Managing Insulin Therapy Flashcards
Insulin peaks
around meal time
Mixed Insulin
Combination of SA with longer-acting NPH-like insulin in one injection
Mixed advantage
Advantage: decreases number of shots potentially while providing both types of insulin coverage
Mixed disadvantage
Disadvantage: Harder to fine-tune
Types of mix
70/30: Aspart (Novalog) Mix: 70% insulin aspart protamine (likeNPH), 30% aspart (like Novalog)
50/50 Humalog Mix: 50% insulin lispro protamine (like NPH), 50% lispro (Humalog)
70/30 Regular Mix: 70% NPH, 30% Regular
clinical indications for insulin type 1
Diabetes Mellitus
Evidence of ongoing catabolism (weight loss)
Symptoms of hyperglycemia are present
Clincial indications for insulin type 2
◦ A1c>10%
◦ Blood glucose levels (≥300 mg/dL)
◦ Consider:
◦ Effect of treatment on cardiovascular and renal comorbidities, efficacy, hypoglycemia risk, impact on weight, cost, risk for
side effects, and patient preferences
◦ GLP-1 Agonist or SGLT-2 Cotransporter may be preferable
Administer 50% of daily insulin as ___ and 50% as ____*.
basal (throughout the day)
prandail (meail time
Total daily insulin requirements can be estimated based on weight give details amounts regardin this
◦ Typical doses range from 0.3* to 1.0 units/kg/day
higher doses are requried during
puberty, pregnancy, and medical illness.
The American Diabetes Association/JDRF Type 1 Diabetes Sourcebook notes
0.5 units/kg/day as a typical starting dose in patients with type 1 diabetes who
are metabolically stable
◦ half administered as prandial insulin given to control blood glucose after meals and the other half as basal insulin to control glycemia in the periods between meal absorption
Multidose regimens for patients with type 1 diabetes combine
emeal use of shorter-acting insulins with a longer-acting formulation,
usually at night
Patient should have
regimen closest to physiologic insulin pattern
Patient needs to have emergency plan for hypoglycemia
Patient needs to have “sick day” plan when oral intake is compromised
Each 15 gm CHO serving raises BG approximately
50 mg/dL.
1 unit bolus of insulin lowers glucose approximately
20 to 60
The rule of 1,500 enables the provider to find
the CF or how much 1 unit of insulin will lower
blood glucose for high blood glucose levels (usually >140 to 150 mg/dL). First, calculate the
total daily dose (TDD) of insulin as basal + bolus—about 50% of each. Then divide 1,500 by
the TDD. For example, 1,500 divided by 30 units per day of insulin equals 50. One unit of
short-acting insulin will drop glucose 50 mg/dL. For rapid-acting insulin, use 1,800 as the
basis for calculation.