Pressure. (P175)
- 0.434
- To convert head in feet to head pressure, you must divide the number of feet by ______(the number of feet that 1 psi will raise a one square inch column of water). (P175)
- 2.304
- The water flow definition of __________pressure is stored potential energy available to force water through pipes, fittings, hose, and adapters. (P175)
- static
- The pressure found in a water distribution system during normal consumption demands is considered the__________________________. (P176)
- normal operating pressure
- _________________is the portion of the total available pressure not used to overcome friction loss or gravity while forcing water through pipes, fittings, hoses, or adapters. _______________ is the remainder or that which is left. (P176)
- Residual pressure, residual
- ** While water is flowing from a discharge opening, the forward velocity pressure is considered_________________________. (P176)
- flow pressure
- **Use a Pitot tube and gauge to measure the forward velocity of____________. (P176)
- flow pressure
- ___________________refers to the center line of the pump or the bottom of a static water supply source above or below ground level. (P176)
- Elevation
- __________— Height of a point above sea level or some other reference point.
- Elevation
- __________ is the position of an object in relation to sea level
- Altitude
- ________________— Geographic position of a location or object in relation to sea level. The location may be either above, below, or at sea level.
- Altitude
- _______________impacts the production of fire streams because atmospheric pressure drops as height above sea level increases.
- Altitude
- **Above sea level, atmospheric pressure decreases approximately _____ psi for every 1,000 feet. (P176)
- 0.5 psi
- **The friction loss in older hose may be as much as _____ percent greater than that of new hose.
- 50 percent
If all other conditions are the same, friction loss varies directly with the ______ of the hose or pipe.
- Length
When hoses are the same size, friction loss varies approximately with the ___________ of the increase in the velocity of the flow.
NOTE: Velocity is proportional to flow.
- Square
For the same discharge, friction loss varies __________ as the ______ power of the diameter of the hose.
Whenever possible the driver/operator, in conjunction with the unit officer, should consider using larger diameter hose sizes to reduce friction loss.
- Inversely, fifth
For a given velocity, friction loss is approximately the same, regardless of the _________ on the water.
- Pressure
- Newton’s ______________ Law of Motion: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
- Third Law of Motion
- Valves in private fire protection systems are usually of the ________________. (P186)
- indicating type
- Control valves in public water distribution systems are generally___________. (P187)
- gate valves
- **With water being virtually incompressible, a pressure of _________ psi is required to reduce its volume one percent. (P179)
- 30,000 psi
- The _______________________________is the average amount of water used per day based on the total amount of water used in a water distribution system over the period of one year.
- average daily consumption (ADC)
- The _____________________________ is the maximum total amount of water that was used during any 24-hour interval within a 3-year period.
- maximum daily consumption (MDC)
- The _______________________________is the maximum amount of water used in any 1-hour interval over the course of a day. (P188)
- peak hourly consumption (PHC)
- **A fog stream may be produced by_____________________, by_____________________, or a combination of these methods.
- deflection at the periphery, impinging jets of water
- **Most constant flow nozzles feature a ____________________stream and are equipped with an adjustable pattern range
- periphery-deflected stream
- **Most constant flow nozzles are designed to operate at a nozzle pressure of ______ psi.
- 100 psi
- ** Operating at a pressure of up to _____ psi, high pressure fog nozzles produce a stream with significant forward velocity, but a relatively low volume of water delivery.
- 800 psi
- **Featuring a stream of fast-moving, fine spray, high-pressure fog nozzles may use an impinging stream. These nozzles are best suited for wildland fires and are not recommended for structural fire fighting due to their low water flow of only ____ to _____ gpm.
- 8 to 15 gpm
- **Nozzles for use on handlines may be solid, fog, or broken stream design, ranging in size from a ____inch “booster” nozzle to a nozzle suitable for a ___inch diameter hoseline. (P199)
- ¾ inch, 3 inch
- **The piercing nozzle is generally designed as ___ to ___ foot hollow steel rod _____ inches in diameter.
- 3 to 6 foot, 1 ½ inches in diameter
- **Flowing only ____ to _____ gpm at a nozzle pressure of ______ psi, the impinging holes of the chimney nozzle produce a very fine mist which turns to steam in the hot interior of the chimney flue. (P201)
- 1.5 to 3 gpm, 100 psi
- **As water is discharged from a nozzle at a given pressure, a counterforce pushes back against firefighters operating the hoseline. This force, called nozzle reaction, illustrates Newton’s ________ Law of Motion: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
- Third law of motion
- TQ** When two hoselines of equal length are Siamesed to supply a fire stream, friction loss is approximately _____ percent less than that of a single hoseline at the same nozzle pressure.
- 25 percent
- The following are safe and efficient nozzle pressures for common fire streams:
* Solid stream nozzle (handline) = ____psi
* Solid stream nozzle (master stream) = ___ psi
* Fog nozzle = ____ psi
* Low pressure fog nozzle = ___ or ___ psi.
- Solid stream nozzle (handline) = 50 psi.
Solid stream nozzle (master stream) = 80 psi
Fog nozzle = 100 psi
Low pressure fog nozzle = 50 or 75 psi.
- ** Based on the NFPA 1901 standard, for every discharge outlet equipped with a flowmeter, a pressure gauge shall also be provided. These flowmeters must display flow in increments of _____ gpm or less. (P282)
- 10 gpm
- ** With proper calibration, a flowmeter in good working order should be accurate to a tolerance of plus or minus ____ percent.
- 3 percent
- ** Each discharge equipped with a flowmeter must have a digital readout display mounted within ______ inches of the control valve for that discharge. If a pressure gauge is mounted at the ___-inch location, then the flowmeter must be mounted within _____ inches adjacent to the pressure gauge.
- 6 inches. 6 inch, 2 inches
- NOTE: Driver/operators must be aware of the margin of difference when using the Condensed Q formula. Although sufficient for many fireground calculations, the friction loss results will be ________ percent greater than when using the FL= CQ2L formula.
- 20 percent greater
- Although no longer used as high-capacity pumps, some are still in service for high pressure stream fire fighting. These multicylinder, PTO-driven pumps can provide pressures up to ________ psi for high-pressure fog lines, or to inject foam concentrate into a water line or manifold at a higher pressure than the water pump is creating. (P296) (Piston Pumps)
- 1,000 psi
- TQ** ___________________are constructed with moveable elements that automatically compensate for wear, maintaining a tighter fit with closer clearances as the pump is used.
- Rotary Vane pumps
- ** Pumps used in the fire service constructed with a single impeller are referred to as single-stage centrifugal pumps. These may consist of front-mount pumps, power take off, auxiliary engine driven, and midship pumps that use a single intake impeller and a simple casing to provide flow capacities up to _______ gpm.
- 2,250 gpm
- ** When the pump transfer valve is in the _______ position, each of the impellers takes water from a source and delivers it to the discharge. Each of the impellers is capable of delivering its rated pressure while flowing _____percent of its rated capacity; therefore, the total amount of water the pump can deliver is equal to the sum of the stages.
- Volume. 50 percent
- ** When the transfer valve is set in the ________position, all water from the intake manifold is directed into the eye of the first impeller. Depending on the specific pump, the first stage increases the pressure and discharges ____ to ____ percent of the volume capacity through the transfer valve and into the eye of the second impeller.
- Pressure position. 50 to 70 percent
- If there is any question as to the correct position for the transfer valve, it is best to operate in parallel (volume) rather than series (pressure). ** In the parallel mode, the pump will be capable of supplying 100 percent of its rated capacity at _____ psi at _____ feet of lift with ____ feet of suction hose while drafting. (P303)
- 150 psi. 10 feet of lift. 20 feet of suction hose
- ** Many power-operated transfer valves operate at pressures as high as _____ psi.
- 200 psi
- *________ driven fire pumps are most common to initial attack, wildland, or mobile water supply applications. (P307) (Pretty sure this was a TQ.)
- ** In the past, conventional PTO units were limited to powering pumps up to approximately ____ gpm. However, some manufacturers now provide full torque power take-offs that allow for the installation of pumps as large as ______ gpm. (P308)
- 500 gpm. 1,250 gpm
- Most fire departments operate pumpers that feature the pump mounted ____________________________ behind the engine and transmission. Power is supplied to the pump through the use of a _______________ gear case (transfer case) located in the drive line between the transmission and the rear axle.
- laterally across the frame, split shaft gear case
- ** With the engine idling and the pump engaged, most speedometers will indicate between ____ to ____ mph.
- 10 to 15 mph
- ** The piping system and the fire pump itself must be capable of withstanding a hydrostatic test of ______ psi before being placed into service. (P312)
- 500 psi
- ** According to NFPA® 1901 pumpers with a capacity of 500 gpm or less should have piping capable of flowing _____ gpm.
- 250 gpm
- ** Pumpers with a capacity greater than 500 gpm should be able to flow at least _____ gpm.
- 500 gpm
- TQ** Many pumpers are equipped with tank-to-pump piping as large as ____ inches in diameter.
- 4 inches
- ** Pumps rated greater than ______gpm capacity may require more than one large intake connection at each location. (P314)
- 1,500 gpm
- ** As a minimum, all fire apparatus with a rated pump capacity of ___ gpm or greater must be equipped with at least ____ 2 1⁄2-inch discharges. Pumps rated less than ___ gpm are required to have only _____ 2 1⁄2-inch discharge.
- 750 gpm, Two, 750gpm, one
- ** A minimum of ______-inch piping, valves, and elbows must be used to supply discharges where 1 1⁄2-, 1 3⁄4-, or 2-inch handlines are attached.
- 2 inch
- All valves should be designed and maintained so that they are easily operable at pressures of up to _____ psi.
- 250 psi
- ** According to NFPA® 1901, apparatus equipped with tanks of less than 1,000 gallons must have a tank fill line of at least _____-inch in diameter. Tanks greater than 1,000 gallons must be provided with at least a _____-inch tank fill line.
- 1 inch. 2 inch
- *The ______________ valve is connected to the discharge side of the pump and enables water to be dumped into the tank or outside the tank onto the ground. (P316)
- circulator valve
- Some pumps are equipped with a ________________ valve (also called a bypass valve) that serves the same function as a circulator valve by diverting a portion of the discharge water into the tank. (P316)
- booster line cooling valve
- ____________ and _____________ valves are piped with small-diameter copper tubing with a very limited flow capability. (P316)
- Circulator and booster line cooling valves
- ** NFPA® 1901 requires that all intakes or discharges that are _____ inches or greater be equipped with slow acting valve controls.
- 3 inches or greater
- TQ** NFPA® 1901 requires some type of pressure control device to be part of any fire apparatus pumping system. This device must operate within _______to ______ seconds after the discharge pressure rises and restricts the pressure from exceeding ______ psi above the set level. (P318)
- 3 to 10 seconds. 30 psi above
- Although there are several types available, the most common relief valve uses a ______________________________ valve. (P319)
- spring-controlled pilot valve
- ** It is generally recommended that the intake relief valves be set to open when the intake pressure rises more than _____ psi above the necessary operating pressure. (P320)
- 10 psi above
- Newer pumpers are often equipped with electronic governors. These devices use a pressure sensing element (__________________) that is connected to the discharge manifold. (P321)
- pressure transducer
- ** The electronic governor also features cavitation protection by returning the engine to idle when intake pressure drops below ____ psi. (P321)
- Below 30 psi
- ** The operator manual supplied by the fire pump manufacturer should specify the preferred engine speed (rpm) for priming but, in general, the range is between ______ to _____ rpm. Activate the primers with the engine at idle speed and then increase the throttle to the specified rpms.
- 1000 to 1,200 rpm
- **The master intake gauge (vacuum or compound gauge) is connected to the intake side of the pump and measures either positive pressure or a vacuum. This gauge is usually calibrated from ____ to ____ psi of positive pressure and from ____ to ____ inches of mercury (vacuum) on the negative side.
- 0 to 600 psi, 0 to 30 inches of mercury
- ** When the vacuum reading approaches _____ inches, the pump is nearing its capacity and is not able to supply additional lines. (For drafting.)
- 20 inches
- The ___________________ is inserted into one of the hoses used in the engine cooling system so that the engine coolant must travel through it as it circulates through the system. The cooler features a number of small tubes surrounded by a water jacket that is connected to the discharge of the fire pump. (P329)
- marine cooler
- The ____________________________ is mounted in a similar manner as the marine type, with the radiator coolant passing through the body of the cooler. In the ________ system, the water supplied by the fire pump passes through a coil or tubing mounted inside the cooler so that it is _______________ in the coolant.(P329)
- immersion type auxiliary cooler, immersion, immersed
- *Making a fire pump operational, commonly referred to as “putting the pump into gear” begins after the apparatus is properly positioned and the____________________________. (P336) (Pretty sure this was a previous TQ.)
- parking brake has been set
- ** Driver/operators should maintain a residual pressure of at least ____ psi on their master intake gauge at all times during pumping operations.
- 20 psi
- **Water supply systems must maintain a residual pressure of at least ____ psi within their mains for several reasons; contamination from sources outside the main may occur if the pressure in the main drops too low.
- 20 psi
- Load the hose with a male coupling to come out of the bed first when using hose with threaded couplings for a_____________ . (P344)
- reverse lay
- Use double female adapters at the hydrant and double male adapters at the pump panel to execute a reverse lay using hose with threaded couplings if the hose bed has been set up for a _______________. (P344)
- forward lay
- When completing a reverse lay, it is not necessary to use a ____________________. (P344)
- four-way hydrant valve
- To use the ___________ method, first calculate the drop in pressure as a percentage. (P348)
- percentage method
- The ______________method is a quick and easy way to calculate available water using psi and gpm.
- first-digit method
- When using the _________________ method, the driver/operator must note the static pressure of the water system before any pump discharges are open or know the usual static pressure in the water supply system under normal circumstances. (P350)
- squaring-the-lines method
- As the water begins to move through the pump, additional pressure losses are encountered. Any hose or appliance creates a certain amount of friction loss. The amount of friction loss is ____________________________ of water moving through it. (P352)
- proportional to the velocity
- The ability to overcome losses in pressure is limited to atmospheric pressure at sea level (_____ psi or _____ inches Hg). (P352)
- 14.7 psi. or 30 inches Hg
- ** This pressure (atmospheric pressure) decreases approximately 0.5 psi or 1 inch of Hg for each 1,000 feet of altitude gain. In a city located 5,000 feet above sea level, the atmospheric pressure is _____ psi.
- 12.2 psi
- ** Most pumps are able to develop a vacuum capacity of approximately _____ inches of mercury (Hg).
- 22 inches of mercury
- The first consideration in establishing a drafting operation is______________. (P354)
- site selection
- The most important factor in choosing the draft site is the___________________________. (P355)
- amount of water available
- When using a portable tank or swimming pool for drafting operations, a low-level strainer is the appliance of choice. These strainers are designed to sit directly on the bottom of a tank or pool and allow water to be effectively drafted down to a depth of approximately ___ inches.
- 2 inches
- ** Water temperature will also affect drafting operations. Water below ____°F or above ____°F may adversely impact the ability of the pump to reach capacity. (P356)
- 90
- Although almost any type of water may be used for fire suppression, pumping ________________ (untreated) water may be harmful to the pump. (P356)
- nonpotable
- ** __________________to a water source is an important factor in selecting a drafting site. Because drafting is accomplished by evacuating air from the pump and allowing atmospheric pressure to push the water into it, a maximum of ______ psi is available.
- Accessibility. 14,7 psi
- ** All fire pumps meeting NFPA and Underwriter’s Laboratories Inc. requirements are rated to pump their capacity at _____ feet of lift. (P357)
- 10 feet of lift
- ** A pumper in good working order can lift water a maximum of ____ feet.(P357)
- 25 feet
- ** To create an effective fire stream, a lift of no greater than ______ feet is recommended. Working with this lift, the pump operates at about ______ percent of its rated capacity.
- 60 percent
- If an older, ________________________ is normally connected to the pump intake, it is often removed before connecting the intake hose to the apparatus as this valve obstructs the waterway, reducing drafting capacity. (P357)
- butterfly-type intake valve
- If the primer is a positive displacement pump that is driven by a transfer case, set the engine rpm according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Most priming pumps are intended to work most effectively when the engine is set at a rate between ______ and ______ rpm. (P359)
- 1,000 to 1,200 rpm
- After the pump has been made airtight and the engine rpm set, operate the primer control. As the air is evacuated from the pump the master intake gauge will register vacuum reading. This reading should equal 1 inch of mercury (Hg) for _____ foot of lift required. The vacuum is measured from the surface of the water to the_______________________. (P359)
- 1 foot, eye of the pump’s impeller
- ** The entire priming action typically requires ____ to ____ seconds from start to finish. However, when up to 20 feet of intake hose lifting a maximum of 10 vertical feet, it may take as long as ______ seconds (45 seconds in pumps larger than 1250 gpm) to accomplish this.
- 10 to 15 seconds. 30 seconds
- After successfully priming the pump, the throttle setting should slowly be increased before attempting to open any discharges. Increasing the throttle setting is required to raise the pressure to between _____ and _____ psi. (P360)
- 50 and 100 psi
- The most common place for a blockage to occur is in the____________. (P361)
- strainer
- CAUTION: When interior attack crews are operating hoselines from a combination sprinkler/ standpipe system with sprinklers flowing, the pressure supplied to the FDC should be based on a_______________________________________.
- safe operating pressure for the interior crews
- *If no specific information is available, the general guideline is to discharge _____psi into the FDC. (P363)
- 150 psi
- ** When specific information is unavailable, driver/operators should pump _____into the FDC when supporting automatic sprinkler systems.
- 150 psi
- If a stationary fire pump supplies the sprinkler system, firefighters should also ensure that it is operating. Sprinkler control valves are often located in the ____________ making it efficient for one team of firefighters to accomplish both tasks. (P364)
- fire pump room
- ** Add approximately ___ psi for each floor above the fire department connection that will have operating fire streams. (Excluded 2024)
- 5 psi
- Do not use pump discharge pressures in excess of ______ psi unless the standpipe system, hose, and appliances have been designed to function under high pressures. (Excluded 2024)
- 185 psi
- When a standpipe system is known to be equipped with pressure-reducing valves, the elevation pressure used must be based on the_________________________________________________. (Excluded 2024)
- total height of the standpipe or zone being used
- Pressure-Reducing Valve — Valve installed at standpipe connection that is designed to reduce the amount of water pressure at that discharge to a specific pressure, usually _____ psi. (Excluded 2024)
- 100 psi
- **An external standpipe may also be created by hoisting up, or rolling hose down the outside of a building, securing it inside every ______ or ______ floors. (Excluded 2024)
- Two or three floors
- _________ is the difference in elevation between the surface of the static water supply and the center of the pump intake.
- Lift
- Theoretical Lift — Theoretical, scientific height that a column of water may be lifted by atmospheric pressure in a true vacuum; at sea level, this height is _______ feet. The height will decrease as elevation increases. (P404) (The glossary definition says something different.)
- 33.9 feet
- ** For every 1,000 feet of altitude, the atmospheric pressure decreases by approximately _____psi.
- 0.5 psi
- ______________ can be calculated by determining the atmospheric pressure of an area and multiplying that number by the water’s pressure per square inch while it is in the intake hose.
- Theoretical lift
- ** In the fire service, _______________ is defined as the greatest height to which any amount of water may be raised through an intake hose to the pump.
- Maximum lift
- ** In most circumstances, maximum lift is approximately ______feet.
- 25 feet
- _____________________ — Height a column of water may be lifted in sufficient quantity to provide a reliable fire flow. Lift may be raised through a hard suction hose to a pump, taking into consideration the atmospheric pressure and friction loss within the hard suction hose; ______________ is usually considered to be ______ feet.
- Dependable lift. Dependable lift. 14.7 feet
- ** All fire department pumping apparatus are rated when drafting with a minimum lift of ____ feet from the center of a pump intake to the surface of water through ____ feet of hard intake hose. A strainer is submerged at least ___ feet in a water depth of at least ___ feet.
- 10 feet of lift. 20 feet of hose. 2 feet. 4 feet
- As the lift or friction loss in hard intake hose is increased, the water supply capability of the pump decreases. The pump may only deliver about ____ percent of its capacity if lift is increased by 5 feet , to a 15-foot lift, and ____ percent at a 20 foot lift.
- 70 percent. 60 percent.
- Floating pumps placed in an adequate water source can develop and maintain a flow of up to ____ gpm.
- 500 gpm
- Although lesser depths may be suitable, ___ feet of water all around a barrel-type strainer is generally considered the minimum for that type of equipment.
- 2 feet
- Floating strainers may be used for water as shallow as___ foot.
- 1 foot
- Low-level strainers are most commonly used to draft from portable water tanks. These devices may draw water as shallow as ___ to ___ inches, but generally will not provide the flow required to reach the capacity of the pumping apparatus.
- 1 to 2 inches
- Although they may vary in size, cisterns typically range from ___________ to ________ gallons. (P415)
- 10,000 to 100,000 gallons
- Large residential, industrial, or agricultural locations may feature_________________. These tanks may range in size from _____________to ____________of gallons of water. (P415)
- private water storage tanks, several hundred to tens of thousands
- ________________are artificial installations that have similar characteristics as a pond or lake. These reservoirs typically contain ______________ gallons (liters) of water. ____________________ may be more accessible to fire apparatus than natural bodies of water because of their installation at a working facility. (P415)
- Ground reservoirs, many millions of gallons, ground reservoirs
- Agricultural irrigation systems in some jurisdictions may flow in excess of ________and may function as a potential water source for fire protection. (P418)
- 1,000 gpm
- A _________________ operation consists of a pumper positioned at the water supply source that is used to pump water under pressure through one or more supply lines to another pumper connected further down the supply line(s). (P412)
- relay pumping
- Large Diameter Hose (LDH) — Relay-supply hose of _____ to _____ inches in diameter; used to move large volumes of water quickly with a minimum number of pumpers and personnel.
- 3 ½ inch to 6 inches
- TQ** Centrifugal pumps are rated to pump at their maximum volume capacity at __ psi at draft.
- 150 psi
- ** As previously mentioned, fire department pumpers are rated to flow their maximum volume at ____psi, 70 percent of their maximum at ____ psi, and 50 percent of their maximum at ____ psi at draft.
- 150 psi, 200 psi, 250 psi
A relay pumping operation begins with the largest capacity pumper working from the_________________. (P432)
- water source
- ** It is advisable for driver/operators to maintain an intake pressure of ___ to ___ psi as a relay pumper.
- 20 to 30 psi
- ** For relay pumpers equipped with an adjustable intake relief valve, they should be set to ___ psi above the static pressure of the water system to which it is attached or ___ psi above the discharge pressure of the previous pumper in the relay.
- 10 psi. 10 psi.
- ** Attack pumpers equipped with an adjustable intake relief valve should be set between ___ and ___ psi to establish a stable operating condition. (P343)
- 50 and 75 psi
- ** The driver/operator of the attack pumper should expect small variations in pressure during relay pumping operations. You should not attempt to correct minor fluctuations as long as the intake pressure does not drop below ___ psi.
- 20 psi
- **Driver/operators should refer to NFPA _____ for further information regarding the placement of relief devices.
- NFPA 1962
- Relay pumping operations that require the use of later arriving companies to achieve the required flow can set up an initial operation of lesser volume and greater spacing with _______________ placed in the relay line awaiting the arrival of incoming pumpers. An _______________ is placed along the length of a supply hose that permits a pumper to connect to the valve to boost pressure in the hose. (P436)
- inline relay valves, inline relay valve
- During LDH relay operations that must supply more than one attack pumper, a _____________________ may be used to break down the LDH into two or more hoselines that may then be connected to different pumpers. (P436)
- discharge manifold
- ________________operations are used to provide water supply to incident scenes where relay pumping is not a viable option. (P443)
- Water shuttle
- __________________ usually provides a more reliable supply of continuous water with the use of fewer apparatus, but it is more labor intensive to take up when an incident is terminated. (P443)
- Relay pumping
- A ___________________relies on the constant movement of apparatus at the fill and dump sites, as well as on the route between the two locations. (P444)
- shuttle operation
- With the exception of operations that feature a vacuum tanker (described later in the chapter) or the use of a hydrant, most water shuttles require at least _________ pumpers for water supply. (P445)
- two pumpers
- ** In accordance with NFPA® 1901, water tenders must be designed to be filled at a rate of at least ______ gpm so that pumpers assigned to the fill site must be rated at that capacity or greater. (P445)
- 1,000 gpm
- ** Vehicle weight restrictions generally limit single rear axle apparatus to a maximum capacity of _______ gallons. (P446)
- 2,000 gallons
- For apparatus with a capacity greater than _______ gallons , tandem rear axles, tri-axles, or semi-trailers are required.
- 2,000 gallons
- ** Tenders featuring pumps of ____ gpm or greater rating are often called pumper/tenders. (P446)
- 750 gpm
- Pumper/tenders have large water tanks and the ability to pump at ____ gpm or greater.
- 750 gpm
- ** The vacuum tender is able to self-fill from a static water source at a rate of up to ______ gpm with a lift of up to ____ feet. These apparatus are also capable of discharging its water tank at a rate up to____________. (P446)
- 2,000, 22 feet, 1,750 gpm
- ** With a gravity dump, gravity is used to empty water from the tank. These dumps often use ____-inch or larger round or square piping with a valve that extends to the exterior of the vehicle.
- 8 inch
- ** When possible, a water supply source capable of supplying at least ______ gpm should be chosen in order to match the NFPA® recommended rate at which tenders should be filled. (P452)
- 1000 gpm
- _______________________________________________________— The U.S. mandated Incident Management System that defines the roles, responsibilities, and standard operating procedures used to manage emergency operations; creates a Unified Incident Response Structure for federal, state, and local governments. (P454)
- National Incident Management System - Incident Command System (NIMS-ICS)
- When establishing a water shuttle operation, it must be integrated into the Incident Command structure. It is recommended that the Incident Commander make designations that adhere to the_______________________________________. (P454)
- National Incident Management System (NIMS)
- When a Water Supply Group is established, the person in charge is known as the Water Supply Group_____________. (P454)
- Supervisor
- ________________________— System described in NFPA® 1561, Standard on___________________________________________, that defines the roles, responsibilities, and standard operating procedures used to manage emergency operations. Such systems may also be referred to as Incident Command Systems (ICS). (P455)
- Incident Management System (IMS), Standard on Emergency Services Incident Management System
- During large-scale incidents, it may be necessary to establish two or more water shuttle operations. In these cases, the IC may develop a Water Supply__________. (P455)
- Water supply Branch
- When positioning to draft at a static water supply, seek a position that requires a ___________________in order to maximize the flow available to supply the tender. (P456)
- minimum of lift
- Using the________________________, water tenders pump the water from their tanks directly into the pump intake of an attack pumper. This method is typically accomplished by having the attack pumper lay out a supply line that is equipped with a gated or clappered Siamese in an area accessible to tenders. (P459)
- direct pumping method
- Nurse Tanker — Very large water tanker (generally _______ gallons or larger) that is stationed at the fire scene and serves as a portable reservoir rather than as a shuttle tanker. Also known as Nurse Tender.
- 4,000 gallons
- ** NFPA® 1901 requires all tenders to have the capability to dump at a minimum average flow rate of _______ gpm for the first ___ percent of its tank capacity. (P462)
- 1000 gpm. 90 percent
- A simple dump site may feature the use of one portable tank that is supplied directly by water shuttle tenders. This operation is generally adequate for fire fighting operations that require relatively low flow rates (less than _____ gpm).
- 300 gpm
- ** Any tank, regardless of type, should be set up on a surface that is as level as possible and have a capacity at least _____ gallons larger than the water tank on the apparatus that will supply it.
- 500 gallons
- ** The dump site pumper should utilize a low-level strainer to allow for continuous drafting to a point of about ___inches.
- 2 inches
- ** Incidents that require a flow rate in excess of ____ gpm are best served by a multiple tank operation.
- 300 gpm
- Most multi-tank operations use from ____ to _____ portable tanks.
- Two to five portable tanks
- ** For operations that require more than three tanks and jet siphons and flows over 500 gpm, __________________ should be used to transfer water to the tank supplying the attack pumper.
- Parallel Jet Siphons
Place pumper in pump gear and charge tender fill lines, keeping pumper in gear and fill lines charged at all times. Follow local SOPs for discharge pressure, usually between ____ and ____ psi.(P472)
- 100-150 psi
- (Hose size between the hydrant and pumper at the fill site is ____ LDH minimum.)
- One LDH minimum
- _________________ are the most common foams in use. These products must be proportioned (mixed with water) and aerated (mixed with air) before use. (P480)
- Mechanical foams
- Proper _______________ should produce a blanket of uniform-sized bubbles that will maintain an effective cover over Class A or Class B fuels for the required period of time. (P480)
- aeration
- __________________ are designed solely for use on hydrocarbon fuels and are not effective on polar solvent products regardless of the concentration that is applied. However, some foams intended for use on polar solvents may be used on hydrocarbon fuel products, but only under the direction of the manufacturer. (P481)
- Class B foams
- ** NOTE: Many modern fuels, including gasoline, are blended with up to ___ percent solvent additives. Treat these products as polar solvents during emergency operations.
- 15 percent solvent additives
- ______________________ is the act of mixing of water with foam concentrate to form a foam solution. (P482)
- Proportioning
- Most fire fighting foam concentrates are formulated to mix with ____ to ____ percent water.
- 94 to 99.9 percent
- ** Class A foams are formulated to be proportioned within certain limits established by the manufacturer to achieve specific objectives. These percentages may range from a little as ___ percent to ___ percent.
- 0.1 to 1 percent
- The _____________ method of proportioning foam uses the pressure of a water stream to induct (draft) foam concentrate into the fire stream. This is achieved by passing the stream of water through a Venturi device called an_________. A ____________connected to the eductor is inserted into the foam concentrate container. (P483)
- Induction, eductor, pickup tube
- The ______________ method of proportioning foam uses an external pump to force foam concentrate into the fire stream at the proper ratio in comparison to the flow. These systems are most commonly employed in apparatus mounted or fixed fire protection systems. (P483)
- injection
- A simple but potentially inaccurate method of mixing foam concentrate and water, _______________ occurs when an appropriate amount of foam concentrate is poured directly into a tank of water.(P483)
- batch mixing
- __________________ is a common method of proportioning in which premeasured portions of water and foam concentrate are mixed in a container. Typically, this method is used with portable and wheeled extinguishers, skid-mounted twin-agent units, and apparatus-mounted tank systems.(P484)
- Premixing
- Five-gallon plastic _______ are commonly used containers in many municipal fire departments. These containers are not affected by the corrosive nature of foam concentrates and are relatively easy to store on fire apparatus. (P485)
- Pails
- Foam concentrate is also available in 55-gallon plastic or plastic-lined ________. Some fire departments use these for bulk storage, but they are more common in industrial applications. (P485)
- barrels
- ** When bulk storage of foam concentrates is required, some fire departments or industrial facilities may specify ____ gallon containers, called ______. (P484)
- 275 gallon, totes
- **Foam concentrate tanks on municipal fire apparatus generally range from ___ to ____ gallons, while foam pumper or tenders may carry _______ gallons or more of concentrate.
- 20 to 200 gallons. 8,000 gallons
- Available since the 1940s, _________ foam technology has only recently been widely accepted and used for increasing numbers of structure, wildland, coal, tire storage, and other fires involving deep seated fuels.
- Class A foam
- The formula of Class A foam includes _________________________that reduce the surface tension of water in the foam solution. (P487)
- hydrocarbon surfactants
- When used in conjunction with compressed air foam systems (CAFS), Class A foam provides excellent ___________ qualities. (P487)
- insulation
- ** The shelf life of properly stored foam solution can be as long as ___years making it an economical choice to purchase in bulk quantities.
- 20 years
- Class A foam concentrates may be mixed with percentages as little as _____ to ______ percent.
0.1 to 1.0 percent
- The following guidelines are commonly used for proportioning Class A foam:
Fire attack and overhaul with standard fog nozzles — ____ to ____ percent concentrate.
- Fire attack, overhaul = 0.2-0.5 percent
- The following guidelines are commonly used for proportioning Class A foam: Exposure protection with standard fog nozzles — ___ to ___ percent concentrate.
- Exposure protection = 0.5-1.0 percent
- The following guidelines are commonly used for proportioning Class A foam: Any application with air aspirating foam nozzles — ____ to ____ percent concentrate.
- Aspirating = 0.3-0.7 percent
- The following guidelines are commonly used for proportioning Class A foam: Any application with compressed air foam systems (CAFS) — ___ to ___ percent concentrate.
- CAFS = 0.2-0.5 percent
- These foam concentrates consist of a synthetic or protein base. While synthetic foam is made from a mixture of__________________, protein based foam is derived from animal protein. (P489)
- fluorosurfactants
- Class B foam concentrates should be stored in cool areas to maximize shelf life: approximately ____ years for protein based foams and ___ to ___ years for synthetic foam.
- 10 years. 20 to 25 years
- Class B foams are mixed in proportions from ____ to ____ percent.
- One to 6 percent
- Class B foams are mixed in proportions from ____ to ____.
- 1% to 6%
- ** Some foam is formulated for use on both hydrocarbon and polar solvent fuels. These products may be used at different concentrations depending on which fuel is involved. The concentration for hydrocarbon fuels is normally ______ or ____ percent, while ____ or ____ percent is used for polar solvents, based on the manufacturer’s recommendation.
- One or three percent. Three or six percent
- Hydrocarbon fuels use ___ or___ percent concentration.
- 1 or 3 percent.
- Polar solvents use ___ or ___ percent concentration.
- 3 or 6 percent
- NFPA 11 states that low expansion foam contains an air/solution ratio of up to __ parts finished foam for every part of foam solution, a ____ ratio.
- 20 parts. 20:1 ratio
- Medium expansion foam is commonly used at a rate of ____ up to _____ through hydraulically operated nozzle type delivery devices.
- 20:1 up to 200:1
- When high expansion foam is used the expansion rate is from ____ to _____.
- 200:1up to 1000:1
- In order to calculate the application rate available from a specific nozzle, divide the _______ by the area of the fire.
- Flow rate
- ** Regular protein foam generally has good heat stability and burnback resistance. However, it is not as fluid as other low expansion foams when applied to a fuel source. In addition, regular protein foam degrades more quickly in storage than synthetic foam (an approximate ____-year shelf life). (P492)
- 10 year shelf life
- _________________ foam, a combination of protein-based foam and synthetic foam, contains protein concentrate to which _________________________are added.
- Fluoroprotein, fluorochemical surfactants
- ** ________________ foam may be made alcohol resistant with the addition of ammonia salts suspended in organic solvents. The alcohol-resistive properties will be effective for approximately _____ minutes, offering high-water retention and resistance to heat. (P492)
- Flouroprotein. 15 minutes
- _________________________________________concentrate is based on the technology of fluoroprotein foam for long lasting heat resistance and the capabilities of aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) for quick knockdown. (P492)
- Film forming fluoroprotein foam (FFFP)
- *_____________________________, or commonly called A triple F, is currently the most commonly used synthetic foam concentrate. Its formula consists of fluorochemical and hydrocarbon surfactants combined with solvents to create a high boiling point. The fluorochemical surfactants reduce the surface tension of the water in the foam solution to a degree that a thin aqueous film is spread across a fuel product as the foam solution is applied. (P492)
- Aqueous film forming foam (AFFF)
- Alcohol resistant AFFF concentrate is commonly available for use on polar solvents. This concentrate is generally used at a concentration of ______ or _______ percent, based on manufacturer’s recommendations. (P493)
- Three or six percent
- Alcohol-resistant AFFF may also be used on hydrocarbon fuels at _____ to _____ percent proportion based on the manufacturer’s guidelines. (P493)
- One to six percent
- ___________________________________________________________— Aqueous film forming foam that is designed for use with polar solvent fuels. See Aqueous Film Forming Foam and Foam Concentrate.
- Alcohol-Resistant Aqueous Film Forming Foam Concentrate (AR-AFFF)
The in-line eductor uses the Venturi principle to draft foam concentrate into the water stream. When operating this system, several operating guidelines must be followed to achieve properly proportioned finished foam:
315. The pressure at the discharge side of the eductor must not exceed _____ percent of the eductor inlet pressure. This back pressure is determined by adding the nozzle pressure, friction loss in the hose between the eductor and the nozzle, and the elevation pressure.
- 70 percent
The in-line eductor uses the Venturi principle to draft foam concentrate into the water stream. When operating this system, several operating guidelines must be followed to achieve properly proportioned finished foam:
316. The concentration of foam solution will only blend accurately if the inlet pressure at the eductor is correct (usually ____-____ psi).
- 150-200 psi
The in-line eductor uses the Venturi principle to draft foam concentrate into the water stream. When operating this system, several operating guidelines must be followed to achieve properly proportioned finished foam:
317. The foam concentrate inlet to the eductor should be no more than ____ feet above the liquid surface of the foam concentrate.
- Six feet
- *___________— Pressure loss or gain created by changes in elevation between the nozzle and pump. (P495)
- Back Pressure
- _______________— Gain or loss of pressure in a hoseline due to a change in elevation. Also known as ________________. (P176) (This and 318 above are very similar.)
- Elevation Pressure, elevation loss
- **Some master stream foam nozzles are capable of delivering _______ gpm.
- 14,000 gpm
- A jet ratio controller (JRC) is a type of in-line eductor that may be used to supply foam concentrate to a self-educting master stream. It allows the foam concentrate supply to be located as far as ________ feet away from a self-educting master stream nozzle. This distance allows firefighters charged with operating the fire pump and maintaining the foam concentrate supply to do so from a considerable distance, as well as an elevation change of up to ___ feet.
- 3000 feet. 50 feet
- ___________________ are most commonly used to proportion Class B foam. _________________foam eductors are generally not effective for proportioning the very low concentrations used in Class A foam operations. (P497)
- Installed in-line eductors, Installed in-line
- ________________________________are one of the most common types of installed proportioners used in modern fire apparatus. This system consists of a small return (bypass) water line connected from the discharge side of the pump back to the intake side of the pump. (P498)
- Around-the-pump proportioners
- The_________________________________, used on large mobile apparatus installations, such as ARFF vehicles, is one of the most accurate methods of foam proportioning. (P499)
- bypass-type balanced pressure proportioner
- Apparatus with a ______________________________feature a foam concentrate line supplied by a separate foam concentrate pump connected to each discharge outlet. (P499)
- bypass-type balanced pressure proportioner
- ___________________________________ proportioners generally operate off power supplied by the apparatus electrical system, although some larger units may use a combination of electric and hydraulic power. (P500)
- Variable-flow variable-rate direct injection
- *______________________________________________— Apparatus-mounted foam system that injects the correct amount of foam into the pump piping, thereby supplying all discharges with foam. The system automatically monitors the operation of the hoselines and maintains a consistent quality of foam solution. (P500)
- Variable-Flow Variable-Rate Direct-Injection System
- ________________________________ proportioners generally operate off power supplied by the apparatus electrical system, although some larger units may use a combination of electric and hydraulic power. (P500)
- Variable-flow variable-rate direct injection
- Variable flow variable rate direct injection systems proportion foam concentrate at rates from ____to ____ percent.
- 0.1 to 3 percent
- A ________________________ balanced pressure proportioning system, also known as a pumped/demand system, consists of a variable speed mechanism driven electrically or hydraulically, that operates a foam concentrate pump. (P500)
- variable-flow demand-type
- Class A foam solutions do not retain their foaming properties when mixed in water for more than ____ hours, making pre-mixing virtually impossible.
- 24 hours
- CAFS apparatus use a standard centrifugal pump with an automatic discharge side proportioning system. Due to the low eduction rates, a variable flow rate sensing proportioner is required to supply the fire stream at the rate of ___ to ____ percent.
- 0.1 to 1.0 percent
- Generally, ___ cubic feet per minute of airflow per gallon, per minute of foam solution produces a dry foam of up to 100 gpm of foam solution. This creates a substantial amount of foam at a 10:1 expansion ratio.
- 2 cubic feet
- Most structural and wildland suppression operations conducted with CAFS use an airflow rate of ____ to ____ ft3/min of foam solution.
- 0.5 to 1.0 ft/3
- ** Expansion ratios for most fog nozzles are in the ___ up to ___ range. (P504)
- 2:1 up to 4:1 range
- NFPA 11 states that low expansion foam contains an air/solution ratio of up to 20 parts finished foam for every part of foam solution, a ____ ratio.
- 20:1
- The air content of medium expansion foam ranges from ____ to _____.
- 20:1 to 200:1
- For high expansion foam, the ratio ranges from ______ to ______.
- 200:1 to 1000:1
- No foam concentrates, solutions, or finished foam should be discharged into any body of water. Foam manufacturers safety data sheets (SDSs) as well as NFPA® ________ Standard on Foam Chemicals for Fire in Class A Fuels will provide additional information regarding this topic. (P508)
- NFPA 1150
- When used as an extinguishing agent, the standard application ratio is 1:100 (one percent solution in water).* When used on a fire line, durable agents are often applied at ___ to ___ percent.
- 1 ½ to 2 percent
- For structure protection, the application ratio is ____ to ___ percent. With this application, durable agents will adhere to vertical structural surfaces for up to ___ hours.
- 2 to 3 percent. 24 hours
342.** NFPA® _____, Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus, NFPA _______, Standard for Wildland Fire Apparatus, and NFPA ______, Standard for Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Vehicles are commonly used as a basis for most apparatus bid specifications.
- NFPA 1901, NFPA 1906, NFPA 414
- _____________— Preservice apparatus maneuverability tests designed to determine the road-worthiness of a new vehicle. (P516)
- Road Tests
- The apparatus must accelerate to ____ mph from a standing start within ____ seconds. This test is conducted in two runs in opposite directions over the same course.
- 35 mph. 25 seconds
- The apparatus must achieve at least a top speed of ____ mph. This requirement may be waived for vehicles not designed for use on public roadways.
- 50 mph
- The apparatus must come to a full stop from ____ mph within ____ feet.
- 20 mph. 35 feet
- The pump body as well as the entire intake and discharge piping system, with the exception of the tank fill and tank-to-pump lines on the tank side of the valves, are subjected to a minimum hydrostatic test pressure of _____ psi for a minimum of ____ minutes.
- 500 psi. 10 minutes
- In jurisdictions that are higher than ________ feet above sea level, a pumping engine overload test should be performed as part of acceptance testing.
- 2000 feet above sea level
- The requirements for fire department service testing are contained in NFPA ______, Standard for the Inspection, Maintenance, Testing and Retirement of In-Service Automotive Fire Apparatus.
- NFPA 1911
- For pumps rated at 1,500 gpm or less, _____ feet is the maximum distance, while 2,000 gpm pumps use a _____ foot maximum lift.
- 10 feet. 6 feet
- The air temperature when the testing is conducted should be between ___°F and ____° F.
- 110
- The water temperature should be between ___° F and ____° F.
- 90
- The barometric pressure should be at least _____ inches of Mercury (Hg) when corrected to sea level. This adjustment is necessary because a 1-inch drop in barometric pressure reduces the static lift of a pumper by approximately 1 foot.
- 29 inches of mercury
- When conducting the pump test a sufficient number of discharge hoses must be stretched and operated. The minimum diameter hoseline for this purpose is _______-inch hose, although larger diameter hoselines may be employed if so desired.
- 2 ½ inch hose
- ** To monitor the continued serviceability of the hose throughout the test, a mark may be scribed where the hose and couplings meet. If the scribe mark is found to have moved away more than _____ of an inch from the coupling, stop the test and replace the hose.
- 3/8 of an inch
- Performance tests are conducted at ____ psi, ____ psi, ____ psi, and ____ psi net pump discharge pressure.
- 150 psi, 165 psi, 200 psi, 250 psi
- ** NFPA 1911 specifies that all gauges used for service testing must be calibrated within _____ days of the testing.
- 60 days
The following equipment is required for performance tests on fire department pumpers:
358. A gauge to determine intake pressure. The gauge should be calibrated to a range of 30 in Hg to zero for a _________ gauge, or 30 in Hg vacuum to 150 psi for a ____________gauge.
- Vacuum gauge. Compound gauge
The following equipment is required for performance tests on fire department pumpers:
359. A gauge with a range of 0 to at least 400 psi (with + or - _____ % accuracy) to determine pump discharge.
- 5 % accuracy
The following equipment is required for performance tests on fire department pumpers:
360. A pitot tube with knife edge and air chamber rated from 0 to at least _____ psi is required if a flowmeter is not used.
- 160 psi
The following equipment is required for performance tests on fire department pumpers:
361. Two 6-foot lengths of ____-inch diameter, ______psi hose with screw fittings and gauges. These gauges are connected to fittings at the pump panel.
- ¼ inch diameter. 300 psi hose
To perform fire pump service testing safely, personnel should:
362. Wear protective head gear, eyewear, gloves, and hearing protection if noise levels have the potential to reach or exceed _____ decibels (dB).
- 90 decibels
- If it is not running at the correct speed (plus or minus _____ rpm), the apparatus should be evaluated by a qualified mechanic before any further tests are performed. (P524)
- 50 rpm
- According to NFPA® 1911, fire pumps of 1,250 gpm capacity must achieve prime in ____ seconds or less, and those rated at 1,500 gpm must be primed within _____ seconds.
- 30 seconds or less. 45 seconds
- Pumpers with an onboard tank capacity of 500 gallons or less must be capable of flowing ______ gpm from their onboard tank.
- 250 gpm
- Pumpers with a capacity of greater than 500 gallons must be capable of flowing at least ____ gpm.
- 500 gpm
- Any apparatus that achieves results less than _____ percent of its originally rated capabilities has two options for continued use: It may be placed out of service and restored to its original capabilities and tested again, or the apparatus may be given a lower rating based on the results of the most recent testing.
- 90 percent
- ** The amount of force exerted by the hydraulic fluid depends on the hydraulic system pressure and the piston surface area. The larger the piston area, the more upward force is produced. Normal hydraulic pressure is from ______to ______ psi.
- 850 to 3000 psi
- ** In aerial ladders made in North America, the fully extended (working) length ranges from ____ to ____ ft.
- 50 to 137 feet
- TQ** The required minimum floor area of a platform is _____ square feet. Each platform must have a rail completely enclosing the floor area with no opening under the railing greater than ____ inches.
- 14 sq feet. 24 inches
- NFPA 1901 requires a __________________________be provided on the bottom of the platform. Firefighters in the platform can operate this nozzle using a quick-actuating lever on the platform floor. NFPA® 1901 requires the nozzle to flow at least ____ gpm.(P557)
- protective water fog curtain nozzle, 75 gpm
- TQ** All elevating platforms must have a minimum load capacity of ____ pounds when the aerial device is fully extended, at any elevation within its normal range of motion, and with no water in the piping system. This load requirement drops to ______ pounds when the water delivery system is charged.
- 750 pounds. 500 pounds
- The water delivery system must be capable of discharging at least ____ gpm at___ psi nozzle pressure when the aerial device is in any position.
- 1000 gpm at 100 psi
- ** Elevating platforms that are 110 feet or shorter should be able to be raised from the bedded position to the maximum elevation and extension and be rotated 90 degrees in _____ seconds or less.
- 150 seconds
- There is no time requirement for elevating platforms taller than _____ feet.
- 110 feet
- TQ* The articulating or telescoping devices most commonly combined with pumpers generally range in height from ____ to _____ feet. (P16.)
- 50 to 75 feet
- Aerial ladder platforms commonly range in size from ____ to ____ feet.
- 85 to 110 feet
- Common sizes of telescoping aerial platforms in use in North America range from __ to ___ feet.
- 75 to 100 feet
- ** In aerial ladders made in North America, the fully extended (working) length ranges from ___ to ____ ft.
- 50 to 137 feet
- Standard articulating aerial platforms range in height from ___ to ___ feet.
- 55 to 85 feet
381.Most water towers are designed so that their fire streams may be deployed at a range of elevations starting from a few degrees below horizontal to nearly 90 degree from the ground. Common sizes for these devices range from ___ to ____ feet. They are capable of maximum flows ranging from ______ to _____ gpm.
- 50 to 130 feet. 1000 to 5000 gpm
- __________________________ are used to discharge elevated master streams for fire attack from the aerial device. (P566) (Not pre piped waterways.)
- Water delivery systems
- The oldest type of pre-piped aerial ladder waterway is the______________, which is a section of pipe, usually 3 or 3 1⁄2 inches in diameter, attached to the underside of the bed (base) section of the aerial ladder. (P567)
- Bed ladder pipe
- ** Ladders that are _____ feet or shorter and equipped with a telescoping water system have piping that extends directly to the tip of the fly section.
- 110 feet or shorter
- ** Most telescoping water systems are capable of flows up to ______ gpm. (P568)
- 1000 gpm
- Detachable ladder pipes are typically limited to flows of less than ____ gpm.
- 750 gpm
- ** Most ladders with detachable ladder pipe appliances restrict the sideways movement of the nozzle to about _____ degrees either side of center. (P571)
- 15 degrees
- ** Because elevating platforms typically have greater load capacities than aerial ladders, the piping on these systems may be larger, and flows of up to ______ gpm are possible on some models.
- 2,000 gpm
- ** Some water towers also have an optional piercing nozzle at the end of the aerial device. This hardened steel nozzle penetrates through sheet metal buildings, aircraft skins, and metal roofs. Once the nozzle pierces the structure, a broken stream nozzle at its tip may be charged at the operator’s control panel. This stream is capable of flows up to _____ gpm.
- 300 gpm
- Electrical power cords are needed to conduct electric power to portable equipment. Common recommended lengths should not exceed ____ feet per reel or cord.
- 200 feet
- Hose distances ______ feet or greater from the hydraulic pump may have a negative effect on tool operation.
- 100 feet
- Many fire agencies choose to carry an extension ladder that is ____ feet or longer to reach fourth-or fifth-story windows that are not accessible with the main aerial device. These ladders are also called “pole” ladders. Due to the extreme weight and awkwardness of this type of ground ladder, these ladders are equipped with “staypoles” or “tormentors” for stability and leverage during the raising of the ladder.
- 40 feet or longer
- Loss control starts from ________________________________and continues throughout the entire incident. (P579)
- the minute companies leave the station
- Since the tiller axle is a steering axle, steering wheel free play must not exceed ____” on a 20” wheel, or ____ degrees on any other sized steering wheel.
- 2 inches. 10 degrees
- TQ** When testing the emergency power unit (EPU), the main hydraulic system should be disengaged and a control valve must be open before turning on the pump to prevent ____________.
- Deadheading
- ** Aerial apparatus placement on the fireground is critically important because aerial devices and ladders have a fixed maximum length, as opposed to pumpers and other fire apparatus that may carry _______ feet of fire hose and can attach more length if they need to be positioned at a great distance from the fire. (P609)
- 1000 feet
- TQ** Moderate to high winds impose a ___________ on the aerial device and may reduce the overall stability by forcing movement for which the apparatus was not designed.
- Dynamic load
- ** Electricity will arc across a gap as large as ____ feet, and all overhead wires or cables should be considered hazardous and dangerous.
- 10 feet
- ** The long-standing fire service standard has been to provide 10 feet of clearance between the aerial device and overhead high-voltage lines energized from _____ to ______ volts, and 50 feet of clearance for high-voltage transmission lines over ________ volts.
- 600 to 50,000 volts. Over 50,000 volts
- Do not work within ____ feet of high-voltage transmission lines.
- 50 feet
- ** NOTE: OSHA recently revised their overhead power line clearances for the construction industry. The new standard requires ____ feet between the device and overhead electric lines of less than 350 kilovolts. For high tensions lines of over 350 kilovolts, OSHA requires _____ feet of clearance.
- 20 feet. 50 feet
- ** Jack-knifing involves turning the tractor at an angle from the trailer. Greatest stability occurs when this angle is approximately ___° from in-line and the aerial device is extended away from this angle. Good stability occurs at angles up to ___°. Beyond ___° stability decreases rapidly.
- 60 degrees. 90 degrees. 90 degrees
- _____________ are those factors that work against the aerial device’s strength. (P621)
- Stresses
- When approaching from the uphill side, the apparatus should park______________, and operate the aerial device from the rear of the truck. (P622)
- past the building
- When approaching from the downhill side, apparatus should be stopped__________________, and the aerial should be operated over the cab. (P622)
- short of the building
- NOTE: If the truck only has two jacks then the direction in which it can be stabilized on the grade is fairly limited. It needs to be facing____________. (P622)
- facing uphill
- ** The maximum loading for any unsupported aerial device occurs when operated at angles between ___° and ____° from horizontal.
- 70 degrees and 80 degrees from horizontal
- ** Most railroad companies advise that vehicles be kept at least ____ feet from the tracks when possible.
- 25 feet
- ** If it becomes absolutely necessary to raise an aerial device across a railroad track, confirm with the railroad company that train traffic has been halted on that set of tracks. Even when a halt confirmation has been received, keep the aerial device at least ____ feet above the level of the rails as an added safety precaution.
- 25 feet
- The apparatus ________________process is perhaps the most critical aspect of preparing an aerial device for use. (P641)
- stabilization
- ** When parked, with the aerial device in its stowed position, the apparatus has a center of gravity located somewhere along the _____________________ of the chassis, between the front and rear axles.
- Longitudinal midline
- ** The type of PTO activation switch varies from manufacturer to manufacturer and may be pneumatic, electric, hydraulic, or a combination of these three. Pneumatic systems require anywhere from _____ to _____ psi air pressure for the PTO to be operated, depending on the manufacturer.
- 50 to 140 psi
- All operators on an aerial device should be equipped with fall restraint ladder belt and tether. This ladder belt and tether should meet the requirements of the NFPA________, Standard on Life Safety Rope and Equipment for Emergency Services.
- NFPA 1983
- Use the 75-80-80 guideline for quick ladder pipe use: 75 degree elevation, 80 percent extended length, and 80 psi nozzle pressure for a ___________tip.
- 1 1⁄2-inch tip
- Use ladder pipes ______________to the rungs on older units, with a maximum lateral movement of _____________ to either side, if lateral movement is allowed. Many new models offer a 180 degree sweep.
- Perpendicular, 15 degrees
- ________stabilizers are the most common stabilizers used on newer apparatus. (P654)
- Box stabilizers
- Correction of lateral unevenness is possible on grades of up to ____ percent (app. 3 degrees), although this can vary depending on the aerial device (check the operators manual for specific vehicle information, for example, some older trucks may be much less than this).
- 5 percent
- A slope of ____ percent means that there is a rise in terrain height of 5 feet for every run of 100 feet of distance.
- 5 percent
- ** Check the manufacturer’s requirements for aerial device loading on grades. Most have restricted loads when operating on grades, some as much as _________ the normal load, and if in the red zone (unsafe load), do not operate the aerial device.
- One-half
- ** All operators on an aerial device should be equipped with fall restraint ladder belt and tether. This ladder belt and tether should meet the requirements of the NFPA _________, Standard on Life Safety Rope and Equipment for Emergency Services.
- NFPA 1983
- ** Use the 75-80-80 guideline for quick ladder pipe use: 75 degree elevation, 80 percent extended length, and 80 psi nozzle pressure for a _____-inch tip.
- 1 ½ inch tip
- ** Use ladder pipes _______________ to the rungs on older units, with a maximum lateral movement of 15 degrees to either side, if lateral movement is allowed. Many new models offer a 180 degree sweep.
- Perpendicular
- True __________________ are permanently attached nozzle systems that can be operated from either the tip of the aerial or one section (fly) lower. (P687)
- pinnable waterways
- ** The limit of ice build-up allowed by NFPA® 1901 is _____ inch on all surfaces.
- ¼ inch
- 1 cubic inch of ice = _______ lb.
- 0.03 lb
- ** Keep aerial device, vehicle, and personnel _____ feet from power lines (if voltage is not known) and _____ feet (____ feet, if possible) from power lines if voltage is 350 Kilovolts or less.
- 50 feet. 10 feet. 20 feet
- ** When removing trapped victims from a roof (or other similarly open, flat areas), the tip of the aerial ladder should be placed so that at least ______feet extends above the edge of the roof.
- 6 feet
- Rope and hardware used with the lifting eye(s) should be appropriate for the load being lifted, should comply with NFPA _____, Standard on Life Safety Rope and Equipment for Emergency Services, and should be rigged by an individual trained in proper rope rescue techniques such as those found in NFPA ______, Standard on Operations and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents.
- NFPA 1983. NFPA 1670
- ** The best way to effect a blitz attack with an elevated master stream is to try to deflect water off the ceiling of the fire room. Water deflection can be accomplished by positioning the aerial device so that the nozzle is about even with the bottom of the window. This position allows water to enter the area at an angle of about _______ degrees.
- 30 degrees
- ______________ — Geographic position of a location or object in relation to sea level. The location may be either above, below, or at sea level. (Glossary)
- Altitude
- _________— Height of a point above sea level or some other reference point. (Glossary)
- Elevation
- _____________________— Electrical monitoring system that will shed electrical load in a predetermined order if the chassis voltage begins to drop below a predetermined level.
- Load Management System
- _____________— Device that “watches” an electrical system for added loads that may threaten to overload the system.
- Load Monitor
- _____________— Device in an electrical system that turns on lights at specified intervals so that the start-up load for all the devices does not occur at the same time.
- Load Sequencer
- _________________ — When an overload condition occurs, the load monitor shuts down less important electrical equipment to prevent the overload.
- Load Shedding
- _________________— Fire hydrant outlet that is 4 inches in diameter or larger.
- Pumper Outlet Nozzle
- _________________— Large-diameter outlet, usually 4 1⁄2 inches, at a hydrant or at the base of an elevated water storage container.
- Steamer Connection
- ________________ — Twisting action or an applied force resulting in a rotational twist.
- Torsional Stress
- ______________— (1) Force that tends to create a rotational or twisting motion. (2) Measurement of engine shaft output. (3) Force that produces or tends to produce a twisting or rotational action.
- Torque