maternity Flashcards
time from fertilization until birth of baby
Nagele’s rule
first day of last menstrual period - 3 months + 7 days + 1 year = estimate date of delivery
pregnant woman
of pregnancies
woman who’s never been pregnant
pregnant for first time
2nd pregnancy or later
of births past 20 weeks gestation
not had birth past 20 weeks gestation
has had at least 1 birth past 20 weeks gestation
gravida, preterm births, abortions/miscarriages, current living children
pregnancy signs: presumptive
amenorrhea/no period, breast enlargement and tenderness, tired, N + V, quickening, ++ urinary frequency
first movement of fetus
pregnancy signs: probable
ballottement, Braxton Hicks contractions, Chadwick’s sign, Hegar’s sign, positive pregnancy test, abdominal and uterine enlargement
fetal movement in response to tapping lower uterus
Chadwick’s sign
light pink-deep violet vaginal wall colour
Hegar’s sign
softening of cervix
pregnancy signs: positive signs
fetal heartbeat. fetal movement. US findings
fundal height
used to measure gestational age of fetus in 2nd and 3rd trimester
fundal height (cm) = fetal age in wks +/- 2 cm
pregnancy changes: cardiovascular
heart displaced up,
increased blood volume, HR, BP, RBC
pregnancy changes: GI
displacement of intestines, N +V, hemorrhoids, constipation
pregnancy changes: endocrine
increased BMR, prolactin, estrogen, and cortisol levels
decreased insulin production
pregnancy changes: resp
compression of lungs, displacement of diaphragm, abdominal breathing, increased RR
pregnancy changes: IG
high sweating, pigmentation
stretch marks
pregnancy changes: GU
dilated uterus, sodium retention
increased renal function
decreased bladder tone
why increased renal function?
increased urea and creatinine clearance
why folic acid?
neural tube defect
nonstress test
noninvasive test to measure fetal heart accelerations in response to fetal movement between 32-34 weeks gestation
nonreactive result = non-normal (blood flow and oxygen to fetus is not adequate)
reactive result = normal (blood flow and oxygen to fetus is adequate)
what to do with nonreactive result?
further testing is needed
result may be due to sleep, maternal prescription drugs, etc.
stress test
triggers contractions and predicts how baby will react during labour
fetal HR slows during contraction = positive result (fetus cannot tolerate contractions, further testing
fetal HR does not slow during contraction = normal (fetus can tolerate contractions)
pregnancy visits
visit doctor every 4 weeks for first 28-32 weeks
every 2 weeks from 32-36 weeks
and every week from 36-40 weeks
stages of labour: first stage
true labour –> full 10 cm dilation of cervix
2-18 hours
stages of labour: second stage
full 10 cm dilation of cervix –> delivery of baby
40 minutes
stages of labour: third stage
delivery of placenta
5-30 minutes
stages of labour: fourth stage
maternal-neonatal bonding period
1-4 hours
what are the 3 phases of first stage of labour?
latent, active, and transitional phase
latent phase
0-3cm dilation of cervix, varying times of contractions
cervical effacement
thinning of cervix
active phase
4-7cm dilation of cervix, contractions 5-8 minutes apart, cervical effacement
transitional phase
8-10cm cervix dilated, 1-2 minute apart contractions that has 60-90 seconds each
types of presentation of baby
cephalic, breech, shoulder
cephalic presentation
head first
breech presentation
bottom first
which presentations of baby may require C section?
breech, shoulder
station of baby
descent in cm above or below midplane
types of station
0, minus, plus
at ischial spine
above ischial spine
below ischial spine
true labour
contractions that become stronger + longer + closer together
cervical dilation + effacement
descent of fetus
false labor
irregular contractions
no dilation or effacement
no descent of fetus
how to help false labour?
preterm labour
after 20th week but before 37th week of gestation
use of Leopold’s Maneuver
determine presentation and position of baby through palpation
types of Leopold’s Maneuver
head, bottom, and back
nursing for abnormal fetal heart rate
change position of mother to L side, O2, stop Pitocin/synthetic oxytocin, increase IV fluids, VS of mother
fetal acceleration
brief increase in FHR for 15 seconds usually due to movement
early decelerations
decrease in FHR during contractions due to head compression
late decelerations
decrease in FHR after the contraction due to placental insufficiency
NOT normal
variable decelerations
due to umbillical cord compression
intervention needed if FHR is <70 bpm for more than 60 seconds
s/s of premature rupture of membranes
fluid pooling, + nitrazine test
nursing for premature rupture of membranes
monitor for infection, no vaginal exams, meds (antibiotics)
prolapsed umbilical cord
compression of cord that affects circulation to fetus
s/s of prolapsed umbilical cord
visible/palpable cord, slow FHR, variable decelerations
nursing priority of prolapsed umbilical cord
elevate fetus lying on cord, place mother into Trendelenburg/feet higher than head, O2, monitor FHR, IV fluids, prepare for birth
*see phone pic
s/s of supine hypotension
motheris pale, cool, dizzy, high HR, low BP
nursing for supine hypotension
put pt on side
placenta previa
placenta low in uterus
s/s of placenta previa
bright red bleeding
nursing for placenta previa
US, no vaginal exam, lay pt on side, monitor bleeding, IV fluids, blood transfusions, C section
abruptio placentae
premature separation of placenta from wall
s/s of abruptio placentae
dark red bleeding, pain
nursing for abruptio placentae
place mother into Trendelenburg/feet higher than head, monitor bleeding, O2, IV fluids, blood transfusions, ASAP DELIVERY
discharge after birth
scant lochia
<2.5cm in 1 hour
light lochia
<10cm in 1 hour
moderate lochia
<15cm in 1 hour
heavy lochia
saturated pad in 1 hour
excessive lochia
saturated pad in 15 mins
PP day and type of lochia
rubra: red, PP day 1-3
serosa: pink PP day 4-10
alba: white, PP day 11-14