Maneuvers Flashcards
Approach to or Stall Pilot Flying
Initiate the recovery:
- Hold control column
- Disconnect A/P and A/T
- Smoothly apply nose down elevator until buffet or stick shaker stops
- Nose down stab trim may be required
Continue the recovery:
- Roll in the shortest direction to wings level if needed
- Advance thrust levers if required
- Retract the Speedbrakes
- Do no change gear or flap configuration except after T/O if flaps are clean may select flaps 1
Complete the recovery:
- Check airspeed and adjust thrust as needed
- Establish a pitch attitude
- Return to the desired flight path
- Reconnect automatics if desired
Approach to or Stall recovery Pilot monitoring
Initiate the recovery:
- Monitor altitude and airspeed
- Verify all required actions have been done and call out any ommissions
- Call out any trend toward terrain contact.
Continue the recovery:
- As above with the selection of flap if the PF called for it
Complete the recovery:
- As in Initiate the recovery
RTO reject criteria
Prior to 80 knots:
- Activation of the master caution system
- System failure(s)
- Unusual noise or vibration
- Tire failure
- Abnormally slow acceleration
- Takeoff config warning
- Fire or Fire Warning
- Engine failure
- Predictive windshear warning
- If a side window opens
- In the airplane is unsafe or unable to fly
Over 80kts but below V1
- Fire or Fire warning
- Engine Failure
- Predictive windshear warning
- If the airplane is unsafe or unable to fly
RTO actions Captain
Without delay:
- Close thrust levers, disengage A/T, apply maximum wheel brakes or operation of RTO autobrake
- If RTO Autobrake is used, monitor system performance and apply manual wheel brakes if the AUTO BRAKE DISARM light illuminates or deceleration is inadequate.
- Raise speedbrake lever
- Apply max reverse thrust consistent for the conditions
- Continue max braking until certain that the airplane will stop on the runway.
RTO actions First Officer
Verify the following actions as follows and call out any ommissions:
- Thrust levers closed
- A/T disengaged
- Max brakes are applied
- Verify speedbrake lever UP and call ‘Speedbrakes up’, if speedbrake lever is not up call ‘Speedbrakes not up’
- When reverse thrust is applied and indications are green call ‘Reversers Normal’, If no reversers or one reverser call ‘No reverser number (1/2)’ or ‘No reversers’
- Call out 60kts
- Communicate the reject to the tower as soon as practical
After RTO Considerations
Brake cooling schedule (Performance Inflight)
Possibility of wheel fuse plugs melting
The need to clear the runway
The requirement for remote parking
Wind direction in case of fire
Alerting the fire equipment
Advising the ground crew of a hot brake hazard
Advising passengers of the need to remain seated or to evacuate
Completing the non-normal checklist (if appropriate) for the conditions that caused the RTO
GPWS warnings 'PULL UP' 'TERRAIN TERRAIN PULL UP' 'OBSTACLE OBSTACLE PULL UP' or. Other situations resulting in unacceptable flight towards terrain.
- Disconnect automatics
- Aggressively apply maximum thrust
- Simultaneously roll wings level and rotate to an initial 20* pitch attitude
- Retract speedbrakes
- If terrain is still a threat, rotate up to the PLI or stick shaker
- Dont change gear or flap configuration until separation is assured
- Monitor radio altimeter for sustained or increasing terrain distance
- When clear of terrain, slowly decrease pitch attitude and accelerate
- Ensure maximum thrust
- Verify all actions have been completed and call out any ommissions
- Monitor vertical speed and altitude and terrain clearance trends
Always comply with a RA over ATC #
Do not use flight director commands until clear of the conflict #
A Descend RA issued below 1000’ shouldnt be followed, a level off should be commenced instead #
- If maneuvering is required, disengage automatics and adjust pitch and thrust to satisfy the command.
Climb RA in landing configuration:
- Disengage A/P and A/T
- Advance thrust levers forward to ensure maximum thrust is attained and call for Flaps 15
- Adjust pitch attitude to follow the RA
- Verify positive rate of climb and select ‘gear up’
- Attempt to make visual contact
- Dont maneuver unless visual contact is made and is needed.
Upset Recovery definitions
Pitch attitude greater than 25* nose up
Pitch attitude greater than 10* nose down
Bank angle greater than 45* or
Within the above parameters but flying at airspeeds inappropriate for the conditions
Nose High Recovery
Recognise and confirm the situation
- Disconnect A/P and A/T
- Apply as much as full nose down elevator
- Apply appropriate nose down stabiliser
- Reduce thrust
- Roll to obtain a nose down pitch rate
Complete the recovery:
- When approaching the horizon, roll wings level
- Check airspeed and adjust thrust
- Establish pitch attitude
- Call out attitude, airspeed and altitude throughout the recovery
- Verify all required actions have been completed and call out any ommissions
Nose Low Recovery
Recognise and confirm the situation
- Disconnect A/P And A/T
- Recover from stall, if required
- Roll in the shortest direction to wings level (unload and roll is bank angle is more than 90 degrees)
Recover to level flight
- Apply nose up elevator and trim if required
- Apply thrust and drag as required
- Call out attitude, airspace and altitude throughout the recovery
- Verify all required actions have been completed and call ommissions
Windshear Warnings
Predictive Windshear on the runway warning and actions
Windshear, Windshear ahead #
- Prior to V1, reject takeoff
- After V1, perform the windshear escape maneuver
- If close to Vr and airspeed drops, rotate slow to get airborne.
- Ensure you rotate before 2000’ to the end of the runway
Windshear warnings
Predictive windshear during the approach alert and actions
Go-around, Windshear ahead #
Perform the windshear escape maneuver, or, at the pilots discretion, perform a normal go-around.
Windshear warnings
Windshear encountered during flight
Other indications include, unacceptable flight path deviations below 1000’ AGL in excess of the following;
- 15kts indicated airspeed
- 500fpm vertical speed
- 5* pitch attitude
- 1 dot displacement from glideslope
- unusual thrust lever position for a significant period of time
Windshear escape Maneuver
- Disconnect A/P
- Press either TOGA switch
- Aggressively apply maximum thrust
- Disconnect A/T
- Simultaneously roll wings level and rotate toward an initial pitch attitude of 15*
- Retract speedbrakes
- follow flight director TOGA guidance ( if available )
- Press either TOGA switch (if TOGA available)
- Verify TOGA annunciation
- Verify GA Thrust
- Retract Speedbrakes
- Monitor system performance
- Do not change flap or gear configs until windshear is gone
- Monitor V/S and altitude
- Dont attempt to regain lost airspeed until windshear is gone.
PM Actions:
- Monitor thrust
- Call out any ommissions
- Call out any trend towards terrain
Unable to comply, Windshear escape ( if atc instruction is conflicting)