Mandatory Competency Flashcards
what is a good thing about using timber and recycle steel?
Timber and recycle steel is low carbon
What is the Rics guidance note on sustainability?
Environmental risk and global
What is EPC used for
Highest standards
Calculate EPC for buildings
EPC is required for selling leasing and modifying a building
If there has been changed to boilers or air-conditioning systems have been upgraded then a new EPC certificate will be required
How to achieve net zero carbon
Achieve 78% by 2030 and net zero carbon by 2050
Ethical standards for sustainability
You should consider social economical environmental standards
And ESG is ethical investments
What are the Rics five principles for better regulations
Ethics verse rules
Ethics are set of moral value and rules of conduct are what we work to
What is the Rics professional standards?
Alright, global professional and ethical standards 2022
What are the five rules of ethics?
Act within integrity
Maintain professional competence
Provide good service
Treat others with respect
Act in public interest
What are the 5 Csof negotiation?
Concentrate on the interest
Create options for mutual
Consider alternatives
Communicate effectively
Commit to a fair process
How might you differ your approach to negotiation with acting for a landlord or tenant?
Attendant has more flexibility and cost control, whereas the landlord is the one that will be at the lock
The tenant hold the bunny and the tenant ultimately decides how much landlord is gonna get
The tenant may look extended looking at rent review and may use this as leverage
What are the disadvantages of using an external principle designer?
One incurs additional project cost
To the PD may have lack of in-depth project knowledge
There may be communication challenges
That could be limited availability for them to assess
They could also be confidentiality concerns about sharing project information
The client and the main contractor may have less direct control over external PD in House resource
Explain the difference between alternative dispute resolution methods
mediation and negotiation of parties
Arbitration expert determination of control to the third
With regards to binding arbitration is typically bind
Mediation and conciliation are non-binding parties agreed to a solution
Ranges from informal negotiation to more formal arbitration
Third-party involvement involved with negotiation
Mediation focuses on interest in relationships and arbitration will focus on legal rights and positions
Cost and time less expensive and faster than litigation arbitration
What is negotiation?
Negotiation as parties directly discussing the dispute to reach a mutual agreeable mutual acceptable
No third party is involved and it’s informal and flexible is the least expensive and most
What is mediation?
Mediation is a neutral third-party mediator who facilities discussions between parties
A mediator doesn’t make decision but helps parties reach their own agreement is voluntary
Binding it is also a confidential process
And can help preserve relationships
What is arbitration?
Arbitration has a neutral third-party object Rated who has evidence that makes a new decision
This decision is more formal than mediation but less formal then court
It can be binding And non-binding
It often faster or less expensive than litigation
What is conciliation?
Conciliation is similar to mediation, but the conciliator takes a more active
Is non-binding his parties agreed to the proposed solution often using employment consumer disputes
What is conciliation?
Conciliation is similar to mediation, but the conciliator takes a more active
Is non-binding his parties agreed to the proposed solution often using employment consumer disputes
What is expert determination?
Determination is independent expert who decides on a specific issue
Often use technical evaluation
Usually it is binding but can be non-binding if
Is faster more focused and arbitration
What is BS8 300?
BS 8300 design of an accessible and inclusive inbuilt environment
What are some regulations for inclusive environments?
BS8 300
Building regulations part M
The qualities act 2010
What is the Rics professional paper on conflict of interest?
Conflict of interest 2017
When did the Rics rules of conduct come out?
The rules of conductor 2021, however they started in February 2022
In relation to corruption, what is the regulation?
Bribery and corruption act 2010
What is a regulation that has to be followed in regards to selling services?
Section 18 consumer acts right 2015
What should you follow if you receive a complaint?
Follow the Rics guidance note on complaint handling 2016
What is the Rics guidance note on Client money handling?
Rics client money handling 2019
What is the Rics professional indemnity insurance requirements and where can you find them?
These can be found on the RICS PII requirements 2017
What is the Rics motto?
There is measure in all things
What is Rics mission?
To qualify an equipment members to the highest standards
Promote an enforce standards
To lead solutions within the built environment
When was Rics founded?
The Rics was founded in 1868
What is the structure of the Rics?
Bylaws determine regulation Royal chartered was granted in 1881
Do you have the privy council?
Governing council
Other bodies such as tribunal and standard board and committee
What is the difference between adjudication and arbitration?
Adjudication arbitration are both alternative to speak resolution methods
Introduce adjudication of adjudicator often expert in the field in arbitration do you have an arbiter or panel of arbitrators?
Arbitration is usually binding and final and adjudication is temporary binding with the option to change in court later
Often less expensive than arbitration
Education confidential arbitration is highly confidential with proceedings being kept private