Maternal/Newborn Exam 1 Flashcards

- Transverse Lie shoulder presentation
A positive Triple/Quad Screen is what?
- Estriole low
- hCG is high
further testing necessary
Women are hypercoagulable during pregnancy, why?
protective for inevitable blood loss
What does Estrogen do? x6
- stimulates contractions
- increased elasticity of ligaments
- melanin
- decrease GI motility
- Alter’s F & E’s
- Breast Development
HEAD to TOE assesssment postpartum
- Breasts
- Uterus
- Bowel
- Bladder
- Lochia (pad an hr too much)
- Episiotomy (laceration)
- Homans/hemorrhoids/hematoma
- Emotions
What happens to peripheral vascular resistance during pregnancy?
It decreases
What are danger signs of preeclampsia? x4
- severe headache
- abdominal pain
- visual disturbance
- swelling
Interventions for Late Decelerations x6
- IV bolus of LR
- Discontinue oxytocin
- tocolytic drug
- oxygen 10L/min
- reposition
- Amnioinfusion
This is failure to decend due to placenta retention
sub involution
Should not be used if patient has asthma
Etiology for early decelerations
fetal head compression
5 P’s of Labor
- Passage- type of pelvis
- Passenger- size of fetus, presentation
- Powers- contraction/relax uterus, voluntary efforts
- Psyche- maternal emotional status
- partners-relationship of passenger/passage
Why is there a UTI risk during pregnancy?
dilation of renal pevlis and ureters due to progesterone
What is a full term pregnancy?
37-42 weeks
What causes pseudo anemia
more plasma than rbc’s, but both increase
This is a block of sympathetic fibers, contraindicated for a women with hypovolemia?
spinal block
Meds used for bleeding
- oxytocin
- cytocec
- hemobate
- methergen

Longitudinal Lie Vertex Presentation
Meds used to induce labor x5
- prostaglandins (rippening)
- stripping cervix
- rupturing membranes
- catheter w/ balloon
- pitocin (oxytocin)
What does progesterone do?
- gallbladder prolonged emptying
- prevents bile salts from being released
- softening of joints and ligaments
Indications for Episiotomy
- Redness
- Edema
- Ecchymosis (bruising)
- Discharge
- Approximation
Disadvantages of epidural block
Why does blood volume increase during pregnancy?
to reserve blood loss at birth
What does a non stress test show?
- 2 fetal heart accelerations within 20 minutes
- Intact CNS
Etiology for variable deceleration
cord compression
Where is false labor felt
in the abdomen or groin
Types of Lochia
Rubra, Serosa, Alba
What position allows greater perfusion to the fetus?
Wedged to the left
What does hCG do?
maintains corpus luteum until placenta is functioning (21weeks)
Para measures…
how many were living greater than 20 weeks
Pre term
20-36.6 weeks
Biophysical Profile Assess 5 Parameters
- Fetal breathing
- fetal movements
- fetal tone
- amniotic fluid volume
What does relaxin do? x5
- opening/softening of the cervix
- prevents premature contractions
- regulates CV and Renal system
- relax vessels
- excreted by placenta
Why do you give IV fluids when administering epidural?
to keep BP stabilized
What are the 7 cardinal movement of labor
- Descent
- Engagement
- Flexion
- Internal Rotation
- Extension
- Restitution
- External Rotation
- Expulsion
Signs of malpresentation?
- you can feel bony prominence of the head pushing on sacral nerves
- back pain
What are abnormal concentrations of Alphafetoproein associated with
fetal anomalies
Advantages of using epidural block?
blocks pain and patient is fully awake
Why do hematocrit and hemoglobin levels drop during 1st and 2nd trimester?
because of blood volume expansion
How do you wake a baby up if sleeping?
Vibroacoustic Monitor
What does amniotic fluid tell you?
good organ development, placental function
What happens to heart rate during pregnancy
it increase 15-20 bpm
How many arteries/veins does a fetus have
- 2 arteries (deox to placenta)
- 1 vein (oxgenated away)
Should not be used if patient has preeclampsia
Causes for late decelerations x4
- uteroplacental insufficiency
- impaired xchange of waste products
- hypo/hypertension
- excessive uterine stimuli